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DOCTORING DEMOCRACY: Democrats infiltrating healthcare systems with QR code voting initiatives that target vulnerable people most likely to vote Blue

16-8-2024 < Natural News 23 808 words

DOCTORING DEMOCRACY: Democrats infiltrating healthcare systems with QR code voting initiatives that target vulnerable people most likely to vote Blue

For years, the Democratic Party has strong-armed its way into the medical field, using coercive tactics to manipulate patients into agreeing with their left-wing ideals. Over the past four years, the left’s totalitarian political agenda was felt across the medical system, with unlawful and insidious medical mandates engulfing doctor’s offices, emergency rooms and intensive care units. Democrats managed to purge the most competent healthcare professionals from hospitals across the United States because these nurses and doctors did not follow the vaccine-mask-testing mandates and treatment restrictions that were put in place by Democrat elites.

Now these same monstrous, totalitarian Democrats are erecting voting initiatives inside the medical system to push patients into complying with the Democrat’s sordid political agendas.

Democrat Party elite are manipulating healthcare systems, coercing patients to vote Blue

Vot-ER, a nonprofit organization, is spearheading an effort to integrate voter registration into medical settings, utilizing physicians to encourage certain patient demographics to register and vote. This approach, described by Democrats as a means of empowering patients, has drawn criticism for its political bias and its impact on the healthcare system.

At the core of Vot-ER's approach is a system that outfits physicians with badges that feature QR codes. When patients scan these codes with their smartphones, they are directed to a website where they can register to vote. According to Vot-ER, this integration of voting into healthcare is intended to act as a form of "therapeutic treatment," which "enhances patient empowerment and recovery." For example, Dr. Julie Graziane from the Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute asserts that voter registration serves as a “therapeutic tool” and is integral to the recovery process.

Vot-ER’s founder, Dr. Alister Martin, suggested to a patient that voting was the “only way” to address air pollution, a remark that reflects the organization’s belief in voting as a solution to solve various societal issues. The patient is then manipulated to believe that Democrats are the only ones who will address air pollution, even though the party’s current environmental plan centers around climate change hysteria, and doesn’t address any real pollutants.

Despite its claims of non-partisanship, Vot-ER's connections to left-leaning politics are evident. In fact, this whole system is funded by Democratic Party donors. Dr. Martin, for instance, is a known donor to Democratic causes and has served as an adviser to Vice President Kamala Harris.

The organization’s leadership includes figures like Aliya Bhatia, who is a donor to Democratic politicians including Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. Another big donor, Leah Ford, previously received recognition from Planned Parenthood and identifies with gender pronouns. The infiltration of medical offices with forms that require “preferred gender pronouns” is another way that the Democratic Party asserts itself as “inclusive” and manipulates patients into accepting delusional Democratic ideals.

Vot-ER’s funding sources also raise serious questions about the future of left-wing politics infiltrating healthcare and abusing vulnerable patients. Doctors are subconsciously trained to get patients to vote for issues that, allegedly, only Democrats care about. Vot-ER is backed by dark money groups and progressive foundations such as the Tides Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and George Soros’ Open Society Foundations. These affiliations suggest a significant financial and ideological alignment with progressive causes, vaccine mandates and other forms of ideological and physical oppression marketed as “science.”

Vot-ER system targets patients who are more likely to succumb to Democratic Party lies

Vot-ER’s tools have been adopted in a wide range of medical settings, including emergency rooms, psychiatric hospitals and substance abuse clinics, spanning approximately 89,000 patients. The application process for institutions to use Vot-ER’s tools involves questions about the patient demographics they serve and their commitment to diversity and inclusion, including their commitment to the LGBTQIA+ community. This criterion ensures that Vot-ER’s resources are utilized in environments that align with its target voter groups.

The organization specifically targets minorities, with a notable focus on clinics serving predominantly Black, Hispanic, LGBTQIA+ and younger populations under age 24. The goal is to make these demographics feel left behind by Republicans and conservatives, while motivating them to scan the QR code and go vote Blue. In these situations, Democrat operatives promise to be the savior of pandemics and climate change, while painting the Republicans as not caring about any “health-related matters.”

By focusing on demographics that lean heavily Democratic, this system remains biased, deceptive and in breach of medical ethics. Pushing left-wing politics and political bias into patient care, especially on patients who may not be mentally or physically stable, is a predatory act against a patient's conscience. These politically-biased schemes should be legislated against and eliminated from healthcare.

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