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Prophecy preacher and genocide apologist Amir Tsarfati says the mass killing of Palestinians is not genocide because God told them to do it

18-8-2024 < Natural News 19 1220 words

Prophecy preacher and genocide apologist Amir Tsarfati says the mass killing of Palestinians is not genocide because God told them to do it

Behold Israel's Amir Tsarfati, a well-known Christian preacher and teacher of prophecy based out of Israel, is on the offensive accusing people who oppose Israel's genocidal actions in Gaza of being "antisemitic."

One person Tsarfati has taken aim at is Mike Adams, who explains he is "calling for peace and an end to Israel's mass slaughter of innocent women, children and elderly in Gaza."

(Related: Mike Adams just issued a response to Tsarfati accusing him of "bearing false witness" and "promoting mass murder of innocents.")

A friend of pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, Tsarfati has a YouTube following of nearly one million people. His studies and other content center around the idea that modern-day Israel represents the chosen people of God whose covenant via Abraham, at least as defined by Tsarfati, is eternal and therefore can never be criticized.

In recent months, ever since the October 7 Hamas attack last year, Tsarfati has been addressing growing claims even among Christians that Israel is going too far with its war efforts by bombing civilian women, children and elderly to death. He routinely challenges the idea that Israel can do anything wrong, accusing those who question Israel's actions in any way of being "antisemitic."

The only way to not be labeled "antisemitic," according to Tsarfati, is to applaud the mass killing of 40,000 Gazans who have been bombed and murdered in their residential buildings, hospitals, refugee camps, churches and even escape zones.

On July 17, 2024, Tsarfati's Behold Israel YouTube channel uploaded a video interview between himself and two fellow pastors, Jeff Cuozzo and Tommy Fretwell, to discuss "the genocide propaganda," as they are calling it, implying that it's false propaganda to accuse Israel of genocide.

"The Genocide Propaganda," as the episode of "The Anchor" podcast is called on this date, addresses the widespread claim that Israel is committing "genocide" in the Gaza Strip. According to Tsarfati, Cuozzo, and Fretwell, Israel is doing no such thing.

Their argument is that the Palestinian mantra of "from the river to the sea" exemplifies a mission to eradicate the land of Israel of all Jews. So, to stop that mission from succeeding, Israel has no choice but to exterminate the people of Gaza, the West Bank, and elsewhere.

"When we understand and realize that this is Bible prophecy being fulfilled because God made promises that ultimately – and this is the key, isn't it? – He's coming back to the land, to the land of Israel, where He's going to rule and reign from Jerusalem, where there's going to be Jewish people living in the land as the book of Revelation makes so clear to us in the last days," Cuozzo states in the interview, referring here to Jesus Christ.

"So, if that's the case and there's an enemy and adversary against that – when someone makes the statement, 'from the river to the sea,' basically saying no more Jews in the land of Israel; we get rid of them completely, a complete genocide, a complete annihilation of the Jewish people, that's not just antisemitic; that's not just anti-Israel; that's anti-God."

In other words, Cuozzo's apparent belief, which Tsarfati nodded along with in agreement throughout the interview, is that questioning Israel's behavior in any way is an affront to God himself because God supposedly wants the Israeli government to take out all of its opposition and establish a permanent Jewish state by force.

Does the God of Israel condone anal rape and torture?

One of the major problems with this belief system is that it ends up legitimizing heinous crimes against humanity like the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers who are raping, torturing, and murdering Palestinian prisoners at will – does God condone this?

How about this leaked footage showing IDF soldiers anally raping a Palestinian man with such hateful force that the man's rectum was torn and bowels ruptured, leaving him paralyzed.

Neither Tsarfati nor his pastor guests addressed any of this, of course. Instead, they discussed at length why anyone who dares to question Israel's actions is questioning God himself, basically putting oneself at risk of God's judgment for not nodding in agreement with everything Israel chooses to do at any given time.

Another problem with the beliefs of Tsarfati and his buddies is that it is based on lies. Much of their conversation towards the beginning of the interview centers around the false claims that Hamas militants "baked babies in ovens" and "mass raped Israeli women," both of which were debunked months ago as war propaganda from the IDF.

Does the God of Israel support lying in order to justify waging war on an entire people group? Does he support anally raping prisoners of war to the point that their physical bodies are destroyed? Tsarfati would do his listeners and supporters well to answer these important questions rather than dance around them while pushing his own agenda.

"Oppression of the poor is an unforgivable sin," wrote one of our regular readers about anyone, including Israel, that tries to justify the mistreatment of entire people groups. "And transgressors will pay the price for these divine crimes."

"Antisemitism," the new "misinformation"

Tsarfati also participated in a roundtable with fellow Zionists Jan Markell, Barry Stagner and Mike Golay. Once again, the topic was "antisemitism in the church," a topic that Tsarfati has been addressing at length in recent months.

The entire episode is devoted to pushing the idea that the church, "past and present," is guilty of antisemitism. The description box for the episode accuses believers in Christ Jesus of "further[ing] the disaster of the ages in their marginalization and demonizing of Israel and the Jews."

Using the same types of buzzwords as the corporate media whenever it talks about "misinformation" and the need to stop it through censorship, Tsarfati, Markell and the others frame Christians as the enemy in all this for not wholeheartedly and unquestioningly supporting Israel no matter what.

"The church must wake and support Israel now!!!!" one of Markell's channel followers wrote in an apparent panic in the comment section.

"I'm crying with grief about this absolute Satanic treatment of God's chosen people FOR NO OTHER REASON THAN GOD CHOSE THEM!!!" screamed another, apparently still talking about "the church" and its "antisemitism" problem, as defined by Markell, Tsarfati and the others on the program.

Somehow, those who follow these people have convinced themselves that one group of people, in this case "Jews," is above all reproach. And anyone who tries is automatically guilty of "antisemitism," including followers of Jesus Christ who are sickened by what they are seeing happen to the people of Gaza who had nothing to do with the Hamas attack.

"The West is under judgment for Israel," another one of their followers declared in the YouTube comment section.

The latest news about the situation in the Middle East can be found at

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