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Growing the Surveillance State: Drones, Facial Recognition, AI Enlisted to Fight Crime but at What Cost?

20-8-2024 < Activist Post 20 1403 words

By Jesse Smith

Big Brother is at it again. With rising crime as the backdrop, New York City Mayor Eric Adams is growing the surveillance state with a plan to use drones to fight crime in Central Park. Sadly, neither rising crime or increasing surveillance are unique to NYC, as both are becoming global trends indicative of a much greater agenda.

Gone are the days when “Robocop” and “Skynet” were just dystopian ideas for Hollywood blockbusters. The dark, distant future those films portrayed is now a present reality. In classic problem-reaction-solution fashion, NYC Mayor Eric Adams and the NYPD are preparing to deploy surveillance drones to stop lawlessness in Central Park.

According to the New York Post, the drones could be patrolling the skies very soon:

Central Park frolickers could soon find themselves under Big Brother surveillance from NYPD drones flying above them, as the iconic green space struggles with a whopping crime increase.

Tech-loving Mayor Eric Adams on Tuesday floated the notion and also using nebulous other “new technology” to deal with a worrisome surge in sex crimesassaults and robberies in Central Park — including an incident involving three teenage muggers targeting a trio of park-goers that very morning.

Peace and Safety – But at What Cost?

The goal of authoritarian technocrats is to employ technology to control every aspect of society from dispensing justice to collecting garbage. When a crisis develops, such as an increase in violent crime, they rush in with a pre-planned solution to increase surveillance under the guise of protecting the innocent. However, the ultimate goal is to erect a pervasive surveillance system capable of monitoring human actions and interactions at all times.

When considering why footage of violent and bizarre crime is so prevalent on social and traditional media, one reason may be to provoke the population to demand a solution. Growing outrage over injustice might be the perfect catalyst to achieve a pre-determined outcome. If people respond positively to openly being spied on, the technocratic psyop gains steam and becomes a rousing success. Weary of being preyed upon by people with bad intentions, many in NYC are taking the bait and praising the mayor’s proposals.

In New York, drone surveillance may begin in Central Park but if left unchecked, it will eventually engulf the whole Big Apple. As more cities implement similar policies and deploy comparable technologies, mass surveillance threatens to spread throughout the entire country. While everyone is preoccupied with the latest “thing” on social media, the surveillance state is advancing largely unopposed.

Confirming the spread of Big Brother tech, Biometric Update recently reported that police departments countrywide are launching drone surveillance programs:

Police across the U.S. are putting eyes in the sky, as the adoption of drones for law enforcement emerges as a trend…

In short, U.S. police now have the ability to patrol lower airspace with drones that are ready to host facial recognition cameras and software, and some have laws that allow the two technologies to be used together. Like drones, facial recognition for law enforcement is seeing increasing uptake.

In the following interview, Adams discusses the problems with allowing (largely) unvetted illegal immigrants to enter the country and later be transported to New York and other cities where crime is increasing and tensions are rising.

Could the country’s failed immigration policy be part of a broader plan to get legal citizens to accept greater surveillance measures for the entire population as part of the solution? The constant fearmongering of repeated terror attacks worked to increase domestic spying after 9/11, so why not repeat the same strategy with threats of immigrant violence?

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Immigrants Exploited to Test and Improve the Systems to Later be Used on All of Us

Unwittingly, immigrants themselves play a large role in growing the surveillance state. The biometric data collected at the border is being used to train and improve the algorithms to be employed in a broader surveillance scheme intended for the entire population.

In an article about the fiasco at the US-Mexican border, Whitney Webb writes:

While the justifications for the frenzied media coverage are based on the actual reality that the border is indeed highly insecure (and has been for some time), the policy responses from American politicians reveal that there is a bipartisan consensus about what must be done. Tellingly, the same “solution” is also being quietly rolled out at all American ports of entry that are not currently being “overrun”, such as airports. That solution, of course, is biometric surveillance, enabled by AI, facial recognition/biometrics and autonomous devices.

This “solution” is not just being implemented throughout the United States as an alleged means of thwarting migrants, it is also being rapidly implemented throughout the world in apparent lockstep…”

The MIT Technology Review recently reported that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is planning to collect facial recognition from children “down to the infant,” though DHS has denied the claims coming from John Boyd, assistant director of the Office of Biometric Identity Management (OBIM). However, where there is smoke there is fire, as other individuals interviewed in the MIT story confirmed that children have been participants in facial recognition scanning at migrant processing centers at the US-Mexico border. Many of the children giving up their biometric data, including DNA, arrive without parents or legal guardians and face exploitation and pressure to get scanned or be turned away.

In a recent post on X, Webb reiterated that both left and right political factions are complicit in pushing biometrics and digital ID on everyone, not just immigrants.

The MIT article backs the assertion that immigrants are being used as test subjects to improve surveillance technologies, stating:

That this technology is being targeted at people who are offered fewer privacy protections than would be afforded to US citizens is just part of the wider trend of using people from the developing world, whether they are migrants coming to the border or civilians in war zones, to help improve new technologies.

Aside from the influx of illegal US immigrants, “any traveler, visitor or migrant” to and from all Five Eyes nations (the US, Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and New Zealand) must submit biometric data that is being shared between countries in the “Known to One, Known to All” program. This “Migration 5” initiative demonstrates that many Western nations are following the same agenda to increase biometric data collection and surveillance.

Is Civil Unrest Being Facilitated on Purpose?

In addition to the crimes being committed by illegals in the US, Mayor Adams also stated that recent protests over the Israel-Palestine conflict and terror threats have put a strain on law enforcement resources. As a result, the additional technology is necessary to keep the public safe. One should ask if all of this is by design. A look at the current situation in the U.K., where Prime Minister Keir Starmer has called for mass surveillance and censorship to thwart riots and civil unrest, may provide the answers:
