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Against the Dark Enslaving Empire! A new book from Paul Cudenec

12-8-2024 < Attack the System 18 2294 words

By winter oak on August 12, 2024

by Paul Cudenec

It can be a strange feeling, at times, to be putting forward an understanding of the world that differs so radically from that generally accepted by my contemporaries.

Recently I found myself wondering, as I tried to summarise my findings to some acquaintances, whether I was really on the right track.

The sheer enormity of what I was describing – the utter unbelievability from a ‘mainstream’ perspective – momentarily struck me with doubt.

Was I wrong about all this? Had I somehow lost my way and wandered off into some credulous cul-de-sac?

I am happy to report that the work of putting together my new book, Against the Dark Enslaving Empire! A condemnation of the global criminocratic conspiracy, has definitively relieved me of any such misgivings!

In itself, the very task of transforming hundreds of online hyperlinks into book-friendly endnotes has reminded me that the conclusions I draw do not come from nowhere.

Everything I have written about the identity and nature of the criminocracy is based on solid evidence.

And, indeed, it was this evidence that led me to the position I now take. I was not looking to discover this particular reality and had no existing hypothesis for which I needed to cobble together proof.

Step by step, click by click, book by book, the evidence has led me here.

The judgement that I pass on that state of affairs, and the alternative that I put forward, are, of course, personal.

But even here I know that the anger I feel at the dominant system, my gut feeling that what we are talking about is indescribably evil, is not merely individual, but widely shared.

I sense that we are increasingly experiencing, together, a powerful collective realisation of what is ruling over us and how vital it is that we end its evil reign.

I begin this compilation of my writings from 2024 with the piece that lent the book its title – The dark enslaving empire.

Although it says nothing I have not said before, and brings no new information to the table, it has the merit of summing up the rest of the contents of this tome, and could indeed have served as a preface on its own!

This opening item was posted online, at Winter Oak and on my Substack, on July 12, 2024, but the rest of the articles are presented in the order in which they were originally published.

Giving the game away: the criminocracy’s fatal own goal (January 27, 2024) weighs straight into one of the most important and controversial questions of our day – the instrumentalisation of alleged “anti-semitism”.

Taking a detailed look at the organisations and individuals lurking behind a particular EU project, I conclude that this approach is a big mistake on the part of those responsible, exposing as it does the nature of their agenda.

I note: “They have walked into a logical trap in which the very act of denouncing an analysis they consider dangerous itself reinforces and propagates that analysis”.

An ABC for opposing the criminocracy originally appeared in The Acorn 91 (February 19, 2024).

I argue that if we wish to fully understand, and thus to effectively oppose, the global criminocrats, we need to stop thinking in terms of “politics” as currently known.

“This is because they are, quite simply, criminals whose sole aim is to expand and protect their own ill-gotten wealth and power”.

A crucial moment for humankind (February 20, 2024) is a reflection prompted by the overall content of that same bulletin.

I (once again!) urge revolt against the global powers, which I say are “quite obviously currently making a big move towards their long-cherished goal of a totalitarian world state in which people and nature alike have been reduced to nothing but assets, owned and exploited by the sociopathic ruling class”.

Fake terrorism and the genocide agenda (February 26, 2024) delves into another issue which is highly sensitive for the system and thus subject to much censorship and intimidation.

I ask: “Could it be that all or most of the big ‘Islamist’ terror attacks of the first two decades of this century were fake or false-flag events, designed to whip up hatred and fear of Muslims and thus of Palestinians, to demonise and dehumanise them in order to achieve the ‘de-legitimization’ of their cause, as recommended by Jerusalem Summit?

“Was this all part of a long-term plan to pave the way for the ethnic cleansing horrors that we have seen unfolding in Gaza since October 2023?”

The “terrorism” theme continues with The nauseating hypocrisy of the murderous criminocrats (March 8, 2024).

Looking at strong evidence that the 2005 7/7 terror attack in London was a false flag operation involving British and Israeli intelligence, I remark: “It is hard to imagine how any ruling complex could be any more depraved, sadistic, murderous, inhuman, duplicitous and nauseatingly hypocritical than the one in power today”.

Further reflections on this issue come in Blair, Berlusconi and false flag terror, which originally appeared in The Acorn 92 (March 20, 2024).

Here I assess war criminal Tony Blair’s close links with the late Italian politician Silvio Berlusconi, who was notoriously involved in dozens of court cases on charges including money laundering, mafia collusion and underage prostitution.

I remark: “Thinking back to Gladio, P2 and false-flag terrorism, it is interesting to recall that Blair was PM at the time of the 1999 London Nail Bombings, took the UK into US-led wars in Afghanistan and Iraq following 9/11 and was still Prime Minister in 2005 when London suffered the notorious 7/7 terror attack, which I discussed in a recent article. All just coincidence, no doubt!”

The false red flag (March 28, 2024) is a long essay which I have already issued as a free pdf, but which I feel deserves to find its way into an actual book!

It was originally published online in five parts, whose titles nicely sum up my conclusions as to what state communism really involves: pseudo-resistance; lies and repression; industrial slavery; a repugnant racket; a despotic dead end.

In Clarity and focus (April 15, 2024) I confirm my opinion, first voiced in 2022’s ‘Enemies of the People’ booklet, that the corrupt heart of the criminocracy is Rothschildian: “Nothing I have seen or heard since then has cast any doubt on this conclusion”.

Indeed, I say, this reality has become even more visible thanks to events in Gaza.

“It is obvious, from the carte blanche given to Israel for its genocidal activities, and from the smearing of anyone daring to speak out against the bloodbath, that the global criminocracy is aligned with Zionism and Israel”.

And, needless to say: “No family is more closely associated with the Zionist/Israeli entity than the Rothschilds”.

In The world out of kilter (April 22, 2024) I take a step back from the detail to communicate the feeling that I have long had that there is something deeply wrong about the society we live in today.

I conclude: “It is time for us to grab back our future from the greed-soaked hands of the lying robber-tyrants who have, for so long now, pushed our world out of kilter. It is time for us to reclaim our lives”.

Losing the labels originally appeared in The Acorn 93 (May 3, 2024) and is a review of a new academic book, Far-Right Newspeak and the Future of Liberal Democracy.

I take issue with the assumed division between “right” or “far right” and “left” or “far left”.

“These terms are false categories, designed to limit people’s critical thinking, close down proper discussion and pit us all up against each other rather than against the criminocracy”.

I came to research and write The Olympic agenda is profit and control (May 6, 2024) because of disturbing reports of what was going to be inflicted on Paris in the summer of 2024 under the name of “sport”.

As I took a look at the Olympic “movement”, I realised with a sinking heart that it was part of the same odious global entity that I discover under every metaphorical stone that I lift.

As a “tool for development”, the Olympic Games open up money-making possibilities for those whose agenda they advance, I write.

“They are a racket in the proud Fascist tradition of public-private partnerships – everything from the bidding process to the building of venues, accommodation and new transport infrastructures represents an Olympian opportunity for those on the inside to make a financial killing”.

Volk and freedom (May 10, 2024) is a new profile of Gustav Landauer, the German-Jewish radical thinker who has been a great influence on my own ideological evolution over the years.

I remark: “The story of his political life, in which he was largely spurned by members of his own movement who were trapped inside the conformist groupthink of the era, told me of the overriding need always to follow one’s own inner ideological compass rather than to cravenly seek safety in the shared opinions of any particular political herd”.

Power and corruption: the public-private imperial mafia (May 15, 2024) is possibly the most important article in this book, confirming as it does the nature of the British imperialist ruling clique.

I trace, one by one, the backgrounds and connections of the presidents and trustees of Chatham House, aka The Royal Institute of International Affairs, an extremely influential London “think tank”.

The mesh of interests and affiliations revealed by this painstaking process leaves, in my mind, no room for doubt as to what the “Establishment” really represents.

I state: “Chatham House is in many ways a miniature version of the British state itself, and indeed of the global public-private governance as a whole. Behind a veneer of ‘royal’ respectability lurks something that can only be described as a mafia”.

In Joined dots and spontaneous synchronicity (May 24, 2024) I take on the most common objection to my general analysis, namely that the existence of the criminocratic monopoly is simply not possible, that we live in a pluralistic world of competing interests and that it is absurd to imagine that one small group could have taken control over absolutely everything.

I refer these critics to the board game Monopoly, and in particular to the end of the game when one player is in an entirely dominant position.

“We know that it is just a matter of time before he or she will bankrupt their rivals and ‘win’ the game by achieving the aim as stated in its title”.

Wars, resets and the global criminocracy (June 10, 2024) was written as a contribution to the 2024 Chisinau Forum, whose theme was ‘Unrestricted warfare: a holistic approach to the Great Reset’.

I set out the striking parallels between the Great Reset and wars – the way that they serve the same short-term, medium-term and long-term aims.

“I have come to the conclusion – shocking for some, perhaps, but utterly unsurprising for others – that the agenda behind all modern wars is the same as that behind the Great Reset, Fourth Industrial Revolution, New World Order or whatever else you choose to call it”.

It took me nearly a month after seeing the new French documentary Les Survivantes to be able to write the short piece entitled Evil beyond words (June 13, 2024).

The film had a profound effect on me. As I remark: “I’ve always thought that mere human beings can no more be entirely evil than they can be entirely good. Now I’m not so sure”.

A Self-conscious philosophy of resistance (June 19, 2024) was written following a talk I gave in Scotland about the organic radical philosophy.

I explain that this is a “sussed” 21st century approach that takes on board a comprehension of the forces that have shaped today’s toxic society.

“Yes, the roots of organic radicalism are in traditional wisdom and our belonging to the natural world, but the philosophy is also built on an understanding of how and why that belonging-based wisdom – our withness – has been deliberately eroded”.

Electoral fraud: the illusion of democracy is one of two articles featured here that originally appeared in The Acorn 94 (June 15, 2024).

I restate the age-old anarchist conviction that voting for someone to rule over us is a mistake and that the thing sold to us as “democracy” is anything but that.

“Real democracy would involve the localisation of decision-making, the end of global corporate imperialism and the restoration to communities of the right to shape their own destinies”.

The second article is one that I am slightly embarrassed about presenting under my own name, as it is almost entirely based on research by somebody else!

But Kate Mason’s work on the threat of “managed retreat” in her native Australia, as well as in New Zealand, is so important that I think it is worth amplifying in every possible way.

The subject matter is self-evident from the title of the piece: Exposed: how the climate racketeers aim to force us into smart gulags.

The Military-Industrial Guilt Complex (July 3, 2024) takes us back into territory that I explored in January – the use of “anti-semitism” smears to disqualify all criticism of the system.

I report on a brochure that takes this process a step even further by presenting a diagram placing “anti-semitism” at the centre of all so-called “conspiracy theories”.

This looks to me like a projection of the authors’ own guilt on to those whom they are attempting to discredit.

I add: “Although this gaslighting projection of guilt is not meant to be an admission, it effectively plays that role”.
