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KAMILLA THE HUN to take over America? Get ready for Kamala-Care (like Obamacare), open borders and a new world war waged by Big Pharma and the Communists in DC

20-8-2024 < Natural News 34 676 words

KAMILLA THE HUN to take over America? Get ready for Kamala-Care (like Obamacare), open borders and a new world war waged by Big Pharma and the Communists in DC

Did you know that the communist ruler Attila the Hun killed his own brother to grab tyrannical power for himself? It’s true. Though one cannot kill a corpse, metaphorically Kamala killed Biden by taking his throne by force. Should Kamilla the Hun and her new sidekick Warlord Walz (the newborn baby killer) want to turn America into the Workers’ Party of Korea, where there is one sole ruling party ironically called the Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea, except here it will be the Democratic People’s Republic of North Amerika.

Surely they will join forces with radical-Leftist and commie-freak Canada’s Treasonous Trudeau, and since there is no southern border anymore for the U.S., then Mexico, Canada and the old USA will be under ONE RULE, that controls the armed forces and Big Pharma’s population-reduction-by-vaccine complex. Welcome to the land of late-term and day-of-birth abortions, assisted medical suicide, genocide by mRNA injections and turbo cancer (caused by mRNA stabs).

Here comes communist-style Kamala-Care, with forced-at-gunpoint by military police vaccination laws and mandated abortions for GMO lab “research”

Do you know what communist countries do to their prisoners? They harvest their organs for black market sales, experiments and transplants. This is not voluntary by the prisoners, and it doesn’t matter what you did to get jailed. Did you disagree with the government narrative about the scamdemic or the imported fentanyl/opioid pandemic? Off to the FEMA and DHS “reeducation camps” (concentration camps) for you.

Under new “Democrat” monolithic ideological system, Congress no longer has any say and everyone is poor, except for those who rule (Kamilla the Hun calls it equitable living). Under Kamilla rule, there is no doubt that the healthcare system in America will quickly become a radical communistic healthcare “platform” with a single-payer system with ZERO private insurance allowed anywhere, by anyone. There will be NO MORE healthcare choices and all personal health “decisions” will be in the hands of the tyrannical People’s Republic of North America.

Kamilla-Care means Medicare for all 40 million illegal immigrants paid for by hard-working Americans who have no money left for their own family

Yes, if Kamilla the Hun wins in November, the number of illegal immigrants will double inside of a year or two, and like Trump and Elon Musk said in their 2-hour-long “chat,” there will be no saving America from the communists then. Everyone will be required to wear oxygen-deprivation masks (Bird Flu masks) 24/7/365 or face prison time for involuntary murder (because you spread the latest gain-of-function lab-made virus).

Kamilla the Hun will mandate, along with Big Pharma, new mRNA Bird Flu and Monkeypox gene mutation jabs with quarterly boosters, enforced at gunpoint by the military pharma police force. There will never be access to any natural cures or effective medications like hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, liquid oxygen and the lists keeps going.

Kamilla the Hun wants to make America one of the top three strictest censorship regimes in the world, ranked right up there with the People’s Republic of China, ruled by the Chinese Communist Party, and the communist rule of North Korea, the nation that has the least press freedom across the globe. Democrats will no doubt censor ALL content for political and medical reasons, curtailing all political opposition while silencing any anti-government-narrative stances, no matter whether they are factual, safety driven or science-proven.

All forms of communication will be ruled by dictatorship, including film, radio, print, television, literature and the internet. Keep your truth news in check by adding to your favorites list and tuning in daily for updates on surviving and thriving, especially past this tyrannical rule by the Democrat-Socialist-Communist Party of Amerika, led by Kamilla the Hun.

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