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How Much Would Slavery Reparations Actually Cost?

24-5-2023 < Counter Currents 31 4181 words

3,534 words

Beware of a new epidemic, Gibsmedat Fever!

Blacks with an entitlement complex think the government that freed their long-forgotten ancestors now owes them back wages. This became San Francisco’s second Black Plague when they entertained the ridiculous idea of collective compensation. Then Gibsmedat Fever infected the rest of the Golden State, with an exploratory committee setting expectations by lazy blacks that they’ll soon win the ghetto lottery. Will this inspire the Gold Rush 2.0, flooding California with greedy blacks? The problem is that the gold isn’t there. Did those politicians notice that California is already deeply indebted, despite some of the country’s most punishing taxation?

Just as predictably as the law of gravity, Gibsmedat Fever spread to Congress. A Daily Caller headline says it all: “’Squad’ Dem Member Introduces Resolution Requesting $14 Trillion In Black Reparations.” (The “Squad” would be better termed the “Spoiled Brat Pack.”) The resolution by Representative Cori Bush (D-MO), which the article states is “for the purpose of closing the racial wealth gap, among other things,” would put $350,000 into the hands of 40 million eminently deserving people of color. That’s because all honkies are born with silver spoons in our mouths, and certain politicians want us to share.

For some context, $14 trillion is the inflation-adjusted equivalent of 80 Marshall Plans, the massive program to rebuild Western Europe’s cities after the Second World War, which had been bombed to Make the World Safe for Democracy. It’s also the combined equivalent of 50 Apollo lunar programs, 50 Gemini projects, and for lagnappe, 50 robotic lunar programs. Did anyone think of sending all of them to the Moon instead?

A trillion here, a trillion there — soon you’re talking real money

Putting us “on notice”

Again, as predictably as the law of gravity, they’ll demand more and more. Already some dude in Tampa is expecting an even $3 million per unit of obsolete farm equipment:

“We care about our reparations. And we have to put White people on notice that we want our reparations. Our foreparents and us didn’t work for free and [get] underpaid and all this nonsense and the White folks get away with it,” the man added,” while “they talk about the great city they’re building.”

“No. We want our reparations. $3 million per person. $3 million per person right here in this city. That’s the only [thing] Black people have to care about. All this other little nonsense. . . we do not care about.”

Yes, sir! Your wish is our command. The government checks are in the mail already. Just stand at the curb and keep waiting for your express hand delivery so you can sign for your payment . . .

More seriously, it’s easy enough for some twerp to say, “You owe me six gorillion dollars,” of course. The one being hit up for this princely sum might have a few questions about the matter, however. Where are they coming up with these figures, for one thing?

Cori Bush is more photogenic in braids. Kind of, anyway.

The Squad’s $14 trillion demand reflects the average difference between the wealth of blacks and whites. This was brought to us by the same “justice is when my $$$ = your $$$” reasoning that inspired Communism. (If that’s where we’re going, I’d rather be in East Germany than The Squad’s vision of what the United States should be.) The unstated assumption underlying this is that malicious discrimination — institutional this, structural that, and so on — is the only reason blacks are not as successful as whites. The necessary corollary is that average black outcomes have nothing to do with certain commonly-noted traits including low IQ, improvidence, laziness, criminality, impulsiveness, drug abuse, evasion of responsibility, and rebelliousness for its own sake — all of which aren’t conducive to career success. You’d better not notice it, either, because that’s not nice; just open your wallet, Whitey.

As for the distinguished gentleman in Tampa who’s putting us “on notice” that he wants a cool $3 mil because he’s black, I want some of whatever he’s been smoking. If Tampa caves in, then all 40 million blacks across the country will want the same thing, believing they deserve it. Not only would that vastly exceed all the dollars in circulation, it would come close to exceeding the US’ entire net wealth. Dream on, but we’re not giving America to you. Tough cookies. Now buzz off.

If the claims were legitimate, what would Whitey owe?

Calculating ReparationsCalculating Reparations

Fortunately, the Australian commentator C. Kyle has been kind enough to look into the American situation. He crunched some numbers, entertaining such claims seriously as a thought experiment. He described this in a video released in July 2021. It is also available on Bitchute, in case someone at YouTube’s censorship department — maybe a trisexual terrestrial calamari who identifies as a castrated Chihuahua, with green hair and enough facial shrapnel to set off a metal detector — decides it’s too naughty for the public to see. It’s 25 minutes long and highly recommended, though you might want to wait a bit, since he gives away the ending early on.

There’s a unique twist, though. The calculations also take into consideration something delicately called the “black fiscal impact.” In broad terms, this adds the tax revenue from the black community to the tab, and deducts budgetary expenses spent on it. It makes sense — since reparations is a collective claim, it’s legitimate to take into account collective revenue flows.

C. Kyle considers a number of factors in the spreadsheet. If there’s a dispute on what the numbers should be, he quite charitably favors the Leftist/minoritist figure. In other ways, his assumptions are quite generous to the pro-reparations side. Really, the very idea that their distant ancestors are owed back wages is preposterous for a number of reasons on the face of it. Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant setting them free wasn’t enough? Given that this was in the aftermath of a war resulting in 624,000 KIAs that bankrupted the North and devastated the South, coming around to demand massive handouts over a century and a half after the fact shows profound ingratitude.

The “debt”

It’s anudda Shoah!

All told, the scenario first considers what would’ve been the payout if each slave had received an average farmer’s lifetime of wages upon emancipation. This would be paid even to babies, who never picked any of Massa’s cotton. I’ll add that since the proposed sum equals a lifetime’s wages, then this would overpay any blacks who hadn’t reached the point of retirement, after which masters supported them without requiring further work.

You can buy Beau Albrecht’s Space Vixen Trek here.

Speaking of supporting them, one other figure that the raw numbers don’t account for was that slave labor wasn’t actually zero-cost. Slaves still needed to be fed and housed, among other expenses. Recent arrivals from Africa were known to prefer their new diet over conditions back home, which generally involved foraging for whatever they could get. Moreover, slave quarters were generally quite decent, especially compared to grass huts in their Urheimat. A better calculation of back wages would deduct room and board, and perhaps other expenses such as clothing (customarily two new outfits annually per slave), medical care, broken tools, etc.

This payoff didn’t happen, of course, but let’s pretend to assume it’s a legitimate claim and that no statute of limitations on labor practices applies even after a century and a half. C. Kyle very generously adds to this the average interest rate for each year, handled similarly to the ripoff known as the adjustable-rate mortgage. Over long periods of time, even small sums will exponentially become huge. This is more generous than if he’d adjusted for cost of living, even though inflation since the 1940s has been staggering. For quite a while, our “debt” to the uncompensated coloreds climbs higher and higher on the chart. Oh no! The raw numbers end up being $17.5 trillion, which is 25% above even what Cori Bush wants.

Tax payments by blacks also increase this figure. There’s no box on the IRS form for you to enter your ancestry, of course — but there are ways to estimate this, which C. Kyle has done. Much discussion about this occurs in the second part of the video. For that matter, the IRS has done so as well, generally by way of making assumptions about what race people are based on their names. (If your name is Lemonjello Washington, chances are slim that you’re Asian.) In fact, they’ve set up an exploratory committee to try to figure out how to shaft us more. They seem to be upset that Joe Sixpack is getting too much of his own goddamn money back after filing his return.

Repayments to “the debt”

Everyone’s forgetting about this.

Although there’s never been any government initiative calling itself “reparations for slavery,” there have been a tremendous number of social levelling programs that were unofficial efforts to achieve that end. The first was the Freedmen’s Bureau during the Radical Reconstruction. Measures since then generally have been geared at attempting to bring blacks up to white standards. This is actually the same goal as what Congresscritter Cori Bush proposes to do in $350,000 lump sums. The difference is that adding $14 trillion to the national debt — bringing it to nearly $46 trillion, at the time of writing — will likely result in massive dispossession rather than the slow bleed that we already experience via taxation.

As part of Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society initiative, social leveling programs kicked into high gear. The motive, in his candid words, was, “I’ll have those [African-Americans] voting Democratic for 200 Years!” Tactically, that much has been working as expected thus far. But if this eminently tricky President had a side agenda of placating them with handouts, it didn’t go over so well. Race riots continued to ramp up over the next few years, peaking in 1967 and 1968. Funny how that turned out, right? Did I mention that they’re ingrates? The more general takeaway is that payoffs don’t work, especially when you’re dealing with people who are lazy, greedy, and entitled. They behave like spoiled children, conditioned to believe that they’re owed something for nothing, and that bad behavior gets them what they want. We should be heeding this lesson now that their hands are out yet again, and asking for more free goodies than ever before!

The official selling point sounded a lot nicer than LBJ’s less-than-high-minded remarks: It was billed as a War On Poverty. The intention was to fix the ghettoes and their social problems. At the time, black dysfunction was presumed to be solely the result of the fact that whites were mistreated them. (How little the rhetoric has changed since then, even though they’ve been getting preferential treatment ever since!) This generally turned out to be counterproductive, but white taxpayers footed most of the bill — and how the funds were spent after that isn’t our problem.

If the concept of a collective debt is accepted as valid, then efforts toward black uplift should be considered payments. I see that C. Kyle did not start counting with the Freedmen’s Bureau. It would be interesting to see what kind of dent that would’ve made in the calculations. There’ve been larger federal programs, of course, but it was a sizeable chunk of change back in the day. A lot of the funds were eaten up by corruption — but again, that isn’t our problem.

I’m even more interested to see what the results would be if the Union’s tremendous war expenses were deducted from the total. Whether the Civil War was indeed about slavery is a debatable point. There were some Confederate notables who concurred with this idea, as well as President Lincoln after the Gettysburg Address, of course. So for argument’s sake, we’ll say it was. (Personally, I believe that if not for slavery, all other points of contention could have been settled through negotiation.) As it happens, the war was devastatingly costly to the North. This forced the government into the arms of the banksters for the first time since President Jackson booted them out. Since the Union’s war costs were spent on the cause of freeing the blacks — to say nothing of the hundreds of thousands of lives thrown into the meat grinder — it certainly should count against any supposed residual back wages.

What’s been paid back into the black community?

Why do we let them stay here again? What are we getting out of multiracialism?

Now let’s get to some of the things that C. Kyle does count in the spreadsheet. It turns out that blacks consume slightly less Social Security and Medicare per capita, but they consume more Medicaid.

Of course, there’s welfare — Captain Obvious here. Blacks are overrepresented as welfare consumers, while whites disproportionately pay into the system. It’s been like that ever since LBJ. In effect, this siphons massive funds every year out of the white community and feeds it into the black community via taxation. If there is indeed a legitimate historical debt for slavery, then obviously this should count towards repayment. But on the other hand, if there is no such legitimate basis, then this would be a shakedown second only to the Versailles Treaty or the Mongol Yoke, courtesy of Washington.

As for military expenses, that part of the budget is divided evenly among the races. As C. Kyle explains:

I can’t think of a situation where one group should be more responsible for the cost of the military than another, unless maybe there’s a group in powerful positions who are always advocating for various wars in the Middle East and elsewhere. Maybe I’d make them cover a little extra. Also, if a group like that did exist, I would consider them to be very warmongering — very warmongering, indeed. But thankfully, I don’t think there is a group of people in the US that are like that.

The statistics were a bit murky when it came to the cost of education, with competing claims on both political sides over which group gets more funding. Our videographer ended up simply pro-rating it for the populations of school-age youths.

After that, policing and prisons were factored in. Blacks are notoriously an eighth of the population and commit about half of the violent crime. C. Kyle introduced a coefficient into the equation to fudge the numbers, however, letting them off the hook for certain expenses by 25%. The reasoning was that if the crime rate dropped by half (which would happen if we deported the darlings back to Africa), there would still need to be a criminal justice infrastructure. Also, the coefficient is to deflect liberal criticisms that the police treat them unfairly. The truth is the opposite, of course, but yanno . . .

He’s also not counting the costs of immigration, which he hints might be billed to the population that’s always been agitating for open borders. I’ll add that he doesn’t figure in the effects of Affirmative Action, which is costly to enforce and also a drain on companies that have to hire people other than those they’d prefer — and who perhaps aren’t the most competent.

Besides that, the only figures counted regarding the cost of crime seem to be government expenses such as policing, courts, and prisons. Obviously there’s an untold side to the expenses here regarding stolen and vandalized property, hospitalization and other medical care, domestic violence shelters, and so forth. How much is lost through muggings, burglaries, insurance losses, and so on? It would be interesting if someone were to reckon monetary costs of crime by race. I’ve seen plenty of videos of stores being looted, but it’s mostly blacks. (Why hasn’t America yet seen hordes of wayward Pennsylvania Dutch, Irish Catholics, and Bohunks leaping through shattered storefronts with pilfered TV sets?) Surely the Great Floyd Vibrancy of 2020 was a chunk of change just in itself! What else is being left uncounted? Whatever it is, it still only scratches the surface; for example, a murder victim can be buried for $10,000, but the family will be living with intangible harms from it for the rest of their lives.

Aside from massive race riots erupting since the 1960s, the costs are staggering regarding what happened to property values as a result of blacks taking over neighborhoods and ruining them. (Then they complain that we gave them bad neighborhoods to live in.) If all that urban decay since the late 1950s were compressed into a brief flash, the equivalent property damage might be the equivalent of an enemy submarine launching a few SLBMs.

The final results

An even better idea.

After calculating what might allegedly be owed as “reparations,” adjusting for the black fiscal impact, and applying interest, what are the final results? Will the videographer’s careful hedging in favor of Leftist/minoritist claims, as well as the omission of some obvious big ticket items, make Cori Bush’s fevered dreams come true? The effects are graphed out, too, going all the way back to 1865. The effect of compound interest results in an exponential climb. Uh-oh! It looks like we’ll have to pay out the nose, huh? Will we have to concede defeat to the guy from Tampa who believes he deserves three million dollars?

You can buy Greg Johnson’s It’s Okay to Be White here.

Around the 1940s, what began as an exponential curve starts to peter out. (Most likely, this is largely due to military expenses; we were protecting our colored friends from Hitler taking over America, right? By golly, if we hadn’t stopped that vicious guttersnipe, we’d all be speaking German! Those evil Nazi peckerwoods!) Then something unexpected happens. Beginning in the early 1960s, the curve starts going down! What? Looks like LBJ’s gibsmedats are kicking in big time. Oh, but the story isn’t over yet! By 1978, the “slavery debt” is paid off; it’s actually overpaid by $16 billion at that point. Whew!

But wait a minute: We didn’t shut off the gibsmedats faucet then, now did we? The calculations go on. The curve, driven by the relentless black fiscal impact, continues dropping below the zero line on the graph. Soon it’s plunging deeply. By the 2000s, the curve has fallen into the abyss.

For the final results as of 2021, the alleged “slavery debt” was overpaid by $28.776 trillion and change. That overpayment works out to about $930,000 per individual black! (It would be a lot higher, of course, if we acknowledge that the “reparations” claim is a shakedown attempt with no validity, and therefore the spreadsheet need only be a running total of black fiscal impact.) If they could demand that the government make collective payment to them for something that happened over a century and a half ago, then the government can make them collectively reimburse us for overpayments since 1978.

We want it back now

Blacks, I hereby put you on notice that you need to return this overpayment to Uncle Sam immediately. This is according to 2021 figures — but for your speedy cooperation, we’ll just write off the last two years. Following that, we’re shutting off your gibsmedats, freebies, bennies, perks, goodies, and emoluments. After that, you only get out of The System what you put in. Those who cannot make timely payment will receive a one-way ticket to Haiti (the default), or to any sub-Saharan African country of their choice.

Of course, there’s no chance in hell the Bidet administration will either make blacks pay up or give them the heave-ho. Cast aside their keystone underperforming minority group that bloc-votes for them no matter how lousy they perform? Lose their main political counterweight that they’ve used against ordinary white people since the 1960s (or arguably the 1940s)? Perish the thought!

But now that we’re doing thought experiments, what if the government were actually to make blacks repay their collective burden on society since 1978? Of course, the average black doesn’t have anywhere near $960,000. (According to the old joke, their cars are worth more than their houses.) If they had only put up with some austerity and invested much of their free goodies courtesy of Uncle Sam into the stock market, they’d rule Wall Street by now and make their Hebrew buddies look like paupers. Instead, the trillions of tax money were largely squandered.

But, again — what if? Extracting repayment in full would knock off roughly 90% of our crushing national debt. With the interest on the debt drastically trimmed back, that would of course be a tremendous relief to the budget. Naturally, so would doing away with the additional burden of supporting 40 million lazy ne’er-do-wells. If so, then maybe — just maybe — America would have a shot at balancing the budget, and getting out of the debt spiral and voodoo economy. It makes for a nice dream, anyway.

More seriously, America could have a bustling colony on Mars by now if not for these moochers.

Wrapping things up

Kai Murros said it the best:

The age of guilt is over. We will not apologize for our achievements. Our history cannot be used as a weapon against us. We are in debt to no-one. Our glorious past is a matter of pride and joy to us. Whatever we have done in the past only inspires us today for even greater deeds tomorrow. Those who feel that we have wronged them should be happy they are still alive.

Now for the final word about so-called reparations. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: It’s time to start using the other “N” word: no.

*  *  *

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