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UK: Mother of 5 Gets 26 Months in Jail for Throwing Can at Cops, by Andrew Anglin

20-8-2024 < UNZ 23 783 words

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Previously: UK: Man Sentenced to 3 Years in Prison for Memes, Saying Stabber was Moslem

At least this woman did something in the physical world. I guess it should be illegal to throw cans at cops. I don’t think she should get 26 months for it, maybe 26 days or just 26 hours. But at least she did something.

Most of these people being rounded up in the UK’s mass arrest campaign are just posting memes.

Bristol Live:

A woman who threw a drinks can at police officers during a riot in Bristol has been jailed. Lisa Bishop, 38, was captured on body camera footage verbally abusing officers and counter protesters in the violent disorder on August 3 in Bristol city centre.

Bishop, of Lawrence Weston, was sentenced to two years and two months in prison alongside three other people at Bristol Crown Court on Friday, August 16, after each admitted to violent disorder for their role in the chaotic scenes. Footage released by Avon and Somerset Police shows Bishop at the scene of the protest.

During the clip, she can be seen appearing to shout at police officers, though her words cannot be heard over the noise of the clash, before throwing a drink can in the direction of police officers. Liquid can also been seen to leak out of the can as it is thrown.

Bishop was sentenced alongside Zak Baker, Jamie Easterbrook and Joseph Bradford, who all admitted to violent disorder at earlier court hearings. Detective Chief Inspector Clement Goodwin said: “The behaviour of some people on that day was completely unacceptable. It was not a lawful protest.

“Three people have now been handed lengthy prison sentences after admitting to their involvement in the shameful scenes we saw that day and we are continuing to identify and arrest others who also played a part.

The prisons are full with the people caught up in this mass arrest program.

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But that’s not a problem.

The cops are just going to release more murderers back onto the streets to make room for men who posted memes and women who threw cans.

It seems unlikely that a mass arrest campaign against protesters is going to change anyone’s opinions.

The Bolsheviks did this, and since then it’s been considered a pretty bad policy to rely exclusively on police force to sway public opinion. It turns out, actually, that you have to convince people, and if you can’t convince them, you have to at least placate them and keep them from rioting.

Doing violent crackdowns on disgruntled mobs of peasants usually just leads to more serious violence in the future.

Definitely, if there is another round of riots, these people are all going to be wearing masks so they can’t be identified with biometric facial ID. And when rioters are wearing ski masks, they are also naturally going to be prone to more extreme violence. It’s like how people will say heinous shit online that they would never say in real life, because they are anonymous online. When people do not know who you are, your behavior is always going to be more extreme.

If these rioters start wearing ski masks and getting seriously violent, the UK government will not have any way to deal with that.

Snake Baker contributed to this article.
