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Are Americans Worried About Illegals Voting? Here’s What the Data Says…

15-8-2024 < SGT Report 15 382 words

by William Upton, The National Pulse:

Americans are increasingly concerned about noncitizen voters illegally casting ballots in federal elections. New data from Rasmussen Reports indicates that 55 percent of American voters believe it is likely that noncitizens influence election results where they live. The polling data suggests that noncitizen voters are beginning to receive attention among the electorate after being dismissed by the corporate media for years.

The Rasmussen Reports poll also reveals an overwhelming number of American voters oppose allowing noncitizens to cast ballots in U.S. elections. A total of 85 percent of those polled said that only U.S. citizens should be allowed to vote. Just 11 percent said noncitizens should be legally able to cast ballots. These trends were present regardless of political affiliation, with 87 percent of Republicans, 81 percent of Democrats, and 86 percent of unaffiliated voters all saying that only American citizens should be legally allowed to vote.



Corporate media outlets like the Associated Press have attempted to dismiss concerns about the election impacts noncitizen voters could make. However, evidence continues to mount, showing that noncitizens are not just voting but doing so in numbers that could prove pivotal in deciding the outcome of tight electoral contests.

The National Pulse has previously reported that election data shows a statistically significant number of noncitizens acknowledge participating in past U.S. elections. Additionally, the prosecution of noncitizen voters in North Carolina reveals that they illegally cast ballots by a ratio of three to one in favor of Democratic Party candidates. A federal investigation in the state found that some noncitizens were only allowed to register to vote by election workers after determining they’d likely support Democrats on the ballot.

Noncitizens have been able to cast ballots due to state governments granting driver’s licenses to legal and illegal immigrants. Additionally, the lack of proof of citizenship requirements in state and federal elections means that noncitizens can easily slip past the minor barriers intended to ensure only citizens cast votes.

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