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Thought Crime: UK’s New Leftist Govt To Ban ‘Silent Prayer’ Near Abortion Clinics

19-8-2024 < SGT Report 18 373 words

by Christopher Tomlinson, The National Pulse:

The United Kingdom Home Office under the new Labour government is considering banning silent prayer outside abortion clinics after the previous Conservative government already banned any form of protest against the killing of unborn children near the clinics.

Last year, MPs approved legislation to ban protests, including silent prayer, within 150 meters of clinics and hospitals providing abortion services. However, this measure has not yet been implemented.


Draft guidance published in December allowed silent prayer within the new “safe access zones” and permitted “consensual” communication, such as handing out leaflets or engaging in conversation.

Pro-abortion advocates are now looking to ban anyone from even trying to offer alternatives to women seeking an abortion in and around the clinics, which can include counseling or other forms of help.

Government sources did not specify which aspects of the draft guidance might be revised. All three Home Office ministers, including Home Secretary Yvette Cooper, had previously opposed allowing silent prayer within buffer zones.

The current guidance states that “silent prayer” is protected under the Human Rights Act 1998 and should not be deemed unlawful.

Jess Phillips, the safeguarding minister, confirmed earlier this month that the Government plans to implement safe access zones around abortion clinics “imminently.”


Rachael Clarke of the British Pregnancy Advisory Service specifically targeted Roman Catholics who pray outside abortion clinics, stating those with rosary beads should be banned from being near clinics. She argued that such activities “are designed to influence women’s reproductive choices.”

Several pro-life activists have already been arrested for praying silently outside of abortion clinics in the UK, including Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, who was arrested last year in October.

Even Roman Catholic priests have been arrested for protesting abortion in the UK. Father Sean Gough was accused of intimidating people outside a clinic in Birmingham, but a judge later dropped charges against him last year.

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