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I’m Not Voting for Cheeto Bush

21-6-2024 < Counter Currents 31 1994 words

1,830 words

After talking about mass deportations of illegal immigrants and describing them as “poisoning the blood of our country” to the dismay of many an elderly NPR listener, Donald Trump has now proposed giving a green card to anyone who graduates from college, even with only a two-year Associate’s degree.

Trump’s reversal on immigration coincided with his projected electoral fortunes changing. Israel’s genocide in Gaza and rumors of a draft have undermined Biden’s support among young voters, the lawfare antics against Trump in New York backfired, and dishonest reporting about the true state of the economy and crime can only go so far until it, too, backfires. But most importantly, many Jewish Zionist donors — such as Miriam Adelson, the widow of Sheldon Adelson — have recently pledged vast financial support to Trump.

In earlier times, Republicans at least had the basic courtesy to wait until they were in office to betray their voters. Trump is so greedy that he can’t even wait until January to start publicly dividing the spoils of the decaying Global American Empire among his Zionist and corporate backers.

This is obscenely immoral. And like most things which are immoral, it is also profoundly stupid. Niccolò Machiavelli counseled rulers to build their support among the people rather than the nobles, because the nobles are always looking to either oppress one another or the people, while the people want neither to oppress others nor be oppressed, which makes them easy to please. When applied to modern politics, the pseudo-elites of the donor class are always trying to oppress others by squeezing more wealth out of the American worker, or by terrorizing Third World countries on behalf of Israel and the military-industrial complex. They also frequently engage in corporate power struggles while looking for tax breaks and the like.

Meanwhile, the people have been so brutalized that they will fanatically support someone who makes their lives a little less miserable — or at this point, even just stabilizes the decline. The bar is extremely low for obtaining widespread popular support. But the GOP, including Trump, are so greedy, short-sighted, and disdainful toward the common man to the point of malevolence that they cannot even manage that.

By prematurely betraying his base once victory seems assured, there is ironically now a substantial chance that Trump will manage to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Due to the Electoral College system (which, while useful for preserving rural power as was intended, has become moribund and is one of many reasons for a National Divorce), the 2024 presidential election will be decided by seven battleground states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. In May, Trump had a strong lead in Nevada, Georgia, Michigan, and Arizona, and a slight lead in Pennsylvania.

Having taken the voters for granted, Trump now risks losing them. For decades the white working class was decimated by illegal immigrants, most of whom were Hispanic. It is obvious that handing out citizenship to foreigners who graduate from college (an easy task these days due to how much academia has been dumbed down) will result in the white middle class also being decimated. The only real difference will be that the Great Replacement will be carried out by legal Indians instead of illegal Mexicans.

These battleground states will be decided by a small number of swing voters, many of whom are white, middle-class suburbanites. The average swing voter may not be particularly smart or racially aware, but they don’t need to be to know that this policy will be a disaster.

Likewise, the cat is out of the bag that immigrants tend to vote Democrat. As if perfectly timed by the Fates to rebuke Trump’s policy, Project Veritas published leaked audio of a State Department official stating that “[t]raditional, standard Americans are not Leftists. Latin Americans are all Leftists. This is just to try and change the demographics [of the United States].” Republicans and voters who lean Republican may tend to be complacent about being racially replaced, but they have higher sensitivity to being electorally replaced.[1]

Additionally, there has been the issue of native-born Americans of all races being in a zero-sum game for college seats and scholarships. Likewise, white Americans have to further contend with affirmative action and the fact that many private scholarships are race-based, with very few being merit based. In fact, it was racial scholarships which sealed the deal on my own radicalization.

Due to their anti-white animus, it is predictable that colleges will give even higher priority to foreign and illegal students. Ordinary voters will naturally ask why there are so many foreign students when many native-born Americans have trouble affording college, and why Trump of all people would want to further incentivize them to come here to compete with them and their children.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s Toward a New Nationalism here.

Furthermore, that these immigrants need to get a degree from an American college undermines the perennial, yet false, argument that immigrants boost the economy. If they were really all that great economically, they would already come here with an education, or at the very least they would pay their own way through college instead of soaking up the limited scholarship and grant money.

What’s particularly bizarre is that “stapling green cards to diplomas” was a former policy position of Charlie Kirk of Turning Point USA. Kirk reversed his position on this due to the immense pressure leveraged against him during the “groyper wars” of 2019, followed by criticism from Tucker Carlson. Yet, Trump has chosen to resurrect this failed policy from the grave. We beat this nonsense out of Charlie Kirk. Perhaps it is time for another groyper war to beat it out of Trump.

Due to Trump prioritizing Jewish donors over ordinary voters, it is also likely that an interventionist foreign policy will accompany his weak immigration policy. Trump is already telegraphing that he will slavishly support Israel. This completely undermines Trump’s position with young voters, who are significantly less Zionist than their elders, and most importantly, at risk of being drafted. As a previous Homeland Institute poll found, a draft would be deeply unpopular, especially among the youth.[2] And while it is unlikely to be passed by the Senate, the House of Representatives recently voted to automatically register men 18 to 26 for selective service, which sends a clear signal to the youth that the regime would be happy to send them to die for Israel and their donors.

Trump being soft on legal immigration naturally undermines any hope that he will be strong on illegal immigration via mass deportations. At best, we might get a few token deportations which will be dwarfed by tidal waves of foreign students, similar to how we got “artistically-designed steel slats” last time instead of a proper border wall.

That Trump is such an enthusiastic slave to his Jewish donors also casts doubt on whether he would be strong on any populist policy at all, but especially freeing and pardoning the January 6ers. My friend Christian Secor, who has begun to write for Counter-Currents, sat in Mike Pence’s magic chair of Our Democracy™ on January 6, and had the book thrown at him by a midwit RINO judge appointed by none other than Orange Man himself. I will not easily forgive or forget that Trump went off to golf at Mar-a-Lago and didn’t even mention the plight of the January 6 heroes until almost two years later, when it was expedient for the midterms. After this dishonorable conduct, can we expect Trump to actually pardon everyone involved? Knowing Trump, the now-standard GOP line of pardoning non-violent offenders will quickly become pardoning only a few — and then hardly any.

Similarly, while Trump has funneled money to law firms representing January 6 witnesses, this appears to only be in regard to the January 6 Committee, which is self-serving. I have not found any evidence that this obese, decadent billionaire has paid even a single cent to actual January 6 defendants. So much for solidarity. Are we to believe that Trump will express solidarity with the common voter when he expresses none with his most ardent supporters?

Having collaborated with these Jewish donors, it is even less likely now that Trump will do anything about anarcho-tyranny. While the FBI and the Department of Justice have most certainly persecuted Trump, their main job is to persecute white advocacy on behalf of Jewish interests. Every new FBI thug visits a Holocaust museum in partnership with the Anti-Defamation League for a reason. For all his bluster about vengeance, it is unlikely that Trump will defund, let alone abolish, the FBI or the DOJ given that they operate as his Jewish donors’ personal state terror apparatus.

We should also look beyond the 2024 election. Whoever wins will probably face both a market crash and current international conflicts expanding into a broader global conflict (I hesitate to call this scenario World War III). If this happens under Trump’s watch, it would perfectly set Gavin Newsom up for a presidential victory in 2028, regardless of Trump’s actual responsibility for what happens. Newsom would be worse than Biden because he is both competent and charismatic. It is likely that he would cement the pastel Soviet Union which the Biden regime has tried to implement, and it was in fact largely successful in doing so until October 7 and the Trump conviction. If a Democrat is in office until then, there will be better hope for a true national populist restoration in 2028.

If Trump wins and is not properly disciplined (which will be even harder to do once in office), it is clear that we will have further Zionist wars of aggression, corporate greed, and inaction or outright treason on immigration. There will probably be a market crash similar to the 2008 crisis, which conveniently paved the way for Obama’s victory — except that this time, it will be Newsom.

Trump has become Cheeto Bush, and I’m not voting for Cheeto Bush.

I am not saying vote for Biden. But I am certainly not voting for Trump. I will probably abstain. The GOP base has been systematically abused in large part because they are white, and Jews hate whites, but the fact that Republicans have proven to be reliable voters despite constant betrayal is another reason. Unlike some pundits, I don’t think that White Nationalists singlehandedly caused the red wave to emerge as a red dribble in 2022. But people who are adjacent to us and who feel that their government doesn’t care for them certainly did. By refusing to play along, we can become a power which the parties have to actually pander to. We need not be a majority. Even 5-10% of the electorate can wield power by deciding elections if they are stubborn.

If I do vote, it will be for Jar Jar Binks — because that is all the respect that a multi-racial liberal democracy deserves.


[1] The Homeland Institute, “Immigration and Repatriation,” June 14, 2024. See Part 3: “Priorities: Money, Electoral Politics, and Race.”

[2]Foreign Policy, Non-Interventionism, and the Draft,” January 13, 2024. See Part VI: “Is a Draft Feasible?”
