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Surgery is not Pharmaceutical Medicine, so Pharma should stop taking credit for it…

20-8-2024 < Attack the System 24 1181 words
We are told we are living longer due to pharmaceutical medicine, but all the major medical breakthroughs in recent decades have been in the real of surgery and trauma crisis care. The field of regenerative medicine looks very promising – but it’s still just in its infancy. What we have got up until now are things like the invention of kidney dialysis machines, technology to aid emergency surgery, the mastery of hip and knee replacements, organ transplantation, internal hemorrhages, skin grafts, the treatment of broken bones, lacerations, cuts and contusions, and the cardiopulmonary bypass machine (which allows surgeons to perform intricate heart surgery by providing the body with an external lung and heart,) and things like that. If you break a bone, need reconstructive surgery or have to have something removed from your body, then the medical field is full of miracle workers. But here’s where people get confused and the lines get blurred. Surgery is not the same as the treatment of disease.They’ll tell you all they need are a few more years and a lot more funding to finally crack the cure to your disease. The sad truth is, if that was going to happen it probably would have happened by now. Americans are already spending four trillion a year ($4,000,000,000,000) on mainstream medicine, and with what result?

Diabetes is skyrocketing, Alzheimer’s disease is through the roof, autism has reached unprecedented levels, obesity is off the charts, arthritis is endemic, cancer is epidemic, the rates of multiple sclerosis, lupus, asthma, and migraines, have all hit the ceiling! More people suffer from stress, anxiety, and depression, have acid reflux, ulcers and stomach problems than ever before. More people are on psychiatric drugs. From 1999 to 2012 the percentage of Americans on antidepressants nearly doubled.

More kids are being diagnosed with ADD, ADHD, insomnia, bad skin, acne, dandruff and other conditions. We have obesity epidemics. The number of smokers has fallen but the number addicted to sugar, caffeine, additives and other stimulants continues to soar. Not to mention the tremendous rise in addictions to prescription medications. America, we are told, is in the midst of an opioid crisis.

Despite $500 billion or more being spent in the war against cancer, we have a one in three chance of contracting cancer today as compared to with a one in ten chance back in the 1970s. According to The National Center for Health Statistics, the age-adjusted death rate for cancer in the United States has actually increased by 74 percent from the beginning to the end of the twentieth century. Statistics are often bent to make it look like more people are living longer after cancer treatment because the cancer was detected earlier. Why do they have to deceive to the public to make it look like they are making progress when they’re not? Can’t they come clean with us and let us make our own judgements on what kind of treatments we want based on the data? It’s regularly reported that most oncologists and healthcare workers dealing with cancer will not take chemo.

Get this. Despite the massive PR campaign and a century of being in charge of all the medical universities, scientific journals, hospitals, public health institutions including the CDC, AMA, FDA, NIH and WHO, writing all the textbooks, and directing the untold trillions spent on medical research – much of it taken from the taxpayer – mainstream, allopathic medical science has not been able to cure a single one of the major degenerative, metabolic, or autoimmune disease that are most likely to affect the average person during their lifetime on earth. In fact, all of them have all become more common.

I’m talking about all diseases, ranging from irritating skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis, to acid reflux, to life-destroying conditions like chronic fatigue and colitis, to long term, chronic, life-threatening conditions like diabetes, heart disease and Parkinson’s disease. They still are no closer to a cure than they were from the 1950s for anything, including the common cold, let alone cancer.

In addition to that, Medical Care has become the third leading cause of death in the United States according to the American Medical Association’s own figures, after heart disease and cancer. You may find even more damning information in alternative sources which expose the record of authorities putting out information that is false or misleading, but you don’t have to go that far – because the official figures are bad enough! It’s all in plain view for all to see – if only they’d look!

Drugs are dangerous and should be treated like they are dangerous, but they get handed out left and right because someone is making a killing from them, and people innocently believe their doctor wouldn’t prescribe anything that could harm them.

When you consider that 70% of disease is lifestyle related (according to an often cited, and very well researched report published in The New England Journal of Medicine in 1993, you might conclude, quite crudely, that if only a small percentage of the $4 trillion America currently spends on healthcare was simply used bribe people to eat healthy and take exercise classes, then we might have done a better job of reversing the leading causes of death than mainstream medicine has.

Robert Whitaker, author of Anatomy of an Epidemic (2010), explains that when they compared people on SSRIs to people on exercise therapy, they found that after sixteen weeks, people on exercise and drugs performed saw the greatest improvement in their condition. But after ten months they found that people did better on exercise therapy alone than they did taking exercise in conjunction with antidepressants. This was not just because exercise boosts out moods, although it does, but also because it gave the test subjects a sense of efficacy and a belief that they could change their own circumstances, rather than the resignation which condemning people to a life of dependency on psychiatric meds will tend to provoke. But a life of dependency of psychiatric meds is good business for drug companies and psychiatrists.

We are constantly told that people are not willing to change but that’s because the doctors just send them off to do it on their own (if they even give them health advice.) But when Duke University Medical Center instituted a program to prevent congestive heart failure, including nutritionists helping patients improve their diets, the number of hospital admissions for congestive heart failure declined, and patients who were admitted spent less time at the hospital, bringing the costs down for in insurers by 37%. With such astonishing results to boast, you’d think programs like these would have been rolled out across the country by now. But they haven’t – and under the current system, they won’t. Because as a consequence of the program Duke lost money!

Clearly our dependence on drugs is more about economics than it is about human health or wellbeing.

I write a lot more about how we can prevent disease and save a tonne of money in my book Big Pharma – Guess It Quacks Like A Duck, please get a copy!

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