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Another Suspicious Moment in DNC Pipe Bomb Mystery

15-8-2024 < SGT Report 21 694 words

by Haley McLean and Julie Kelly, Declassified with Julie Kelly:

An unidentified individual carrying a bag exited a police vehicle then walked toward the location where the device was “found” about 15 minutes later. There are no coincidences.

One reason the public should remain highly suspicious about the circumstances surrounding the so-called “pipe bombs” discovered on January 6 is the national media’s collective disinterest in the matter.

Major news outlets, including those with full time J6 beat reporters, have completely ignored the shocking findings recently confirmed by DHS Inspector General Joseph Cuffari related to the Secret Service’s role in the events of January 6. Cuffari determined Kamala Harris, the incoming vice president and U.S. Senator at the time and now Democratic candidate for president, came within 20 feet of the alleged explosive when she inexplicably left the Capitol at 11:22 a.m. to visit the Democratic National Committee headquarters instead of staying behind to relish her history-making moment.


Yet she has never discussed nor been asked about her near-assassination attempt. And perhaps for good reason.

Newly discovered video appears to justify the belief that the DNC “pipe bomb” scare was part of an inside job perhaps orchestrated by law enforcement or others to initiate panic in Washington on January 6.

This video, captured by a security camera outside the DNC building, shows an officer with Harris’s detail exit a DC Metro Police SUV at 12:51 p.m. The officer, carrying a bag of some sort, points toward and then walks in the direction of where the second pipe bomb was “found” just outside the building. (For unknown reasons, no video is available for the bench area that day.)

At 12:53 p.m., the man re-enters the frame carrying the bag as he approaches the Metro Police SUV in the driveway and gets back into the passenger side.

What exactly was he doing? Did he set the device? And if he was acting on the up-and-up, how in the world did he not see a pipe bomb sitting right there?

In fact, several instances earlier in the day undermine the idea that law enforcement simply “missed” the device planted underneath bushes between two benches on the outside of the building. The movements also suggest the device was not where the FBI claimed it had been planted the night before—or wasn’t there at all until several minutes before it was “discovered.”

Nearly two hours before Harris arrived at the DNC, a bomb-sniffing dog conducted a sweep outside the building at 9:29 a.m. in close proximity to where the explosive was later “found.” The canine did not detect the device—a bomb the FBI insists to this day was viable and deadly—and something Cuffari noted in his investigation of the matter.

Security camera footage edited here to track the movements of Harris’s detail—each marked with a different colored circle—captures the arrival of Harris’s motorcade, which was led by a D.C. Metropolitan Police (MPD) SUV, at the DNC.

As Harris’s motorcade enters the garage, the footage shows a member of the detail, tracked with a yellow circle, exiting the MPD SUV and pointing to the driveway apparently directing the other vehicles where to park. He then walks back to the MPD vehicle, opens the passenger side door, and appears to retrieve something from inside before walking away. The MPD vehicle leaves as the man walks out of frame toward the area where the pipe bomb would be “found” about 40 minutes later.

At 11:27 a.m., a Capitol Police car arrives and parks in the driveway next to the black SUV as the detail member tracked with the yellow circle re-enters the frame from the area where the pipe bomb supposedly was located. He then approaches the Capitol Police car and enters the passenger side.

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