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Automakers once again in meltdown mode; poised for another government-funded bailout because they followed governtment mandates and produced cars nobody wanted

20-8-2024 < SGT Report 19 361 words

by Leo Hohmann, Leo’s Newsletter:

GM announces layoffs of 1,000 tech workers who wasted time and money designing expensive EVs and self-driving autonomous vehicles that average American consumer can’t afford and doesn’t want.

General Motors is laying off more than 1,000 salaried tech employees in its software and services division in an effort to streamline the unit’s operations.

The layoffs include roughly 600 jobs at GM’s tech campus in Warren, Michigan, just outside of Detroit, CNBC is reporting.


The cuts come as automakers attempt to reduce costs during an industry downturn and as they’re spending billions of dollars on super-expensive all-electric vehicles and so-called software-defined vehicles. These include self-driving autonomous vehicles that are continuously gathering up and sending all your personal data to a central computer, then they sell it off to third parties. These cars will also include remote kill switches.

In other words, the auto industry is pouring all of its R&D money into vehicles that nobody in their right mind would want to own.

In fact, GM is being sued for illegally selling more than 1.8 million drivers’ personal driving data to insurance companies.

Only a digital slave to Klaus Schwab’s Fourth Industrial Revolution would want a car that spies on them, reports their driving habits to the insurance companies, and offers the government the opportunity to shut their car down.

It would be nice to see some new automobile manufacturers spring up to fill the niche of consumers who would like to remain free. Free of tracking, free of those nagging beeping reminders to put your seatbelt on, free of cameras checking your every move, and with no online connection to the socialist nanny state. The time for such a car company has arrived. Will anyone answer the bell? I hope so.

What about you? Would you buy a car that’s made in America, specifically for freedom-loving Americans, who want nothing more than to be left alone, free of the entangling web of Big Brother surveillance?

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