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Meet the Parasites: Getting to Know the Israeli Lobby, Part Two

6-8-2024 < Counter Currents 26 4933 words

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Part 2 of 2 (Read Part 1 here)

Miriam Adelson: Queen of American Zionism

On the question of whether much of America’s Jewish population has a “dual loyalty” to both Israel and the United States, paleoconservative writer Joe Sobran once remarked that “Dual loyalty would be an improvement!” (1)

Sobran’s quip is so depressingly appropriate in the context of the political activities of one Dr. Miriam Adelson. She is the widow of billionaire casino magnate and Republican donor Sheldon Adelson, who died in early 2021. As reported in The Times of Israel:

The Adelsons ended up backing Trump to the tune of $30 million in 2016. They followed that by contributing $100 million to the Republican Party for the 2018 midterm elections. In all, Adelson donated over $250 million to GOP candidates and super PACs since 2015. (2)

Indeed, the pair “gave more to federal GOP causes in 2019 and 2020 than the next three donors combined.” (3) Now that Sheldon is gone, Miriam has taken over his casino empire and his political activities. But does her true allegiance lie with the United States? A passage from a recent New York Times profile of Miriam gives us a hint:

Unlike the Boston-reared Mr. Adelson, Dr. Adelson was born in Israel and speaks fluent Hebrew, her English marked by a heavy Israeli accent. A former officer in the Israel Defense Forces, she spends most of her time these days not in their longtime home Las Vegas but in Israel, where she holds dual citizenship. (4)

To give credit where due, at least she was willing to personally fight on behalf of Israel herself. It’s too bad that her fellow Israeli patriot Leonid Radvinsky didn’t spend his late teens and early twenties serving in the IDF instead of getting rich selling fake passwords to pedophiles. As for Sheldon, he was a veteran of the US military; however, he once stated that he wished he had served in the IDF instead. (5) In light of this, should come as no surprise that the Adelsons are not above working to subordinate American interests to Israeli ones. For instance, Sheldon “was credited as the driving force behind Trump’s decisions to move the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and exit the Iran nuclear deal.” (6) We shouldn’t expect anything different now that his widow is running the show, for she is, according to the Times:

in some ways, a political carbon copy of her husband: intensely pro-Israel, rabidly partisan, and a believer in the nobility of using her money, north of $30 billion, and her media empire to buy influence and shape the world. (7)

The Adelson-Pollard Connection

While I will not dispute that the Adelsons have been able to “buy influence and shape the world”, I must object to the use of the word “nobility” in the same sentence as this woman. An incident that demonstrates the true character of the couple, which the Times  failed to mention, took place just days before Sheldon’s death, and it involves one of the most consequential traitors in America has ever seen. Here is an excerpt from retired CIA intelligence officer and current antiwar activist Philip Giraldi’s “tribute” to Sheldon, appropriately subtitled “The Malignant Toad is Dead”:

Adelson was actively engaged on Israel’s behalf until the week before his death. He provided his casino’s private 737 luxury executive jet to transport Jonathan Pollard “home” to Israel. Pollard has served 30 years in prison after being convicted of espionage and was on parole, which restricted his travel. As yet another a gift to Israel, Donald Trump lifted that restriction, allowing him to fly to Israel where he received a hero’s welcome. It is generally agreed that Pollard was the most damaging spy in American history, having stolen the keys to accessing U.S. communications and information gathering systems. A month after Pollard’s arrest in 1985, C.I.A director William Casey stated: “The Israelis used Pollard to obtain our war plans against the USSR – all of it: the co-ordinates, the firing locations, the sequences, and Israel sold that information to Moscow for more exit visas for Soviet Jews.” (8)

Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu personally greeted Pollard, who is Jewish, as he stepped off the Adelsons’ plane, a brazen slap in the face of the United States. When he was first released after three decades in prison in 2015, Israeli reporter Mitch Ginsburg wrote that Pollard’s spying “shaded the relations between the two countries and raised, yet again, the ancient allegation of Jewish dual loyalty.” (9) One might reply that in the cases of Pollard and the Adelsons, “Jewish dual loyalty” is not merely an allegation, but an observable reality. Since his arrival in his real homeland, Mr. Pollard has not shied away from sharing his views on political and military matters. Last November, he called for the imprisonment of some family members of Israeli hostages held by Hamas, on the grounds that they have been too critical of Netanyahu.  “When we declared war” opined Pollard, “the first thing that the government should have done was to declare a state of national emergency and told all of the hostage families, ‘You will keep your mouths shut, or we will shut them for you’.” (10) He also advocates for the expulsion of Gaza’s Arab population to Ireland as punishment for the sympathy some Irish politicians have expressed for the Palestinian cause. (11) Arguably, Pollard’s pure repulsiveness approaches that of Radvinsky, which is quite the feat.

When news of Pollard’s trip was reported, neither Trump nor any other Republican condemned Miriam and her husband for aiding a traitor. More recently, Trump and Miriam have “met for half a dozen dinners across the country in 2023 and 2024” and considering that Adelson’s own Super PAC is expected to spend $100 million on behalf of his reelection effort, it may be that Trump is spending his time very wisely. (12)

The Adelsons and the IAC

Sheldon and Miriam had once been supporters of AIPAC, but ceased funding that organization in 2007 because it endorsed American aid to the Palestinian Authority, which governs the West Bank (13). For the Adelsons, that was an implicit endorsement of a two-state solution, which Sheldon had “always rejected.” (14) So, the two opted instead to patronize the Israeli-American Council (IAC), a more hardline pro-Israel lobby group representing “Israelis and ex-Israelis” in and around Los Angeles. (15) It was the IAC which financed the counterprotest on the campus of the University of California, Los Angeles this past April. (16) There, Zionist counter-protestors who had no association with the school raided a makeshift encampment constructed by pro-Palestinian students and proceeded to engage in various violent acts against the students such as “beating them with sticks, using chemical sprays and launching fireworks as weapons” while police stood by and did nothing for several hours. (17)

The IAC also boasts a self-described “sister organization” called the Israeli-American Coalition for Action whose activities consist of “mobilizing the Israeli-American community in advocacy” so as to “create a strategic asset for the rest of the pro-Israel and Jewish community” by “building strategic partnerships between U.S. state and local governments and Israeli agencies and institutions.” (18) Rather than an “American organization lobbying for Americans”, what we have here is better described as an organization of dual citizens lobbying for Israel. Zvika Klein, writing in the Jerusalem Post calls it “the largest organization of Israeli expats in the world, which has become the umbrella organization of Israelis living in the US.” (19) Shawn Evenhaim, who headed IAC for Action as of August of 2022, told Klein that two of the group’s main activities were lobbying for the passage of “anti-BDS” laws, and lobbying for the adoption of the IHRA Definition of Antisemitism at the state level. This definition provides several “contemporary examples of antisemitism”, one of which is “Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations.” Thus, we arrive at the inescapable conclusion that IAC for Action wishes to define as “antisemitism” any accurate description of their organization and its activities. Thanks a lot, Miriam!

While speaking to an IAC conference in 2014, Sheldon Adelson bluntly stated that “All we care about is being good Zionists, being good citizens of Israel.” (20) Yes, it’s all about Israel for them; America does not even enter into the equation. It would certainly be nice if the Republican party’s largest Jewish donor would profess even a dual loyalty, but I’m afraid that would be too much to ask for.

 Les Wexner: Mega-Supporter of Israel

 Another of AIPAC’s larger donors is Leslie “Les” Wexner, who made his fortune running the lingerie retailer Victoria’s Secret. Wexner gave AIPAC $100,000 sometime in 2023 (21). Yet, this relatively modest gift only scratches the surface of Wexner’s financial contributions to Jewish and Israeli causes. In the words of Ben Sales, writing in 2019 for the Times of Israel:

The Wexner Foundation is among the most prominent private Jewish charities in the world. In 2017, according to tax documents, it gave $3.6 million in charity, much (but not all) of it to Jewish educational causes, as well as more money for educational programs.

The foundation is best known in the Jewish world for its graduate fellowship, which awards scholarships to 20 promising graduate students in Jewish fields, including rabbinical school, cantorial school, Jewish educational school or another degree program. More than 1,800 people have participated in its program aimed at providing volunteer board leadership with lessons in Jewish history, thought, texts and contemporary issues. The foundation runs a variety of other programs, including training for Israeli public officials. (22)

According to Ari Feldman of The Foward, Wexner’s foundation “has offered prestigious fellowships to emerging Jewish leaders, many of whom now lead synagogues, summer camps, seminaries, day schools and other institutions across the Jewish world” and has also “donated millions to major Jewish institutions of every denomination.” Feldman goes on to note that “The Jewish Theological Seminary has received $1.1 million; the Reconstructing Judaism movement has received $555,000; the liberal Modern Orthodox seminary Yeshivat Chovevei Torah has received $265,000” as a result of Wexner’s philanthropic efforts. (23)

In 2017, Wexner and his wife Abigail hosted a conference in Israel that included as speakers that country’s Minister of Justice and two members of its legislature. A report on the foundation’s website declared that this conference “demonstrated the centrality of Israel in Leslie and Abigail’s life”, as well as “their joint commitment to the State and society of Israel.” (24)  A foundation report on a 2018 AIPAC event concluded thusly:

During the conference, our fellows, members and alumni could be seen everywhere: as experts leading sessions, as professionals within AIPAC, as heads of Hillels and synagogues bringing their activists, and as captains of lobbying teams going up to the Hill. During a conference that brings together 18,000 people, it was a joy to see so many familiar faces and to see the commitment, strategy and love for Israel in evidence from so many from our Wexner Network. (25)

In addition to his own foundation, Wexner co-founded the “Mega Group” which the Wall Street Journal described in 1998 as “loosely organized club of 20 of the nation’s most wealthy and influential Jewish businessmen.” (26) Formed in 1991, the Mega Group exists for the purpose of “pro-Israel and ethno-philanthropy.” (27)  As we can see, Les Wexner has been heavily involved in Jewish and Zionist causes in the United States. However, that isn’t all Wexner is known for, as he also had an intimate business and personal relationship with the infamous rapist and sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. Wexner had employed Epstein as the manager of his monies from the late 1980s until 2007, and even delegated power of attorney to the now-disgraced financier, leading Ben Sales to remark that “For decades, if Wexner spent any money, Epstein was likely connected to it somehow.” (28)  Moreover, Epstein purchased both a New York townhouse and a plane from Wexner. (29) Then there is the unfortunate fact that Epstein served “for at least six years” on the Board of Trustees of the Wexner Foundation. (30) Eventually the two “became virtually inseparable.” with Epstein even buying the house next door to Wexner’s in New Albany, Ohio. (31) Disturbingly, alleged Epstein victim Maria Farmer claimed to have been sexually assaulted by Epstein in Wexner’s home (32).

Victoria’s Secret was always scouting for new models to appear in their advertisements, and Epstein unsurprisingly took advantage of his powerful friend’s position in order to fulfill his sexual appetites. Gabriel Sherman, the author of a 2021 piece in Vanity Fair about the relationship between Wexner and Epstein, wrote the following:

As Epstein’s wealth grew, his predatory behavior became more brazen. He sometimes used his connections to Victoria’s Secret in his schemes, a pattern at least some executives at the company were aware of. One afternoon in the spring of 1993, an executive rushed into the office of Victoria’s Secret catalog president Cynthia Fedus-Fields with disturbing news: A model told a hairdresser at a photo shoot that a man named Jeffrey Epstein was running around New York presenting himself as a Victoria’s Secret scout. Fields knew Epstein was problematic. Fields, then in her 40s, had met him the previous year and rejected several inappropriate propositions from him to go out, one of which included a weekend date to Wexner’s house in Aspen. (Fields declined Epstein’s advances.)

Fields told the executive to report Epstein to Wexner immediately, according to a source briefed on the conversation. “Les said he would stop it,” the source recalled. (33)

Perhaps Wexner did convince Epstein to quit pretending to be a scout for Victoria’s Secret, and there is no proof that he knew about the crimes against minors that his financial advisor was committing, but it remains true that the billionaire continued his friendship with Epstein for more than a decade after this incident. Furthermore, Sherman describes how “Epstein often invoked Wexner’s authority to make employees feel like they worked for him”, which Wexner apparently allowed him to do (34). There were, according to Sherman, multiple warnings given to Wexner by other advisors who cautioned the billionaire not to trust Epstein, but Wexner ignored them all. Still, to be fair to Wexner, he was not the only powerful American Jew who made friends with Epstein, or even the only prominent Zionist spokesman to do so.

Alan Dershowitz: Israel’s Lawyer in America

A young Jewish attorney by the name of Alan Dershowitz first gained notoriety when he successfully represented Jewish porn actor Herbert John Streicher, aka Harry Reems, in a 1977 retrial that resulted in the reversal of Reems’ earlier conviction for violating a Tennessee obscenity statute. Since then, Dershowitz has defended other celebrity clients such as OJ Simpson, Mike Tyson, Claus von Bulow, and even former president Donald Trump. Matt Ford of The New Republic wrote that Dershowitz possesses “an ineluctable power to draw media attention” and suggests that “Dershowitz’s ubiquitous appearances on television made him perhaps the best-known living American lawyer in the 1980s and 1990s.” (35) Having previously held a professorship at Harvard for almost four decades, it should come as no surprise that Dershowitz has written several books on topics relating to American law. Far more unusually for a law professor, Dershowitz has also penned more than a few other books about geopolitical history and international relations in the Middle East, all of which take a decidedly pro-Israel position. Among these latter titles are The Case for Israel (2003), The Case for Peace (2005), The Case Against Israel’s Enemies (2008), The Case for Moral Clairity (2009), Defending Israel (2019), and War Against the Jews (2023). Moreover, Dershowitz is the author of several other books about American Jewish issues, including, Chutzpah (1992), The Vanishing American Jew (1997) and The Case Against BDS (2018). In addition to his writings, Dershowitz has used his public speaking abilities to champion the Zionist cause. For example, Dershowitz spoke at an AIPAC conference in 2017 (36) and a dinner hosted by the Zionist Association of America in 2014. (37)

In 2019, Dershowitz gave a speech at a synagogue in Scarsdale, Arizona where he appeared to concede that Jews have been able to drive American foreign policy in a pro-Israel direction. This seems dangerously close to antisemitism, and saying such things might well ruin the career of a non-Jewish critic of Israel. Dershowitz, on the other hand, is an ardent Zionist who views Jewish influence in American politics as a good thing, so it’s perfectly acceptable for him to say it. This is an example of a curious phenomenon whereby a given statement about Jewish power can be interpreted as benign and uncontroversial or rabidly antisemitic depending on the ethnicity of the speaker, and upon whether the speaker deems the effects of Jewish power to be positive or negative. As I do not wish to venture into antisemitic territory, lest the fine folks at the Israeli-American Council send their goons to assault me like they did to the students in Los Angeles, I will not speculate any further about the nature of this double standard.

Anyway, here is a remarkable quote from Dershowitz’s Arizona speech:

We are entitled to use our power. We have contributed disproportionately to the success of this country. We have done so much for this country. When you think of how much better this country has become since our grandparents and great grandparents took the risk of coming, here, we have not only the right we have the obligation to speak out, and use every piece, every bit of power available in support of Israel. (38)

If I didn’t know better, I would say that sounds an awful lot like dual loyalty!

Dershowitz and Epstein

Like Les Wexner, Dershowitz is a passionate promoter of all things Israel and, also like Wexner, he cultivated a personal relationship with Jeffrey Epstein. Before he provided Epstein with legal representation, the famous professor was Epstein’s longtime friend. So close was Dershowitz to Epstein that the financier “was the only person outside his family whom he trusted to evaluate drafts of his books.” (39) Presumably, this included the books Dershowitz authored about Israel. It might well be the case that Jeffrey Epstein was the first individual to see a draft of his friend’s 2003 bestseller The Case for Israel, and possibly even offered Dershowitz some of his own editorial input. The two did speak often about academic subjects, and Dershowitz had an exceptionally high opinion of Epstein’s intellect, once telling his wife that if Epstein ever went bankrupt, he “would be as interested in him as a friend if we had hamburgers on the boardwalk in Coney Island and talked about his ideas.. “(40)

When Epstein was arrested for the first time in 2005, in Palm Beach, Florida, Dershowitz agreed to defend him. Despite the testimony of multiple underage Epstein victims, he was initially charged only with “one count of soliciting prostitution- with no mention of underage girls.” (41) This angered Palm Beach Police Chief Michael Reiter. As Connie Bruck, writing for the New Yorker describes, Reiter:

requested a federal investigation, and the F.B.I., in a fourteen-month inquiry called Operation Leap Year, identified at least thirty-four victims of Epstein. Prosecutors prepared a fifty-three-page indictment, which could have resulted in a life sentence. (42)

But the indefatigable Dershowitz kept on fighting, as Bruck explains:

Dershowitz argued that federal prosecution was unjustified. In July of 2007, he and another defense lawyer also wrote to prosecutors, “As we believe we persuaded you . . . Mr. Epstein never targeted minors.” Epstein’s lawyers reportedly said that he was being unfairly pursued because of his wealth. (43)

In the end, the two sides “arrived at a “non-prosecution agreement,” in which the federal government would throw out its indictment if Epstein pleaded guilty to two state felony charges for solicitation of prostitution, one involving a minor.” (44) After only a year and a half behind bars, Epstein was once again free to prey upon teenage girls.

Did Epstein Work for Israel?

 This raises the question of how Epstein managed to receive so lenient a sentence. One clue comes from the federal prosecutor in that case, Alexander Acosta, who later rose to the position of Secretary of Labor in Donald Trump’s cabinet. Vicky Ward, a journalist who has been covering Epstein’s scandals since 2002, was conversing with someone she characterizes as “a former senior White House official” and during their chat “the name Jeffrey Epstein came up.” After that, as Ward tells it:

Epstein’s name, I was told, had been raised by the Trump transition team when Alexander Acosta, the former U.S. attorney in Miami who’d infamously cut Epstein a non-prosecution plea deal back in 2007, was being interviewed for the job of labor secretary. The plea deal put a hard stop to a separate federal investigation of alleged sex crimes with minors and trafficking.

“Is the Epstein case going to cause a problem [for confirmation hearings]?” Acosta had been asked. Acosta had explained, breezily, apparently, that back in the day he’d had just one meeting on the Epstein case. He’d cut the non-prosecution deal with one of Epstein’s attorneys because he had “been told” to back off, that Epstein was above his pay grade. “I was told Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to leave it alone,” he told his interviewers in the Trump transition, who evidently thought that was a sufficient answer and went ahead and hired Acosta. (The Labor Department had no comment when asked about this.) (45)

In a subsequent article, published by Rolling Stone in 2021, Ward claimed that “Four separate sources told me — on the record — that Epstein’s dealings in the arms world in the 1980s had led him to work for multiple governments, including the Israelis.” (46) Another suspicious detail is that Epstein’s girlfriend and accomplice, Ghislaine Maxwell, is also Jewish, and her late father Robert is widely believed to have worked for the Israeli Mossad. Robert Maxwell mysteriously died in 1991, and Ward claimed that ex-Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky had confirmed to her that the elder Maxwell had been assassinated by the agency after he “became a liability.” (47) In addition to Ward’s suspicions, Julie K. Brown of the Miami Herald, whose reporting on Epstein’s sex-trafficking operation led to his arrest in 2019, has said that “It’s not beyond the realm of possibility that Epstein had connections to the [Israeli intelligence community].” (48) Independent journalist Whitney Webb believes that Robert Maxwell was a Mossad agent, and raises the possibility that Wexner’s MEGA group was also a Mossad Asset. (49). However, Webb has expressed doubts that Epstein was engaging in blackmail on behalf of Israel, writing that:

Even though Jeffrey Epstein appears to have had ties to the Mossad, this series has revealed that the networks to which Epstein was connected were not Mossad-exclusive, as many of the individuals close to Epstein — Lesie Wexner, for instance — were part of a mob-connected class of oligarchs with deep ties to both the U.S. and Israel. (50)

She instead concludes that “With Leslie Wexner of the Mega Group as Epstein’s chief patron, as opposed to a financier with direct ties to the Mossad, a similar relationship is more than likely in the case of the sexual blackmail operation that Epstein ran.” (51) However, when one considers the fanatical Zionism of Wexner, it seems reasonable to call him an Israeli in all but name. There is also the possibility that Wexner is, like Miriam Adelson, a dual citizen. The same could be true of Dershowitz as well. Regardless of whether Epstein or Wexner were ever on the payroll of Israeli intelligence, it is indisputably true that one of the most infamous criminals of the twenty-first century was befriended by two of America’s most influential Zionist Jews. Instead of “Victoria’s Secret” what we have here is “Leslie and Alan’s Secret”, or perhaps even “Israel’s Secret.”


On that note, this survey of major power-brokers in America’s powerful Israel lobby comes to a close. The picture we are left with is an ugly one. The lobby depends on secrecy and deception, hiding behind loopholes and censorship. Moreover, it is obvious that some of its chief benefactors are of an exceedingly low moral caliber. The deadly and devastating consequences of their dominion over American politics are revealed in the countless pictures and videos of human suffering that have been taken in Gaza over the last nine months. The price of Zionist control can be seen also in the legislative efforts at the state and federal level to restrict what American citizens can say and who they can refuse to do business with. If that isn’t disturbing enough, there is a distinct possibility that Israel will drag the United States into yet another pointless Middle Eastern war. This must not be allowed to happen. Luckily, there is one surefire way to break their stranglehold over us, which is to tell the truth about Jewish power and Israeli influence. What the Israel Lobby has done and is doing to America is totally unjustifiable, and its leaders know it, which explains why they are so afraid of exposure. Their fortress of subversion is built on a foundation of sand. When confronted with a relentless barrage of truth, it will inevitably topple.


  1. Joseph Sobran, “For Fear of the Jews”, The Unz Review, June 21, 2002.

  2. “Casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, key backer of Trump and Netanyahu, dies at 87”,
    The Times of Israel, January 12, 2021.

  3. Elizabeth Weil, “Will Miriam Adelson Spend Her Billions on Trump Again?”, The Intelligencer, May 20, 2024.

  4. Theodore Schleifer, “Miriam Adelson, the Pro-Israel Donor With a $100 Million Plan to Elect Trump “, The New York Times. June 25, 2024.

  5. Alison Weir, “Pro-Israel mega-donor Sheldon Adelson dies at 87 “, org, January 12, 2021.

  6. “Casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, key backer of Trump and Netanyahu, dies at 87”.

  7. Philip Giraldi, “Goodbye Sheldon Adelson”, The Unz Review, January 19, 2021.

  8. Mitch Ginsburg, “Jonathan Pollard, Jewish-American spy for Israel, going free after 30 years “, The Times of Israel, November 20, 2015.

  9. “Ex-spy Jonathan Pollard calls for arrest of Gaza captives’ families”, Middle East Eye, November 23, 2023.

  10. Maayan Jaffe-Hoffman and Erica Schachne, “Ex-spy Pollard wants to join Ben-Gvir in Knesset, send Gazans to Ireland”, Jerusalem Post, February 24, 2024.

  11. Schleifer.

  12. Weil.

  13. Alan C. Brownfeld, “Adelson-Funded IAC and Other Groups May Soon Rival AIPAC for Influence, Power”, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, February 5, 2018.

  14. Brownfield.

  15. James FitzGerald, “US campus protests: Rival Gaza protest groups clash at UCLA “, BBC News, April 29, 2024.

  16. Neil Bedi et al, “How Counterprotesters at U.C.L.A. Provoked Violence, Unchecked for Hours”, New York Times, May 3, 2024.

  17. “About IAC for Action”, Israeli-American Coalition for Action.

  18. Zvika Klein, “This Israeli-American philanthropist is advocating for IHRA definition”, Jerusalem Post, August 8, 2022.

  19. Rob Eshman, “Presidential Debate Reaction: Trump on Israel”, The Forward, June 28, 2024.

  20. Amos Barshad, “Where AIPAC’s new donations are coming from and going towards”, The Forward, February 6, 2024.

  21. Ben Sales, “The relationship between Epstein and Jewish philanthropist Wexner, explained”, The Times of Israel, August 14, 2019.

  22. Ari Feldman, “Epstein Ties Trigger Debate Over Ethics of Wexner Foundation’s Importance”, The Forward, July 31, 2019.

  23. Brenda Morginstin, “An Evening to Remember: The Les and Abigail Wexner Israel Tribute”, The Wexner Foundation, July 20, 2017.

  24. Jonathan Berkowitz, “The Wexner Network in Full Force at AIPAC” The Wexner Foundation, March 7, 2018.

  25. Lisa Miller, “Titans of Industry Join Forces To Work for Jewish Philanthropy” The Wall Street Journal, May 4, 1998.

  26. Whitney Webb, “Mega Group, Maxwells and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal” MintPress News, August 7, 2019.

  27. Sales.

  28. Sales.

  29. Feldman.

  30. Gabriel Sherman, “Inside Jeffrey Epstein’s Bond With Leslie Wexner, the Victoria’s Secret Billionaire “ Vanity Fair, June 8, 2021.

  31. Sales.

  32. Sherman.

  33. Sherman.

  34. Matt Ford, “Alan Dershowitz Hasn’t Changed One Bit”, The New Republic, January 22, 2020.

  35. “At AIPAC, Dershowitz pulls water out of thin air”, The Times of Israel, March 26, 2017.

  36. Masha Leon, “Ted Cruz and Alan Dershowitz Talk Tough at ZOA Dinner”, The Forward, December 3, 2014.

  37. Philip Weiss, “Jews made America great so ‘we deserve our influence’ on Israel policy, Dershowitz tells Scarsdale synagogue”, Mondoweiss, May 10, 2017.

  38. Connie Bruck, “Alan Dershowitz, Devil’s Advocate”, The New Yorker, July 29, 2019.

  39. Bruck.

  40. Bruck.

  41. Bruck.

  42. Bruck.

  43. Bruck.

  44. Vicky Ward, “Jeffrey Epstein’s Sick Story Played Out for Years in Plain Sight”, The Daily Beast, July 9, 2019.

  45. Vicky Ward, “Was Jeffrey Epstein a Spy?”, Rolling Stone, July 15, 2021.

  46. Ward, 2021.

  47. JP O’Malley, “For writer who broke Epstein case, a rumored Mossad link is worth digging into”, The Times of Israel, July 26, 2021.

  48. Webb.

  49. Webb.

  50. Webb.
