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BLACK SWAN “events” only a surprise for the populace, as insidious government organizations plot, plan and scheme to GAIN POWER at any cost

8-8-2024 < Natural News 31 857 words

BLACK SWAN “events” only a surprise for the populace, as insidious government organizations plot, plan and scheme to GAIN POWER at any cost

Black Swan is a theory based on a metaphor used for describing a surprise event that has major effect, only capable of being rationalized after the fact, with the benefit of hindsight. A Black Swan is unexpected and unpredictable, next-to-impossible to forecast using existing data and knowledge. A Black Swan event has profound and far-reaching consequences for individuals, organizations and societies.

Many people called the housing bubble “burst” (global financial crisis) of 2008 a Black Swan. What happened on 9/11/2001 was a Black Swan event. Some folks call the Covid-19 pandemic a Black Swan, but was it? Others would say that the attempted assassination of President Donald J. Trump could also be considered a Black Swan. This requires careful consideration, because several of these “events” were planned out, and planned out by many people from many different organizations, collaborating to bring about what seemed like a Black Swan, but were they really?

Top platforms of the Democrat Party: Never-Ending Wars, Extinctionism, Communism, Homogenous News Narrative and Open Borders – all fueled by “Black Swan” events

Most of the extreme events of the past two decades were planned out very well by insidious government organizations, including the FBI, CDC, CIA, DHS, WHO and the communist cabal in Washington DC. To the populace, it’s very hard to wrap their heads around the fact that their own government benefits from the destruction of the populace, through violent “Black Swan” events that devastate health, wealth and safety. It’s all about money and control, and the Democrat platforms currently in place require many Black Swans to “stay in business.”

Never-ending wars are vital to the crooks in Washington DC. The politicians launder money through the military industrial complex to fund their own campaigns to remain in power. When the “enemy” suddenly attacks out of the blue (think 9/11 here), it’s a huge reason to get the American people to support a fake war (think Iraq and Afghanistan). That "Black Swan" was Republican politician "enabled." This is how politicians occupy foreign soil and steal their resources (think oil and opium here). Big Government and Big Pharma gain power through Black Swan events like 9/11. It was planned out very well, covered up even better (think fake news mass media here), and used as the perfect excuse for Haliburton and the prescription heroin epidemic. Get it?

Kamala Harris is all about extinctionism, telling teenagers it’s too scary to start a family, so that the Democrats' population reduction platform gains steam, from the youth up. Are you or a loved one suffering from woke mind virus? It’s contagious and it makes you sterile. When the next round of clot shots makes all the females infertile, will that too be called a Black Swan, or an insidious communist plot carried out using dirty vaccines? There's a reason independent media call it the PLANDEMIC and a SCAMDEMIC. It's no Black Swan.

Black Swan or White Patsy? 

The attempted assassination of Donald J. Trump was a huge surprise to everyone, except all the agencies (Secret Service, FBI, local police, multiple snipers) that worked together to make sure the shooter was able to enter the park with weapons, climb on the closest rooftop to Trump, aim his gun at Trump for half an hour, while people screamed at security that he was up there. Meanwhile, Secret Service ate donuts and drank coffee in the same building as shooter Crooks, took pictures of him aiming at Trump, and did absolutely NOTHING to stop him from trying to kill Trump, until he failed miserably. Would you call THAT a Black Swan? Or a White Patsy? Crooks appears more and more to be just another young white male patsy in a long line of FBI stooges.

Communism can’t persist in America if everyone in the hills has guns (automatic weapons and hand grenades). Communists can’t take over the Republic if leaders like Donald J. Trump protect the Constitution and call out fake news. The homogenous fake news narratives can’t win debates if truth news and independent media keep writing stories about how contrived it all is daily.

We must close the southern border, vote for Trump and get rid of the ghouls and goblins in Washington DC who want everyone to believe that every planned and staged event that destroys democracy, freedom and the American way of life is a “Black Swan.” There’s also lots of swamp land in Florida for sale, and ice is on discount in Alaska. By the way, have you seen the Joe Biden body double, who is 6-foot-4 and walks very quick and agile, like a 45-year-old? It's all staged folks. It's ALL staged.

Tune your apocalypse dial to for updates on real news about the Black Swans flying in soon to help the Demoncrats try to steal another election.

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