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Taking the 2024 Election Seriously Makes You Look Stupid and Delusional, by Andrew Anglin

11-8-2024 < UNZ 28 1922 words

Regrettably, I have no spiritual enlightenment to share this Sunday.

Perhaps, the message of “don’t vote, stop pretending this election is real” is a bit spiritually uplifting, as if you embrace the position that “voting is consent,” and then back that up with “it doesn’t matter anyway because it’s fake,” you will have a burden lifted from your soul.

For four years, I’ve watched people talk about voting as if it was real. People saw Joe Biden get the 81 million, and said “this is completely fake,” then said “well, we just have to vote harder next time.”

No one has explained this to me, which leads me to believe that all of these people talking about the polls and Trump’s message and the Kamala honeymoon and what’s going to happen in the debates are all basically mind control victims.

There is simply no theory as to why anyone would believe any of this would matter, at all.

The closest thing I’ve heard to a theory is that there is a limit on the amount of fraud that the Democrats are able to perform. As if 81 million votes for Joe Biden was the top end of what was possible. In actual reality, if they needed 91 million votes, or 101 million votes, or a billion and one votes, that’s how many they would have driven up with.

You can’t “overcome the fraud.” The fraud will overcome you.

This is why when I hear someone talk about “oh, JD Vance, yeah, he’s weird, this is bad for Trump” or “oh, Trump needs to appeal more to the base” or “oh, people like these coconut brat memes, yeah, this is really helping Kamala in the polls,” I think: “this person is either very stupid or actually insane.”

Maybe I am being hard on people, and it is just natural to get sucked into this hoax. I do think that TV and internet personalities should not be promoting the idea that voting is real. We know as a matter of fact that the mechanism of voter fraud is mail-in ballots, and that this system used “because of covid” was institutionalized in all of the swing states. A person who is giving commentary on the topic, publicly, needs to have the intelligence and psychological stability to say “none of this actually even matters, because elections are fake.”

I Will Report the News

I’ll report what people are saying, what the politicians are saying, and so on. It is news. But you need to understand: none of it will affect the outcome of the election.

JD Vance is definitely weird and otherwise horrible. However, I am loathing the reality that if Trump “loses,” people are going to start talking about “oh, this is because JD Vance is so weird.”

If this guy was your neighbor, you’d have a privacy fence installed. At least.

If this guy was your neighbor, you’d have a privacy fence installed. At least.

If Trump “loses,” it’s because of fraud, and if he “wins,” it’s because of fraud. It’s a system of fraud. Obviously, in a real election based on vote counts, Trump would win, just as he won in 2020. But it’s not a real election. If Trump were to drive out the vote, and get his 81 million, Kamala would show up with 91 million. They would drive up trucks full of ballots and the media would cover for them.

That is reality. None of the people putting out material about political strategy are living in reality.

I don’t know what exactly is going on. I sometimes watch random shows on Rumble. I sort of like Dan Bongino, just as a personality; I don’t think he’s super sharp, and it’s very normie-tier, but he’s got a good radio voice. I like to check in on what these normie-tier people are saying. He is on there talking about how important voting is and how we will overcome the fraud by voting harder.

I’m watching that and wondering: is this person insane? Is he being very cynical, and promoting this fake election in order to pander to emotionally weak people who want to believe in voting? I don’t know what it is. Bongino specially appears to believe what he’s saying, but he’s also some kind of brown person, maybe he’s stupid? Maybe he’s deluded himself into believing in this election because it’s profitable?

What’s the quote?

That’s the one.

Does that explain Bongino and all of these other people promoting this stupid election hoax? Does it explain some of them, and others are either stupid or cynical?

I have no idea. What I do know is that I feel like a lone voice in the wilderness saying “actually, if you’ll recall, the 2020 election was a complete hoax, and this 2024 election is being conducted in the exact same way.”

Even on the so-called “far-right,” people are talking about Trump’s talking points and how he’s going to lose because he abandoned the base and so on. I’m like, are you:

  • Stupid?

  • Cynical?

  • Delusional?

Because those are the only three options.

Otherwise, any human would be saying “yeah, none of this actually matters, because the election is fake.”

This Should Relieve Some Stress

Knowing the election is fake should relieve some stress from you. You don’t really have to pay attention to it, because there are no stakes. It’s interesting to see what the public is thinking, and the whole circus show they are putting on is interesting. But you don’t have any ability to influence anything.

Kamala Harris could become the next president after having received zero votes. They will just drive the trucks in. If they didn’t have enough votes on the trucks, they would drive in more trucks.

Trump or Harris?

I guess the other reason to follow the election news is to try to guess which candidate is going to be selected.

I was pretty convinced it would be Trump, because he’s so aggressively pro-Israel, and Israel is going to war with Iran regardless. Trump would be a lot better at pumping up support for such a war. And Bibi wants Trump.

However, one argument that has been made, which I fully accept as a valid argue, is that the Democrat voter fraud machine could be outside of the control of Bibi. Could Bibi send the Mossad to blow up truck full of Kamala votes?

What would be the actual mechanism through which Bibi would rig the election? Would have have Jews doing mass ballot harvesting? Would he place operatives inside the counting booths?

Ultimately, I think the answer is that Bibi could potentially exercise enough control over the US media, through blackmail and the loyalty of some of the Israel-leaning Jews in the media, that he could get the media to call out the fraud, and demand audit and signature verification in contested states.

But the answer is: I don’t know that he has that power. I have no idea. No one does. I don’t even know if he knows if he has that power.

But in terms of mechanisms: no one can explain why the US State Department will say, publicly at a press conference, that even if Israel starts a belligerent war of aggression against Iran, the US is committed to fighting any war they are involved in. Who is making that decision? Biden and Blinken are both trying to get Israel to stop escalating, but they appear to be completely incapable of cutting weapons shipments. They can talk about it, but they can’t actually do it.

What is the mechanism? Is it blackmail?

In theory, the US can tell Israel: “you can’t start this war with Lebanon and Iran because we’re not going to allow you to.” 100% of Israel’s war-machine is paid for by the United States, and by all accounts, none of the people in the top positions in the US government want Israel to drag the US into a war with Iran.

Meanwhile, Trump is actually saying he wants to have a war with Iran.

So, to conclude my point: if Bibi has a mechanism to control the top officials the US government, maybe he also has a mechanism to control the US electoral system.

The big leverage would definitely be the media. And the media did the whole “but do you condemn Hamas” thing for a long time. So Israel has a lot of influence on the media. Could Bibi threaten to use the media to call out voter fraud, and have people investigated and arrested for it, and if he made that threat, would that prevent the Democrat voter fraud machine from acting?

Again: I don’t have any idea. I’m not going to claim to know something I don’t have any way of knowing. No one knows the answer to this question.

What I do know is that your vote doesn’t matter. I can tell you that for a fact. Another fact is that it doesn’t matter, at all, what Trump or Kamala do or don’t say, and it doesn’t matter what the polls say. None of that matters in any way, and when you talk about “oohhhh, looks like Kamala is getting ahead” or “ohhhhh, looks like Trump needs to focus on the border and pander to his base more to get out the vote,” you sound stupid, insane, and/or delusional.

This isn’t real, and if you follow just basic logic, you can conclude that it isn’t real. Pretending something is real when you know for a fact it isn’t real is very unhealthy behavior.

You know the thing.

Video Link

And, again, you’re just causing yourself unnecessary stress.

Enjoy the show if you like the show. I think it’s fun. But don’t get emotional about it, and certainly don’t become so delusional that you start believing it’s real.

If you’re watching it, remind yourself: this is not real.

And please: don’t vote. It’s degrading at the very least, and more likely, you’re engaged in a ritual of signing over consent.
