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The NAZIFIED EU and Democrat Party, by Paul Craig Roberts

19-8-2024 < UNZ 18 984 words

A question of our time is why do Europeans put up with the tyrannical EU scum?

As I previously reported, the EU has told Elon Musk that they, not he, control the content of his interview on X with Donald Trump. The EU is an unelected governing body. Yet it claims to be democratic. It claims to be defending democracy in Ukraine currently being governed, if it can be called that, by an unelected president. The EU claims to be protecting European democracy from Russia, but there are no democratic governments in Europe. Not a single European government including the UK represents the population that is the ethnic basis of the country. In every European country the government sides with the immigrant-invaders against the native population.

The white European populations cannot protest the lost of their country, much less organize, in their own defense. Their feeble protests are officially regarded as hate speech and hate crimes. The leaders or organizers of protests are arrested and protesters are beaten. Sometimes the immigrant-invaders join the police in beating up the white protesters whose country is being stolen. It is extraordinary that white police take the side of immigrant-invaders against their own kind. This tells you that ethnic nationality in Europe is dead and gone. Race loyalty exists only among immigrant-invaders.

We have been recently witnessing this, or at least those of us who know to use alternative media, in Great Britain, now known by the letters, UK, because it is no longer great. When I was born Britain was still a major power, but today it cannot even stand up to immigrant-invaders and has prostituted itself before them, even subjecting itself to an Indian prime minister.

The new British prime minister, himself a white ethnic Briton, came out fiercely against his native people and for the immigrant-invaders, threatening all sorts of punishments for those opposing the occupation of their country by hostile cultures.

If the British were capable of fighting for their country and hung the excrement posing as the Prime Minister off the closest lamp post to 10 Downing Street, overran every police station and rearmed themselves, they could restore British control over Briton, but British confidence is so depleted that they are not capable of it. Neither are the Germans, the Italians, the Dutch, Belgiums, Swedes, Norwegians. Yet the EU tells all of these countries to get prepared for war with Russia! It is extraordinary, isn’t it? Europe is incapable of defending its own borders from unarmed hordes, but it is preparing for war with Russia!

Even the Irish are submitting to their intentional over-running by immigrant-invaders sicced on them by “their own government.”


I just heard from a white woman in Ireland that her village or small town recently woke up one morning and found that the Irish government had dumped 200 young male immigrant-invaders of military age on their village. She read the reports to say that, as the new arrivals had no women with them, Irish women were expected to provide sexual comfort, so please no complaints about rapes.

What a joke Europe is. With 2,000 Southern American rednecks, I could conquer all of Europe. What European ethnic is going to fight for an anti-white European government?

What do the fools in these governments think is going to happen to them if they go to war with Russia? Who thinks that All of Europe plus America has an army the equivalent of the German Wehrmacht that invaded Russia? The dumbshits who talk about attacking China must all be strung out on crack cocaine.

Attack Russia and die. Attack China and die. The US and NATO are incapable of even attacking Iran unless they hurry up as the Russian S-400 air defense system is in the process of being set up in Iran. No American or Israeli missiles and aircraft are capable of penetrating it.

Mindlessness rules the Western world. This is true even of MAGA Trump supporters where one would hope awareness prevails. It doesn’t.

I have previously reported that we have every indication that the 2024 election will be stolen for the Democrats just as was the 2020 and 2022 elections. The American whore media has turned Kamala from a non-candidate with zero support into a candidate that is leading Trump, especially in the swing states where the fraudulent election procedures have all been legalized and, at least in some of them, challenges to the vote has been criminalized.

What are the Republicans saying about the Democrats in blue states overturning the ban on vote drop boxes standing on street corners? What are they saying about the Democrats’ intention to punish those, including poll watchers, who report fraud? They are saying nothing. They only ask for more money. The election, Republican fundraisers say, depends on money. In other words, Republicans themselves admit that if Kamala raises more money she will win. So the Republican fundraisers contribute to the Democrats’ theft of the election.

So, once again, the Republicans, wimps incapable of fighting, are walking into a stolen election.

The Democrats are organized. They have a fanatical woke, anti-white, anti-Christian aganda of turning the United States into a Soddom & Gomorrah Tower of Babel.

The agenda of the Republican Party is to keep control of the party from an outsider’s hands, such as Trump’s. You can see who is going to win this election.
