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Outrage After Concerned Citizens Fix Skin of Black “Italian” Olympic Champion in Mural, by Andrew Anglin

15-8-2024 < UNZ 29 653 words

Italy is Nigeria now.

Everything is Nigeria.

The Guardian:

A mural celebrating the Italian Olympic volleyball champion Paola Egonu has become the target of “vulgar racism” after the athlete’s skin in the image was spray-painted pink.

The mural by the street artist Laika was defaced within a day of being unveiled on a wall close to the headquarters of the Italian Olympic committee (Coni) in Rome.

The image featured Egonu, who spearheaded Italian women’s volleyball’s first-ever gold medal win at the Paris Olympics, as she jumps to hit a ball with the words “stop racism”. The words were also erased by the vandals, who are yet to be identified.

Egonu, 25, was born in Italy to Nigerian parents.

Called Italianità, the mural was also Laika’s response to a passage in a bestselling book by a controversial army general and MEP, Roberto Vannacci, in which he wrote that even though Egonu was “Italian by citizenship … her physical features” did not “represent Italianness”.

Paola Egonu

Vannacci, who was elected to the European parliament in May with the backing of Italy’s far-right Lega, reiterated his view on Sunday after Egonu emerged as the top scorer in the women’s volleyball final against the USA.

Frankly, his physical features don’t represent Italianness much either. He looks like Ryan Gosling.

Roberto Vannacci

I kid. Italians in the north are more German-ish, which is funny, but they’re all Italians.

Blacks, however? Not Italian.

This whole “racism and hate” thing is so tiresome. I’m the number one race-hater allegedly, and I guarantee you, I get along with nonwhites a lot better than the liberal white women who talk about this “racism and hate” gibberish.

No one in the world, other than white women and their bitch-boys, believes in “racism and hate.” The brown people will go along with it as a way to gain power, but they don’t really believe in it. Asians are actually confused by it.

Excluding white women, everyone naturally believes that ethnic groups have shared interests and will compete for their interests. What white women do is come in and say that white men are not allowed to represent their own group interests, while everyone else is allowed to do that.

NB4 “it’s Jews that came up with that” – yes, I know that, friend. I’m that guy from the Daily Stormer. I know Jews came up with it. The point is, without white women, the Jews would have no enforcement mechanism, because white men would just tell them to shut up.

Most of the American/European readers have never been directly oppressed by a Jew. But I know you’ve all been oppressed by white women. Directly. They are the ones enforcing this, which is why everything went to hell after white women were given permission (it’s not a right, it’s permission) to engage in public life.

We need to move into a Taliban type of system where women are not permitted to engage in public life.

There is a better way.

Elvis Dunderhoff contributed to this article.
