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How to Fight Student Vaccine Mandates

7-3-2024 < Activist Post 35 1000 words

By Rafe S. Klinger

More than 30,000 students in Ontario, Canada, are facing the threat of disciplinary suspension from school this March, unless parents provide “up-to-date” proof of vaccination for 9 childhood diseases.

Health ‘experts’ in the province blame lack of access to vaccine clinics and doctors offices during the COVID-19 hysteria for the large number of unvaccinated students.

However critics cite more obvious reasons, which include the mounting evidence that parents do not agree with mandatory vaccines that can, and often do, present serious and even deadly side effects!

A recent Angus Reid poll confirms the dramatic shift in the Canadian public’s mistrust of vaccination. More than 17% of Canadians responded in the poll that they are “really against vaccination,” while another 16% say they “aren’t sure,” compared to 4% and 8% in 2019.

Vax-Off, So-called Doctors

MEDICAL MISINFORMATION: There has been an increased and seemingly coordinated government and media propaganda effort in recent weeks on the dangers of measles—even though just a handful of cases are active in the province. Is the fear mongering just another part of the government’s vaccination campaign? 

“Parents simply no longer trust the medical community who work for the government and pharmaceutical companies,” says one parent who spoke confidentially with GWU!

In fact, after witnessing the unscientific and tyrannical medical mandates that saw schools shut down, businesses go bankrupt, and lives permanently ruined over a seasonal cold, many parents are deciding to JUST SAY NO! Our panicking parent says that with the deadline looming in mid-March she’s “confused about what she can do” to protect her kids.

Always on the side of parents and their rights, GWU! is injecting the cure for fighting the virus that is medical coercion with practical information on how parents can exercise their rights over their child’s health.

Here’s how GWU! Can Get Exempted!

Under the Immunization of School Pupils Act parents are required to provide proof of immunization in order for their children under the age of 18 to attend school in Ontario.

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Although the dangerous, experimental COVID-19 vaccine is not yet on the list, under the provincial requirements, all students must be vaccinated against a mass of so-called diseases. The BigPharma wish list for students includes: diphtheria, tetanus, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, meningitis, whooping cough and chickenpox. These are all mandated—unless students have a valid exemption.

The exemption is a little known loophole that the government itself created in the knowledge that forced medical treatment is a violation of provincial, federal and international law. The state sanctioned coercion has led to a growing number of parents no longer trusting big pharma and daddy government to medicate their kids. And they’re saying now’s the time to play the government at its own game in following the law—by telling it to jab off.

Medical Exemption Examined

Parents need to fill out a Statement of Medical Exemption form that has been signed by a physician or nurse and submit it to their local public health unit. The form will note the reason for the exemption, which could include a medical condition that prevents them from receiving the vaccine, evidence of your child’s immunity to the disease, making further immunization unnecessary.

Many parents who’ve gone this route have told GWU! that they were unsuccessful in persuading the cowardly doctors who largely stayed silent during the COVID-19 medical abuses to sign off on anything but the most extreme cases that would warrant a medical exemption.

Conscience Or Religious Belief

This second option to obtain an exemption (to something that you shouldn’t need an exemption to—ed) involves completing an “education session” through a local public health unit. The brainwashing lesson includes completing a 30-minute video. After watching the one sided, poorly put together animation containing no data or evidence for the need to vaccinate children, parents will be issued a signed and dated “Vaccine Education Certificate.”(What? No free donut or I GOT INDOCTRINATED sticker?ed)

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A Statement of Conscience or Religious Belief form that has been signed by a notary, lawyer or public official along with the “Vaccine Education Certificate” must then be submitted to your local public health unit.

Don’t let your child be a victim of the one size fits all, BigPharma focused healthcare system. Fight back and exempt your children from the madness of school vaccine mandates.

Rafe S. Klinger – view all posts

JJ McRoberts is the president and publisher of getwokeup,com. Get Woke Up! is an independent newstainment source with reporters embedded around the globe in the war on woke. From the current thing to clown world, Get Woke Up! serves up all the real news you need to know with a dash of that special GWU! sauce.


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