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Election “Polycrisis”: Should We Expect Multiple “October Surprises” From the Deep State-WEF-UN Cabal?

18-8-2024 < SGT Report 24 904 words

by William F. Jasper, The New American:

Are multiple planned “crises” just around the corner? Maybe “emergencies” serious enough to throw the election? Maybe postpone the election? Even cancel the election? How about a new pandemic? (Fears over bird flu and monkeypox are being amped up now.) Or a catastrophic cyber attack? (The globalists at the World Economic Forum, the Council on Foreign Relations, and other Deep State institutions have been prepping us for that for the past few years.) How about a massive, coordinated series of terrorist attacks like those in Gaza last October? (The Biden-Harris regime has conveniently opened our border and invited millions of migrants — including known terrorists — to invade our country.)


Or perhaps another round of nationwide riots and mayhem a la George Floyd/BLM? (A combination of back-to-college pro-Palestine protests and a race-baiting police shooting should provide sufficient sparks for a coast-to-coast conflagration.) Or, how about Judge Juan Merchan ordering Donald Trump to jail in the totally political “hush money” lawfare case — just days or weeks before the election? (Merchan has shown himself to be conflicted, completely biased, and willing to do Team Biden/Harris’s bidding in locking up its opposition). Or, another assassination attempt? Maybe all of the above? And more?

2020’s October Surprise

We’ve come to expect that “October surprise” dirty tricks will accompany U.S. presidential elections. Last time around, we had several of them. Perhaps you recall the October 2020 sensational story that the FBI had thwarted a plot by pro-Trump “militia” misfits to kidnap Michigan’s far-left Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer. The hate-Trump, pro-Biden “mainstream” media rode that phony story all the way to Election Day. As it turns out, the plot was almost entirely confected and financed by the FBI (see here and here). In other words, there would have been no “sensational” kidnap plot without the FBI/DOJ orchestrating it.

At the same time, the same media chorus joined in unison to protect Joe Biden from a genuine, legitimate October surprise: the Hunter Biden laptop. In fact, the media joined with traitors in the Intelligence Community (IC) to turn the laptop story into a condemnation of Donald Trump. You may recall that just two weeks before the November 3, 2020, presidential election, 51 former high-level IC operatives signed a letter claiming that the Hunter Biden laptop was a Russian disinformation operation. They claimed Putin’s operatives were doing this to help Trump! (See here and here.)

That Big Lie was dutifully trumpeted by the Deep State’s sock puppets in the Mockingbird Media. The Liars “R” Us gang of 51 ex-IC spooks — led by John Brennan, James Clapper, Michael Hayden, and Michael Morell — along with Merrick Garland’s DOJ and their media accomplices, sustained this deception for more than four years before acknowledging that the laptop was indeed genuine and not Russian disinfo.

More Than “October”

Of course, the media presstitutes and their Deep State handlers have not restricted themselves to October surprises. With Trump they have been going full throttle 24/7/365. Their unprecedented, nonstop barrage of lawfare attacks is alone the equivalent of multiple October surprises. However, with all of the Team Democrat Biden/Harris chickens coming home to roost — inflation, invasion, crime, energy, wars, military breakdown, social collapse, and more — not even all the phony polls showing Kamala Harris soaring in popularity will do the trick come Election Day. Thus, we can be sure that in addition to registering hordes of illegal migrants and felons to vote, readying pallets of pre-printed ballots for stuffing operations, and rigging voting machines, the cabal has plenty of dirty tricks up its sleeves.

The Cabal

Did we say “cabal”? Yes, and in doing so we are merely repeating an admission — no, a boast, actually — by one of the MSM presstitutes. Let us recall the gloating article by Molly Ball in the February 15, 2021 issue of Time magazine. Titled “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election,” this amazing piece confirmed what many of us knew was happening with dark forces behind the scenes. Ms. Ball approvingly described “a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information.” She acknowledges that this was a massive “conspiracy” (her word) involving Big Media, Big Tech, Big Business, Big Labor, Big Intel, and Big Government.

“There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance from CEOs,” Ball wrote, “… the result of an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans.” Keep in mind that she thinks this is wonderful because it “saved” America from Trump and his MAGA/America First troglodytes.

One of the big surprises to come out of that election was the unprecedented deluge of private money from a single source targeting our election machinery. Meta/Facebook billionaire Mark Zuckerberg and his wife ponied up $400 million for two liberal-left outfits, the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) and the Center for Election Innovation & Research (CEIR). This massive infusion of “Zuckerbucks” was funneled to local election officials and activist nonprofits, particularly targeting efforts to stuff the Covid-19 drop boxes.

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