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Born Brits and Pink Posturing: A Racist Dickhead’s Prophecy Gets Nearer to Fulfillment, by Tobias Langdon

6-8-2024 < UNZ 22 1876 words

Teddy bears. Unicorn balloons. And the bathing of public buildings in pink light. Leftists regard such sickly sentimentality as an entirely acceptable response to the slaughter of three little White girls in Southport by a Black savage. It’s entirely acceptable to leftists because it is absolutely no threat to the leftism that creates such tragedies. It postures, it preens, and it pacifies. Perfect!

Acceptable response to the Southport slaughter: Teddy bears, unicorn balloons and pink posturing (images from The Guide, Liverpool and Sky News
Acceptable response to the Southport slaughter: Teddy bears, unicorn balloons and pink posturing (images from The Guide, Liverpool and Sky News

The only other acceptable response is, of course, the reinforcement of leftist lies about the causes of Third-World pathology. This is what the Guardian’s Sunday edition had to say about the Southport stabbing:

Last Monday, three girls under the age of 10 were killed at a dance workshop for primary schoolchildren in a horrific knife attack that left eight more children and two adults seriously injured. A 17-year-old male has been charged with their murders. It was an act of unspeakable evil, a particularly terrible instance of the male violence against women and girls that is endemic in our society. (“The Observer view on the riots after the Southport killings: extremists have launched an assault on the rule of law,” The Guardian, 4th August 2024)

Let’s unpick those leftist lies in the Guardian. On that sunny Monday by the sea, there were many thousands of men within easy walking or driving distance of the little girls at the dance workshop. The vast majority of those men were White. What were the odds that the “particularly terrible instance of male violence” would committed by a Black male? If the Guardian were correct in its analysis, the odds would be absolutely tiny. Just like the odds that Britain’s worst ever gerontophile rapist would be a Black male. And like the odds that the suicide-bomber who deliberately targeted female pop-fans would be an Arab male.

Rwanda’s claim to fame

But in every case the perpetrator of “unspeakable evil” against women and girls was non-White rather than White. If the problem were “male violence,” as the Guardian claims, that simply shouldn’t happen. It just isn’t mathematically plausible. Nor is it mathematically plausible that the rape and prostitution of women and girls should be carried out on an industrial scale in Britain by men from the small Muslim minority. No, it’s White men in Britain who should be the overwhelming majority of stabbers and rapists and suicide-bombers and pimps. That’s if the Guardian is correct in its analysis. It isn’t, of course. It’s lying. The problem is not “male violence,” but the genetics and culture of non-White males from the Third World.

The Southport stabber, Axel Rudakubana, was born in Cardiff to parents from the Third-World nation of Rwanda. And what is Rwanda best-known for? Simple: it’s best-known for a genocide carried out with bladed weapons by members of the dark-skinned Hutu tribe against members of the lighter-skinned Tutsi tribe. Rudakubana is a dark-skinned Hutu who slaughtered very light-skinned Whites. In the light of the Rwandan genocide, it becomes perfectly comprehensible that he was the sole male among many thousands to attack little girls with a knife in Southport. It wasn’t “male violence”: it was the much higher propensity of Black males to be violent.

A decades-long diet of betrayal

But Rudakubana’s murders have certainly provoked a violent reaction from many of Britain’s working-class White males. I don’t condone their rioting, but I understand it perfectly. The White working-class have been betrayed again and again by the party that was founded to champion their interests. After all, it’s called the Labour Party, not the Lawyer Party or the Third-World Invader Party. But “Labour” has been a lie for decades, because the party is now run by slippery lawyers and is unshakably committed to serving the interests of Third-World invaders. That’s why the Labour MP and Labour council for the Yorkshire town of Rotherham ignored the Muslim rape-gangs preying on White working-class girls in the town. Meanwhile, the Labour government headed by the slippery lawyer Tony Blair opened the borders to yet more invaders from the Third World and to cheap labour from Eastern Europe. Labour also resolutely opposed Brexit, which was seen by many Labour supporters as a vote against open borders and for their own economic betterment.

Those repeated betrayals by Labour explain why so many working-class Whites in northern England switched their votes in 2019 to Boris Johnson’s Conservative party, which had promised to control migration and “level up” the stagnating or falling incomes of working-class Whites. After they voted, they were betrayed yet again. The Tories promised to lower immigration and proceeded to increase it even further. And they continued Labour’s policy of housing unaccompanied male “asylum seekers” in working-class areas all over the country. Sexual harassment by non-White males has now become a daily feature of countless White females’ lives. Often the harassment escalates to sexual assault and rape. The staunchly feminist Labour party doesn’t simply ignore the problem, but works night and day to make it worse. In the light of all those betrayals, the only puzzle about the riots by working-class White men in August 2024 isn’t that they happened, but that they took so long to happen. The murder of three little White girls by an imported Black savage in Southport proved to be the final straw.

Islam + Free Speech = Islam

Labour have responded to the riots by condemning their traditional supporters as “far-right thugs” and gloatingly promising to ruin their lives by jailing them. There was no sympathy for their situation, no recognition that they had legitimate grievances, no apologies for the way they have been repeatedly betrayed. Instead, there was vilification and promises of harsh punishment. Other self-proclaimed friends of the working-class drew on the vocabulary of the schoolyard to condemn the only policy that will protect the White working-class. Here’s Tom Slater, one of the Trotskyist libertarians at Spiked Online:

We still don’t know what motivated the killings in Southport. Police say there are no signs yet of a terrorist motive. Racist dickheads continue to post about mass deportations and Islam, even though the suspect is a born Brit who reportedly ‘has no known links to Islam’. But there’s certainly a similar whiff of resignation, of ‘Don’t Look Back in Anger’, to the official response to the slaying of these girls, just as there was after the Islamist murder of young girls in Manchester in 2017. (“Southport and the deadly cowardice of the elites,” Spiked Online, 31st July 2024)

There you have it: the Southport stabber is a “born Brit” who just happens to be Black, rather as the Manchester bomber was a “born Brit” who just happened to be Arab. That being so, I have a question for Tom Slater: Why do “born Brits” like those behave like their racial brethren overseas and not like “born Brits” who just happen to be White?

I’m confident Tom won’t answer the question, just as he didn’t answer a question I posed after he previously deployed schoolyard insults against his ideological opponents. In 2021 Muslims – many of them “born Brits” – protested at a school in Yorkshire about a teacher who had shown a religious-studies class some satirical cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. The teacher and his family are still in hiding. Tom Slater said that those Muslim protestors were “dickheads.” In response, I posed this never-answered question:

The “libertarians” at Spiked believe in protecting the rare and fragile phenomenon of free speech by opening the borders of White nations to unlimited numbers of highly illiberal tribalists from the Third World. So here’s another question for Tom, Brendan [O’Neill], Julie [Burchill] and the other libtards at Spiked: If you support free speech and open borders for Muslims, while Muslims support censorship and open borders for Muslims, who exactly are the dickheads? (“Libtards Wail, Muslims Wait: Why Fans of Abortion Won’t Defeat Fans of Muhammad,” The Occidental Observer, 31st March 2021)

The answer is obvious. So are the answers about why non-Whites kill and harm Whites in such a one-sided way and about how to stop them doing it. At the beginning of this article I said that in the mainstream there are only two acceptable responses to the Southport stabbing: sickly sentimentality and leftist lies. Those responses are acceptable because they won’t solve the problem. Leftists do not genuinely care about slaughtered schoolgirls or suicide-bombings or any other form of Third-World pathology, because Third-World pathologies don’t threaten leftism. On the contrary, they strengthen leftism by justifying more authoritarianism, more surveillance, and more transfer of money and resources from Whites to non-Whites.

An aspiring Muslim rapper

But leftists definitely and deeply care about riots by working-class White men, because such riots pose a potential threat to leftist power. However misguided and misdirected the violence may be, it arises from the understanding that the expulsion of non-Whites from the West is the only way to end the Third-World pathologies non-Whites have inevitably created. In the meantime, it isn’t leftists or Trotskyist libertarians who have accurately foreseen what comes next in Britain. Instead, it’s a racist dickhead called Nick Griffin (born 1959), the former leader of the state-infiltrated British National Party. Griffin isn’t popular among genuinely far-right people in Britain, but I think a prophecy of his from the beginning of the century is getting ever nearer to fulfillment. The prophecy seems to have been scrubbed from the internet, but Griffin predicted that sooner or later the British army would have to be sent into Muslim districts to quell Muslim riots. After which, an aspiring Muslim rapper who was turning his life around would be shot dead and the fun would really begin.

Griffin’s prophecy is looking a safer and safer bet. The mainstream media did their best to ignore the way some Muslims responded to the White working-class riots of 2024 by roaming about with weapons and chanting “Allahu Akbar.” When the White working-class riot, police get injured. When Muslims riot in earnest, police are going to get killed. Then the army will have to be sent in and Griffin will be proved not just a racist dickhead but a clear-sighted prophet too. Thanks to the evil and insane immigration policies of both the Labour and the Conservative parties, Britain is entering some very interesting times.
