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U.S. Ruler Urges NATO Pilots To Fight For Ukraine, Expanding the War

14-8-2024 < SGT Report 15 402 words

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

A United States senator (member of the ruling class) is urging NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) pilots to fight for Ukraine. If the pilots actually obey this ridiculous war-mongering notion, it will fling the planet into another world war.

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham has called on Western pilots to come and “fight for freedom” (which none of us have, especially if we are fighting for the ruling class) in Ukraine until Kiev can train its own airmen. While American-made F-16 fighters have begun to arrive in Ukraine, there are currently not enough pilots to fly them.


Zelensky Shows Off Newly Arrived US F-16 Jets From Secret Location

“If you’re a retired F-16 pilot and you’re looking to fight for freedom, they will hire you here,” Graham said at a press conference in Kiev on Monday. “They’re going to look throughout NATO nations for willing fighter pilots who retired to come help them until they can get their pilots trained.”

“We’re going to get these jets into the theater sooner rather than later,” the Republican ruler added.

A host of Western nations, including Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Norway, have pledged to provide Ukraine with more than 80 F-16 fighters. In service since 1978, the F-16 is currently flown by more than two dozen countries, although many are retiring these aging airframes in favor of the more modern F-35.

Ukraine’s Vladimir Zelensky confirmed earlier this month that the first batch of F-16s had arrived in the country, and were already being flown by Ukrainian pilots. Zelensky did not say how many jets had arrived, and the American-built fighters have yet to be spotted in combat. -RT

Zelensky said that Ukraine does not have enough pilots to fly all of the jets pledged by the West, but said that “many guys are now training. These pilots are currently being trained in the U.S. and Denmark, while it is unclear whether a new training hub in Romania has begun accepting cadets. In June, a Pentagon official told Politico that a total of 20 Ukrainian F-16 pilots are expected to graduate by the end of this year, half of the 40 needed to make up a squadron.

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