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Carl Jung, Mystery Cults and MK Ultra: The Eleusinian Mystery Revival Now Underway

17-8-2024 < Activist Post 31 5059 words

By Matthew Ehret

In a previous report published on The Last American Vagabond, I outlined the esoteric rituals underlying the Paris 2024 Olympics and several extremely dangerous mystery cults that went to war with Christianity during its first several hundred years after the murder of Jesus. In that location I spent time outlining the essential characteristics of these three cults: Mithra, Isis-Serapis and Cybele-Attis, and I also outlined the fact that all three of those cults practiced the rites of Eleusis.

Since today’s world is witnessing a vast initiatory ritual involving entire generations targeted for deconstruction under a new age of Aquarius (or as the Golden Dawn proclaims as The New Aeon of Horus), and since an entire generation of baby boomers received a full spectrum assault by these oligarchists during the countercultural movement of the 1960s, it is useful to look a little more deeply into the Eleusinian Mysteries that are being revived by a new spiritualized drug culture in our modern age.

Medievalist scholar Donald Wasson writes“Known as the Great Mother or Magna Mater, Cybele, whose chief sanctuary was at Pessinus, was one of the early female deities, first appearing in the province of Lydia as a goddess of the mountains. Arriving from Phrygia, she made her initial appearance in Greece in the 5th century BCE with a temple in Athens (the Metroum); the Greeks identified her with the goddess Rhea (mother of the Olympians) and Demeter (goddess of the harvest). While never achieving great popularity in Greece, the cult reached Rome around the end of the 3rd century B.C.E.”

Relief of Demeter / Archaeological Museum of Eleusis, Greece

Manifesting with diverse names throughout the ancient world, in Greece, Cybele’s incarnation as Demeter placed her at the epicenter of the Eleusinian Mysteries which initiated generations of elites into a rite of passage, into an initiation process of death, rebirth, and at the end of the process, ultimately ‘discovering’ a mystical deification of the self devoid of moral reason. As Albert Pike writes of the highest initiation: “Those initiated in the Mysteries of Eleusis believed that the Sun blazed with a pure splendor for them alone.”

Mounting evidence has indicated that drugs, sexual excesses, mixtures of torture/radical withholding of bodily needs (followed by release) played major roles in this initiation.

Modern occultist Marina Abramovic’s methods of initiating her students such as Lady Gaga involves a mixture of these techniques, and undoubtedly, occult psychiatrists managing the CIA’s MK Ultra program during the Cold War studied these methods of de-patterning/reprogramming test subjects before extending their findings to cultural programming.

None other than Dr. Albert Hoffman, the chemist who discovered LSD-25 in 1942 which was put to wide use in MK Ultra, became the world’s leading authority on the Eleusinian Mysteries, having written a book in 1976 called ‘The Road to Eleusis’ (along with JP Morgan vice-President/psylocibin guru G. Gordon Wasson). Here Hoffman and his two co-writers correctly point out that the roots of LSD-25 (which are derived from a form of blight that grows on wheat called ‘ergot’) was among the sources of the secrets of Eleusinian rites of initiation.

“Ergot of barley is the likely psychotropic ingredient in the Eleusinian potion. Its seeming symbiotic relationship to the barley signified an appropriate expropriation and transmutation of the Dionysian spirit to which the grain, Demeter’s daughter, was lost in the nuptial embrace with earth. Grain and ergot together, moreover, were joined in a bisexual union as siblings, bearing at the time of the maiden’s loss already the potential for her own return and for the birth of the phalloid son that would grow from her body. A similar hermaphroditism occurs in the mythical traditions about the grotesquely fertile woman whose obscene jests were said to have cheered Demeter from her grief just before she drank the potion.”

The priesthood which served the psychedelic beverage during the ceremonies was always performed by eunuchs, and as we will see was also central to the counterparty of Cybele named Attis (the son/husband of Cybele who self-castrated in terror/love of his mother, bled to death and was reborn as the god of vegetation). Hoffman and Wasson write of this:

“As he [the priest] performed the service, he intoned ancient chants in a falsetto voice, for his role in the Mystery was asexual, a male who had sacrificed his gender to the Great Goddess.”

In the 18th century, the ceremonies of Eleusis would be performed by leading figures of London’s satanic Hellfire Club that met in underground caverns located under Medmenham Abbey leased by Sir Francis Dashwood (Chancellor of the Exchequer of England). The Abbey had formerly been a Cistercian Order in the 13th century, and like all Mithraic cults, selected its location based upon the vast caverns located below which had been Mithraic altars built during Roman times.

Above the caverns, Dashwood restored the decrepit St. Lawrence Church in 1751 using as inspiration the Sol Invictus (Mithraic) Temple that had recently been discovered in Palmyra, and he dubbed his occult society ‘The Order of Knights of St. Francis (sometimes called ‘The Medmenham Monks’) as a not-too-subtle reference to 1) his own name, 2) the Abbey above the caverns, and 3) St. Francis of Assisi whom, as we established, created an order which served as a bridge between the Benedictines and later Jesuits.

The satirical painter William Hogarth astutely captured this irony in his biting rendition of Sir Francis Dashwood dressed as St Francis of Assisi, except featuring an erotic novel instead of a bible, a naked woman instead of Jesus, a Venetian masque, and the figure of fellow Hellfire leader Lord Sandwich as a lunar god instead of a hallow indicated the Dionysian orgiastic ceremonies performed at night by the initiated.

Hellfire Club member John Wilkes (Royal Society member, and grandfather of Lincoln’s assassin) statedNo profane eye dared to penetrate the English Eleusinian Mysteries of the Chapter Room where the Monks assembled on solemn occasions […] secret rites performed and libations to the Bona Dea”. Bona Dea was the name for earth mother Magna Mater, whom as established earlier is known variously as Demeter, Aphrodite, Venus and Cybele.

After redesigning the abbey above the caverns under the gothic style, Dashwood placed a banner above the entrance that read “Do What thou Wilt”… which brings us to another initiate of the Eleusinian Mysteries.

The Dashwood Mausoleum with St. Lawrence’s Church tower behind.

Aleister Crowley (1875-1947), self-professed anti-Christ, occultist, and British Agent famously developed upon his own variation of the Rites of Eleusis while heading the German branch of the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO). In Crowley’s Eleusinian working, mescaline was the hallucinogenic drug of choice – which accompanied long days and nights of orgies, sacrifice, and other ‘outer body’ experiences. In Crowley’s Eleusinian Ceremony, the same 7 gates of initiation as held by the Mithra Cult are featured prominently.

Crowley’s seven rites of Eleusis (which were made into a theatrical performancewere named ‘The Rite of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sol, Venus, Mercury, and Luna.’

Even Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), President of the German and Austrian branches of the Theosophical Society, and founder of Anthroposophy, spoke at length about the glories of the mysteries of Eleusis and asserted that it was through this rite that pre-Christian Greeks were able to have communion with the spirit of the unborn Christ:

“The Greek disciple learned to understand the Mystery of Christ in a pre-Christian period; again it was in a spiritual way that the Christ was placed before those to be initiated into the Mysteries of Eleusis.”

Steiner went on further to state that “All that is bound up with the Eleusinian Mystery is intimately connected with what we call our anthroposophical striving.”

Not just speaking of his Anthroposophical followers, Steiner went further and stated that “All that is connected with the Mystery of Eleusis, and all that has been achieved by the author in the historical re-awakening of the principles of initiation in the various epochs, corresponds to what is deepest and most intimate in the European soul.”

Satanist high priest and leading general of the confederacy during the civil war Albert Pike (1809-1891) described the rites of Eleusis in his Morals and Dogma (1871):

“The Mysteries of Eleusis, celebrated at Athens in honor of Ceres [aka Demeter, Cybele], swallowed up, as it were, all the others. All the neighboring nations neglected their own, to celebrate those of Eleusis; and in a little while all Greece and Asia Minor were filled with the Initiates. They spread into the Roman Empire, and even beyond its limits.”

In 1870, one of Albert Pike’s lieutenants in the Scottish Rite named John Yarker (1833-1913) split off from the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in order to create a new masonic order dubbed the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis Mizraim. Yarker became a leading theosophist, Martinist Freemason, co-founder of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, joined the British Israelite Quator Coronati lodge in 1887, and co-founded the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) where he recruited Theodor Reuss and Dr. Franz Hartmann in 1902.

Both Reuss and Yarker worked closely with Rudolf Steiner in the Rites of Memphis and Mizraim and Steiner speaks at length about his affiliations with Yarker in his Autobiography describing his membership payments to learn Yarker’s rites. Steiner and his wife Marie von Sivers master and adapt the rite to their own lodge called ‘Mystica Aeterna’ expanding membership to women. Pro-Steiner researcher Peter Koenig writes that on June 15, 1907: “Reuss sends Steiner an Edict making Steiner a 33, 90 and 96 degree of Berlin and independently acting General Grandmaster of the Sovereign General Grandcouncil of the Mizraim-Rite of Germany. The stationary bears the expressions “Memphis and Mizraim Rite of Masonry, Order of Oriental Templars and Esoteric Rosicrucians”.

Yarker and Reuss also recruited Aleister Crowley to the OTO at this same time, giving the self-professed Anti-Christ full control over the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland OTO in 1912. In 1913, Crowley became Grand Master of the Rite of Memphis-Mizraïm, and in 1914 wrote a new constitution and gnostic mass for the international OTO.

For those who may be troubled by the Crowley-Steiner relationship, the work of academic occultist Carl Abrahamsson may prove useful in illustrating the fact that the same occult workings play out in both men’s practices, except modified by Apollonion vs Dionysian approaches.

Meanwhile Dr. Franz Hartman was acting president of the Indian Theosophical Society and in 1907, alongside Annie Besant who became the first female member of the theosophy, infiltrated Indian Congress Party that later collaborated with the Nazis. Hartmann also co-founded the Order of the New Templars (soon to be led by Nazi occultist Herman Goering) and also founded (with Crowley) the Argentum Astrum (A∴A∴). Through Argentum Astrum, the Hellfire Club’s motto of ‘Do What Thou Wilt’ was here re-branded as ‘The Law of Thelema’ by Crowley.

John Yarker also practiced the Mysteries of Eleusis, and in his book ‘The Arcane Schools’ describes how the rites continued through the occult underground after Rome collapsed, writing:

“The Eleusinian, Serapian, and Mythraic Mysteries were all very popular in Rome, and spread into all countries, practising their rites side by side with the aboriginal Mysteries, for the utmost tolerance existed amongst all the priests.  All are known to have existed in Britain, flourishing generally until the 4th century of Christianity, and practised long after in secret. Besides the State Mysteries, Alexandria became the centre whence radiated the Mystic schools, the Cabala, Gnosticism, Neo-Platonism, and Arcane Christianity.”

Yarker candidly admits that the Rites of Eleusis always stood in opposition to “their bitter enemies the Christians.” 

Reuss, Hartmann, Yarker, Crowley, Steiner, Carl Jung, and many other occultists of the pre-WWI era frequented the Ascona Lodge in Monte Verita, Switzerland which Cynthia Chung writes extensively about here.

Masonic priest (33rd degree Scottish Rite) Manley P. Hall (1901-1990) additionally wrote extensively of the Mysteries of Eleusis as a practice that was geared to “initiating” subjects into the belief that the spirits of the dead were shaping reality, and that the true initiate of gnostic knowledge learned to give way to the dark unconscious forces (shaped by countless dead spirits infused within our soul) below our conscious domain.

In his Secret Teachings of All Ages, Hall writes:

An ancient initiate once said that the living are ruled by the dead. Only those conversant with the Eleusinian concept of life could understand that statement. It means that the majority of people are not ruled by their living spirits but by their senseless (hence dead) animal personalities. Transmigration and reincarnation were taught in these Mysteries, but in a somewhat unusual manner. It was believed that at midnight the invisible worlds were closest to the Terrestrial sphere and that souls coming into material existence slipped in during the midnight hour. For this reason many of the Eleusinian ceremonies were performed at midnight. Some of those sleeping spirits who had failed to awaken their higher natures during the earth life and who now floated around in the invisible worlds, surrounded by a darkness of their own making, occasionally slipped through at this hour and assumed the forms of various creatures.”

Jung’s Revival of Mithraism

If this smells at all like Carl Jung’s theory of the collective unconscious, then don’t be surprised as Jung was himself a devoted believer in Mithraic initiation ceremonies and a practicing occultist throughout his adult life. Throughout hundreds of lectures, Jung also spoke fondly of the mysteries of Eleusis.

Not only did Jung believe himself to be the reincarnation of Emperor Julian the Apostate (a Mithraic initiate who attempted to wipe out Christianity in 364 AD), but as Richard Noll notes in The Jung Cult, the psychologist literally saw himself as a Dionysian messiah and initiate of Mithra who sought to create a new hedonistic religious order.

Speaking to the clash between Roman faiths, Jung stated in his Wandlungen (aka: ‘Psychology of the Unconscious’): “the two great antagonistic religions, Christianity on the one side and Mithraism on the other.

Situating his preference for Mithraism against Christianity, Jung stated that Mithra worship “is nature worship in the best sense of the word; while the primitive Christians exhibited throughout an antagonistic attitude to the beauties of this world.”

In a 1925 lecture, Jung describes his own realization of his deification:

“Awe surrounds the mysteries, particularly the mystery of deification. This was one of the most important of the mysteries — it gave certainty of immortality. One gets a peculiar feeling from being put through such an initiation. The important part that led up to the deification was the snake’s encoiling of me… The animal face which I felt mine transformed into was the famous Deus Leontocephalus of the Mithraic mysteries, the figure which is represented with a snake coiled around the man, the snake’s head resting on the man’s head, and the face of the man that of a lion. This statue has only been found in the mystery grottoes (the underchurches [Mithraeum], the last remnants of the catacombs).” [Jung, Analytical Psychology, p. 98]

Jung scholar Richard Noll noted the occult psychiatrist’s fixation with Mithra in the following section of The Jung Cult – Origins of a Charismatic Movement’: “When Jung became one with Aion in his visionary initiation experience, in his imagination he was not only becoming a full participant in the mysteries of Mithras; he was experiencing a direct initiation into the most ancient of the mysteries of his Aryan ancestors.”

The Deus Leontocephalus described by Carl Jung is at the heart of the Mithra Cult, and featured a demonic figure dubbed Ariamanus (or “Ahriman” in the Zoroastrian system). The figure features lion’s head on a winged naked man’s body wrapped in a serpent, and often encircled by a zodiac. Hundreds of such statues have been recovered from Mithraic temples and according to archaeologist Franz Cumont, denotes the Mithraic Chronos as a god of wasting eternity characterized by death, evil, and decay (in opposition to Kairos, the transcendental time beyond Chronos).

Jan van Kessel the Elder (1626–1679), Saturn Devouring his Children (c 1660). Wikimedia Commons.

In Rome, Chronos became the god Saturn, who sits at the seventh and last rite of initiation of Mithraic mysteries before tapping into their true God-self. In this egotistical perversion of divinity, the new “self” of the initiated has come to learn that the God of the Bible which promotes good and condemns evil, is actually an evil demiurge, while the true God beyond this demiurge, in whose image the initiate is made, is an amoral, and multi-sexual God, beyond good or evil.

This is why it is so important for oligarchists to ensure that society’s only definition of “reason” is bounded by the strict limitations of linear reductionist logic (typically some mixture of deductive/inductive logic). The suffocating constraints which this fallacious notion of “reason” imposes onto the mind, and the associated Kantian corollaries in the moral domain (of “forcing” good behavior as categorical imperatives at best) results in a tyranny of reason from which victims of said conditioning must desire to free themselves.

This liberation from false rigid reason via occultism and gnosis is a powerful recipe for Luciferianism.

Writing to Giuseppe Mazzini, Grandmaster Albert Pike laid out this logic in some detail writing:

“The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian Doctrine. If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay (the God of the Christians) whose deeds prove his cruelty, perfidy and hatred of man, barbarism and repulsion to science, would Adonay and his priests calumniate him? Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also God. For the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two Gods…the true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay.”

It is important to here recall that Lucifer is yet another analog for solar deities Horus, Marduk, Apollo and of course… Mithra.

Nag Hamadi Gnostic Gospel

Today, intensive efforts are being made to revive the Cults of Cybele/Demeter as well as the cult’s Christian gnostic synthetic cults (outlined in the Nag Hamadi texts) in the works of Elaine Pagels, Brian Muraresku, Diana Pasulka, Graham Hancock and countless others.

The connection from the early Christian gnostic scriptures and broader occult mystery religions spread out across the ancient world is direct, and for at least several hundred years was managed by the neo-Platonic gnostics that had taken over Plato’s academy like a virus after the 2nd century BC.

These neo-Platonists, which usurped the name of Plato, used the following formula: 1) extract anything touching on mythological text from Plato’s dialogues without any context, 2) formalize Plato’s concepts of the two realities (Being and Becomming/finiteness and infiniteness/ temporal and eternal) into crystalized definitions devoid of transformative change, and 3) eliminate the notion of universal reason from its association with moral virtue as taught by Plato and all true Platonists.

Within this set of fallacies, “knowledge” became something reserved only for an inner elite that had detached themselves from the corrupt influence of reason through carefully arranged rites of initiation.

Writing in How Jesus and his Followers Saved Civilization (1980), historian Robert Carmen Dreyfuss writes that:

“The Isis Cult and its sister cults [Magna Mater-Cybele/Attis, Mithra etc] were determined to destroy Christianity from the inside. Gnosticism, by adopting the protective coloration of being a quasi- or pseudo- Christian sect, used that capability to try to introduce the ancient belief structure of the cults back into the Christian movement.”

Among the themes of the gnostic gospels include 1) a sexualization of God into a bisexual being in who’s image all initiates are made, 2) the elimination of the divinity of Christ, 3) the re-branding of the Biblical God as an evil demiurge, 4) the glorification of secret mysteries only accessible through the abandonment of reasoning powers, and in some cases, 5) redemption through sexual frenzy, and hallucinogenic beverages.

Across the multitude of variations of gnostic “sacred stories”, we find the existence of sexualized spirit entities called ‘aeons’ that were created by an entity of pure light and emptiness not dissimilar to the zen Buddhist ideal of “Being” as “Not-Being”.

After multiple breedings, these aeon entities became more numerous, and by virtue of their seperation in “time” from the source Being, they became more impure resulting in the youngest aeon dubbed ‘Pistis Sophia’ (and sometimes ‘Gaia’) who became infested with ignorance and despised masculine energy so much that she procreated with herself creating an abomination.

As the story goes, this abortive child became a sociopathic and self-delusional multi-sex demiurge named ‘Yaldabaoth’, commonly expressed as a snake with lion’s head. Typically, the imagery of Yaldabaoth is conveyed with a sun and moon flanking the monstrocity indicating rituals of ‘ascent’ and ‘descent’ (or Apollonian/Dionysian-Bachanalian types) affiliated with ceremonies of worshippers of the mysteries.

This sociopathic demiurge infused darkness with light creating a new force of evil to counterbalance the good and with this evil force, dubbed himself ‘the one and only God’ who created the universe in seven days.

This evil demiurge took on the names ‘Yaldabaoth’, ‘Samael, and Saklas’, and throughout gnostic sects is referred to as ‘Great Archon’ (by Valentinus), ‘Chief Archon’ (by the Apocryphon of John), ‘Great Demiurge’ (by Basilides), or Satan (in the Gnostic Gospel of Nicodemus), and is found throughout the gnostic scriptures as the ignorant and purely evil God of the Bible, that made the world in his/her image.

In the gnostic Sethian treatise called ‘The Nature of the Rulers’, we find the evil demiurge saying: “I am God; there is no other but me”. When he said this, he sinned against [the Realm of All]. This boast rose up to Incorruptibility and a voice answered from Incorruptibility and said “You are wrong, Samael”- which means “blind god”… His thoughts were blind. He expressed his power- that is, the blasphemy he had uttered- and pursued it down to chaos and his mother the abyss, at the instigation of Pistis Sophia”. She established each of his offspring according to its power, after the pattern of the eternal realms above. For the visible originated from the invisible.”

Describing the break of the souls of Yaldabaoth and his corrupt co-creating Archons, from the realm of spirits which are incorruptible beings of light, the author of the Sethian text states: “Her [Sophia’s] image appeared as a reflection in the waters, and the authorities [demiurge and top Archons] of darkness fell in love with her. But they could not grasp the image that appeared to them in the waters [since]… what is only soul cannot grasp what is of spirit. For the authorities [see archons-creator beings of material world and the realm of reason] were from below, but the image of Incorruptibility was from above.”

Within this gnostic cosmology, the figure of Christ becomes an aeon/archon who delivered the secret mysteries to mankind through the figure of the serpent in the Garden. The figure of Yaldabaoth was so enraged by this heresy that he fooled the world into thinking that the serpent, or Lucifer was evil, but in truth was always the path to light.[1]

In the Gospel of Seth (which at various times is the name for Noah’s supposed third son and also the snake of the garden), a ritual is even promoted for anyone wishing to “know” the heavens… simply cut out a womb from a living pregnant woman:

“Heaven and earth have a shape similar to the womb… and if… anyone wants to investigate this, let him carefully examine the pregnant womb of any living creature, and he will discover an image of the heavens and the earth.”

Whether or not this was in the minds of the satanic murder of Roman Polanski’s pregnant wife at the hands of the Scientology-connected Manson family (also overseen by the CIA’s MK Ultra) is a question that has not been addressed by any known researcher in this author’s opinion.

In another gospel found among the Nag Hamadi scriptures in Egypt in 1947, we have the Trimophic Protennoia speaking as the voice of God saying: “I am the Voice… [it is] I who speak within every creature… Now I have come a second time in the likeness of a female, and have spoken with them… I have revealed myself in the Thought of the likeness of my masculinity.” The “voice” goes on to explain: “I am androgynous. [I am both Mother] and Father, since I copulate with myself… [and with those] who love me… I am the Womb [that gives shape] to the All… I am Meirothea, the glory of the Mother.

In the gnostic gospel ‘Thunder, Perfect Mind’ we hear the same voice go even further saying:

“I am the first and the last. I am the honored one and the scorned one. I am the whore, and the holy one. I am the wife, and the virgin. I am the mother and the daughter… I am knowledge and ignorance… I am shameless; I am ashamed. I am strength and I am fear… I am foolish and I am wise… I am godless and I am one whose God is great.”

The theme which all of the aforementioned adopt is the notion that the “pure Christianity” was found in the pre-Nicene gnostic mystery cults — which in truth were nothing more than pseudo-Mithraic/Cybele/Demeter sects having adopted a mere Christian veneer.

The psychiatrist who ran the CIA’s MK Ultra’s Psylocibin Project at Harvard, carrying out psychological experiments on students using psychedelic drugs, was none other than Henry Murray, a disciple of Carl Jung for many years. CIA director Allen Dulles who initiated and oversaw MK Ultra, with its 1953 launch, worked closely with Jung throughout World War II, and the Cold War.

Carl Jung: Gnostic High Priest

In a 1912 letter to Freud, Carl Jung had himself described this revival of the gnostic mysteries as a replacement for Christianity, saying:

“I think we must give it [referring to his new religion] time to infiltrate into people from many centers, to revivify among intellectuals a feeling for symbol and myth, ever so gently to transform Christ back into the soothsaying god of the vine, which he was, and in this way absorb those ecstatic instinctual forces of Christianity for the one purpose of making the cult and the sacred myth what they once were- a drunken feast of joy where man regained the ethos and holiness of an animal.” [McGuire, Freud-Jung Letters p. 294- letter 178J]

Jung was extremely clear on his devotion to the Mithraic secret doctrines of gnostic Christianity which he saw as the basis of a new global religion.

In The Gnostic Jung, theosophist Stephan A. Hoeller writes: “In ancient Gnosticism we find very clear statements of a spiritual libertarianism… which regards the individual human pneuma as superior to and possessing a sovereignty over the primitive law of “Thou shalt” and “Thou shalt not” promulgated by the demiurge [the God of the Bible]. To imagine that one’s pure, divine spirit could be even affected, and even less lost because of transgressing against the petty laws of a cosmic tyrant appeared laughable to the Gnostics.”

The true actualized self, integrated with the subconscious shadows, was for Jung, liberated from all moral considerations, and like Crowley (or the Hellfire Club’s Francis Dashwood earlier) felt that “Do What Thou Wilt” was the whole of the Law.

Hoeller writes: “Like a true Gnostic, Carl Jung recognized that, even at best, goodness is no substitute for wholeness; he frequently said that in the long run what matters is not goodness or obedience to moral laws, but only and simply the fullness of being.”

Cynthia Chung, in her recent essay ‘The Shaping of a World Religion: Carl Jung and The Land of the Dead – Descending into the Underworld PART VI’ elegantly demonstrates the neo-pagan revival underlying Jung’s entire adult life:
