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STOP THE STEAL Part II: How can the Democrat Vote-rigging Industrial Complex be stopped this November?

12-8-2024 < Natural News 24 642 words

STOP THE STEAL Part II: How can the Democrat Vote-rigging Industrial Complex be stopped this November?

Anyone who suspects that the Democrats stole the 2020 POTUS election is only seeing the very tip top of the iceberg of corruption that’s built in like an infrastructure nobody could ever even conjure up, well, except the insidious Democratic deep state. Who guards the ballots? Who validates them? Communists are notorious for executing mass fraud in elections, but one proven way to counter this fraud is get honest hands on the legitimate vote tally sheets BEFORE the steal happens. Then the ballots “counted” can be reconciled properly. This is how the opposition party in Venezuela is proving that the communist Maduro Regime did NOT won the presidential election, even though Maduro claimed he had won very early on.

Long printouts called tally sheets are best proof of legitimate election results, and if conservatives in the USA don’t get these, Obamala Harris could win

In Venezuela, nearly 100,000 volunteers took to the polls to WATCH near the voting machines and obtain a copy of the tally sheets printed from electronic voting machines, which we need to have done in America, especially for certain vote machines. The volunteers get to the polls before they open and remain until after the polls close. The sheets are then printed BEFORE the results are transmitted to the councils. Not one single polling center should be left to transmit without having printed the tally sheets for conservative representatives.

Representatives have the right to these tally sheets, but nobody in America seems to be gearing up to protect the polls in November. There’s no Covid, so no kicking out all the conservative poll watchers this year at midnight, until the next morning, when the machines all suddenly say the communists took the lead away from Trump in every big county in every swing state, all overnight.

In 2020 in the USA, tens of millions of ballots that were mailed in and crammed into drop boxes in stacks were never verified by tally before being transmitted and certified. That’s where the massive cheat took place by the Democrat Voting Industrial Complex. Covid was the perfect cover story for needing everyone to be able to vote from home or do a “drive by” drop in at the city corner.

A “landslide” win for Trump still won’t matter if the machines can simply flip 7,000 votes at a time away from Trump’s troves and into the Obamala war chest. Conservatives need “election integrity groups” at every single poll in America, not just a handful in the swing states. The People’s Audit and FATE 2024 groups are working hard now to identify records and clean up millions of voter rolls in key states like North Carolina, Georgia, Florida and Texas, and they’re moving into other swing states as you read this.

As far as mail-in ballots, there should not be even close to as many as came in during the plandemic, so reconciliations should all be performed DAILY at precincts and thoroughly verified through observation, record collection and independent validation (with any and all corrections fixed before certification). From the looks of the Trump rallies and since Obamala Harris is completely hiding from the world so she won't regurgitate any more huge gaffs, it looks like a landslide win coming for the Republic to be saved. On the other hand, when it's quiet, you know the Demoncrats are planning their next staged event.

Conservatives are not looking to cheat, because we know, with a free and fair election, Trump will pummel Obamala Harris, or any other dunderhead Cretan the Dems switch into place in the next three months.

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