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Pedophile Hunters Are Starting To Grow In Popularity. Some Are Taking Justice Into Their Own Hands

18-8-2024 < SGT Report 21 210 words

by Robert McGreevy, The Daily Caller:

“I surrender,” Marty said, putting his hands up, blood streaking down his cheek, “You got me good.”

Marty, according to Joshua Mundy and Jay Carnicom, allegedly arrived at in the Days Inn parking lot in Fort Wayne, Indiana, that day to meet a 13-year-old girl for sex. Instead, he met Dads Against Predators (DAP), an organization that confronts alleged pedophiles and films the encounters for social media.


Public humiliation is the primary MO for the vast majority of vigilante pedophile hunters, but DAP is different. These guys draw blood, often releasing videos where they openly assault their targets. The Marty sting was brutal.

The Daily Caller is withholding images and identification of some alleged predators, including Marty’s video, because some appearing in this story have neither been charged nor convicted of a crime.

A Daily Caller review of dozens of these kinds of videos from various sting groups shows that while exchanges typically get testy, they almost never get violent. For DAP, however, the moment things get testy, they immediately start pounding on their marks.

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