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“They Just Killed Everybody in the School.” 
An Outcry to the World on the Zionist-Israeli Mass Homicide

15-8-2024 < Global Research 22 1128 words

Please watch this powerful message from a beautiful Gazan girl.

It is a message to the world about the Israeli Zionist bombing-massacre committed on a school in Gaza City, in the Al-Daraj neighborhood. See 1-minute facebook video below.



Way over 100 people, almost all kids, lost their lives — and countless others were severely wounded and may also die. 

The children were seeking refuge in the school. They were praying when the bombs hit.

These perpetrators are not humans.

They are not animals.

They are a life satanic infiltration on Mother Earth.

Despite worldwide condemnation for war crimes in Gaza, the diabolical Chief Zionist talks to US Congress and gets 56 standing ovations.

The US Congress, whether Republican or Democrat, is a representation of what the self-styled world’s hegemon stands for. It represents their ethical standards, their soul that has long been erased by greed for money and political power, and therefore, no matter whether the representation comes from so-called MAGA (Make America Great Again) US Southern States, like Texas and Florida – they are equally sold to the devil, as some snippets of the Zionist Israel supporters below will show: 

Self-explanatory Snippets:

Arizona Republican Representative Eli Crane was spotted in the Congress expressing support for Netanyahu.

Republican Representative from Florida, Anna Paulina Luna, appeared in Congress, seemingly attempting to get Palestinian US member of Congress Rashida Tlaib to take down her sign that read “War criminal” and “Guilty of genocide.”

Republican Representative Andy Biggs from Arizona was also among the lawmakers giving a standing ovation to Netanyahu.

Republican Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri was also at Congress, and his post on X stated that the US “has no more important ally than Israel.”

“Powerful, inspirational words today from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. America has no more important ally than Israel,” he posted on X (former Twitter) following Netanyahu’s speech.

Republican US Senator Ted Cruz from Texas is one of the biggest Israel’s allies in the Congress, calling Netanyahu’s speech “Churchillian.”

“He understands the gravity of the war in Israel, the existential threat to our Israeli allies, and the staggering risks posed to American national security,” he said on X.

Senator Ron Johnson, Republican from Wisconsin, was also spotted in Congress showing support for Netanyahu.

Republican Representative Byron Donalds of Florida also attended the Congressional session and criticized Vice President Kamala Harris on Wednesday for skipping Netanyahu’s address.

He said Harris and Democrats “take American Jews for granted.”

Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Republican Representative from Georgia, and far-right Republican Lauren Boebert from Colorado, who supports closer ties with Israel for religious reasons, also attended the Congress during Netanyahu’s address. 

 … and so on, and on, and on…..

See this for full article and photo from the website.

Netanyahu receives standing ovation from US lawmakers despite war crimes in Gaza

 What does this say for Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump?

Is he going to go against his own party?

Or is this unquestionable support for war criminals just continuing? You are the judge.

Democratic Presidential candidate, Kamala Harris, although she did not attend the Congress session, she met later separately with Netanyahu, assuring him of her full and undivided support. Sealed with a strong handshake.

Does anybody believe that Republican Presidential Candidate, Donald Trump, would go against his own party? Think again! This is an endless support of genocide, from both sides of the isle, as well as both sides of the Atlantic.

Then – see this:

However, looking closer who represents the Government – not just Congress but also the Executive, it may be a clear-cut explanation for a worldwide fraud that has been expanding quietly, without people noticing. 

Jews representing just a about 2% of the US population, but they call the shots in the Government (executive), as well as in Congress (legislative).

It is what you may call the “salami-tactic” in reverse: Slice by little slice is cut off the salami, representing the US people, and when you are coming to the end – there is no salami left, no people’s representation – just pure Zionist representation.

American people, it is time to shake yourself awake.


This may be revealing – the cut salami – as the United States’ People’s representation.

It is not just the Biden-Harris representation, it is not Russia and China which are doing all the “bad things” to this good country, called US of A. 

Look who are the Zionists in the Administration – and this is just a small sample:

  • Secretary of State Antony Blinken;

  • Secretary of Treasury Janet Yellen;

  • Attorney General Merrick Garland;

  • Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas;

  • CIA Deputy Director David Cohen;

  • Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines;

  • SEC (Security and Exchange Commission) Chair Gary Gensler;

  • Council of Economic Advisors Jared Bernstein;

  • FCC (Federal Communications Commission) Chair Jessica Rosenworcel;

  • Director of CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) Rochelle Walensky;

  • and more ….

Mind you, corrupted European mis-leadership, especially the European Commission, is made of the same fabric; not an iota better. Otherwise, they would show the self-styled chosen people what humanity is indeed all about. Apparently, the Holocaust has not taught them any lesson.


Now, who would listen to this little Gazan girl’s outcry to the world – for help, for attention? When the Western World is united as Murderers and Co?

Listen again:

People of the world who read these lines, please stand up against this US-European-supported Zionist Israeli horror genocide inflicted on Gaza, and on the Palestinian people.


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One Month Before Global Research’s Anniversary

Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

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