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Tyranny Feels Just As Oppressive No Matter Which Government Places Its Boot On Your Neck – Always Remember: The State Is Not Your Friend!

10-8-2024 < SGT Report 22 594 words

by J.B. Shurk, All News Pipeline:

Right now, the United Kingdom is barreling toward totalitarianism.  After a second-generation immigrant reportedly murdered several children in a vicious stabbing attack last week, native Brits took to the streets to denounce their country’s criminally dangerous open borders.  If these outraged citizens had been members of Antifa, the press would have compassionately framed their actions as “mostly peaceful protests” deserving of praise.  Instead, because the public’s fury is directed toward one of globalism’s sacred cows — mass migration — angry parents have been condemned for fomenting “violent riots.”  Protecting children from serial killers and sexual predators, it seems, is not “politically correct.”  Of course, anyone familiar with the Rotherham grooming scandal already knew that


The problem, according to the ruling Establishment, is not that open border immigration policies have led to marked increases in violent crime and cultural hostility, but rather that ordinary citizens have begun to express their displeasure.  Commie Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has announced a two-pronged solution for combatting public dissent: (1) increased social media censorship and (2) widespread implementation of facial recognition technology to beef up the U.K.’s already robust mass surveillance.

This exercise in raw tyranny follows Big Brother’s favorite playbook.  First, the government creates a problem that harms ordinary citizens.  Next, authorities pretend that no problem actually exists.  Eventually, citizens are forced to take matters into their own hands.  Finally, the government uses public outrage as an excuse to expand its own powers.

As in America, there is overwhelming public support in the U.K. for secure borders and controlled immigration.  Just as in the United States, both sides of the U.K.’s political Uniparty have ignored citizens’ wishes and instead flooded the country with illegal aliens who cannot easily assimilate into Western society.  After violent crime and community conflicts predictably rose, U.K. authorities were more willing to ban knives than to admit that they had put the public in serious danger.  And now that regular Brits are pushing back against the government’s criminal enterprise, the Marxist prime minister has chosen to use the crisis as a pretext for increasing mass surveillance and banning free speech.  Somewhere on a whiteboard in a Deep State dungeon, this blueprint for erecting a new world order dystopia has long been planned out.  Government officials have the blood of innocents on their hands.

Such ruling-class treachery is nothing new.  Similar blueprints for erasing freedoms and expanding government power abound.  For instance, there is the classic welfare state gambit: (1) move blue-collar jobs overseas, (2) tax and regulate citizens into poverty, (3) buy the votes of impoverished citizens desperate for handouts, and (4) keep the public dependent upon the government’s continued “generosity.”

There is the central bank funny money gambit: (1) give a small cabal of filthy rich bankers the power to print money as they see fit, (2) fund extravagant government programs with loans from the money-printing bankers, (3) artificially inflate the value of Wall Street assets while devaluing the meager savings of the working poor, (4) prop up unnatural economic bubbles with government interventions, (5) transfer all real property from the poorest to the wealthiest, (6) leave the majority of citizens in the precarious position of borrowing all their lives from rapacious creditors, (7) wait for the economy to crash like a house of cards, and (8) force all the desperate peasants into a system with central bank digital currencies that supervises their transactions in real time.

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