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AP Publishes Hilarious Headline: “News outlets were leaked insider material from the Trump campaign. They chose not to print it”…

14-8-2024 < SGT Report 19 205 words

from The Conservative Treehouse:

Remember when the Politico story first hit about the stupid leaking from inside the Trump campaign and I said, “they got nothing.”

Politico sat on the story for 19-days while they talked to the leaker and reviewed the information they were sharing.  That’s how you know there was nothing in the leaked files from the “Trump insider.”  Because if there was anything damaging, it would be 24/7 publishing with hundreds of stories about it.


However, with nothing of value coming from the DHS leak to Politico, the Associated Press now spins the story to proclaim the magnanimity of the media for not reporting on “hacked” documents.  Too Funny!

“They chose not to print it.”  lolol   As if, all the DHS, DOJ and FBI leaks from the years 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 never existed.  These friggin’ media types have zero shame, and they think we are idiots.

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