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PART 1|| The Galactic New Year & The Lions Gate Portal

19-8-2024 < SGT Report 23 707 words

by Maryam Henein, Maryam Henein:

888 Tracing the Origins of a New Age Myth

If you interact with the spiritual side of the digital world, you’ve probably heard of the Lion’s Gate Portal. For weeks, this celestial event was splashed across the front pages of pop astrology blogs, women’s magazines, and apps like CosmicRx. This August 8, 2024, marked a unique 888 Lion’s Gate.

Like so much fast-food spirituality, however, it’s easier to bypass our responsibilities in favor of affirmations of ascension, power, and high-vibrational energy without doing the REAL work. Fluffy Woo Woo New Agers have made this date about manifestation and activation, yet I wondered about its origins.


Ancient wisdom has been passed around and diluted to the point of meaninglessness. For the intellectually curious, this is very frustrating–and it also contributes to misinformation and reductive, milquetoast spiritual practice that is best expressed as bumper stickers or wicked sorcery.

Finding the truth, however, has become quite challenging, but it behooves us to be cautious and discerning. For instance, I now use Yandex, Qwant, or Brave vs Google. If you’ve been following my work, you know I’ve written at length about Big Tech censorship and technofascism.

After years of being dubbed a “hippie,” I’ve realized that the New Age movement is also a Tavistock creation and part of the New World Order. They have co-opted the “we are one” message. Think about it.

The ‘McSpirit’ of Spirituality is an eclectic combination of various psychological, philosophical, and religious ideas worldwide. It emerged after the countercultural hippy movement of the 1960s and began to blossom by the 1980s. As I’ve said many times before, the Tavistock Institute is behind all of it. ‘The Lie Factory,’ as it is called, is dedicated to re-engineering society to serve the Illuminati. Please consider reading the John Coleman book on my website to learn how our construct works.

A watered-down, good vibes-only approach to spirituality does not prompt you to look at your shadow. As John Paul Rice recently toldme, the biggest rabbit hole is the one you take within.

It’s said that this portal or Stargate will propel you into your next reality and that the Spiritual sun Sirius has risen and given you the light of the ancients to direct your path. New Agers say that the code 8:8:8 will activate and unlock the blessings for your whole being and give you more access to the etheric body.

The Orion’s belt, Sirius, and the Earth line up during the portal.

I had heard about the lions Gate but never felt drawn to, but suddenly, this year, I was feeling the pull to participate and try to take advantage . I got a message to go to the Bridge of Lions in St. Augustine on August 8th. But my plans fell through, and instead, I spent the day breathing, meditating, writing in my journal, walking, and dealing with unexplainable panic attacks. Let’s say the energy felt wonky. I realize now that I was being activated and that I needed to be alone to sort through my shit and the shadow aspects of myself that were coming up. For me the portal was definitely palatable. WOW!

Allow me to back up.

About four months ago, I began seeing 333 everywhere — on addresses, the clock, bills, my phone, my kitchen stove, in customized code on my website, etc. Because globalists have appropriated the number 33, I thought I was getting a message not to publish my George Floyd book.

I thought of the Netflix science fiction thriller series 3-Body Problem, where the San-Ti recognizes nanoscientist Auggie Salazar’s progress in nanofibers; she is singled out with a countdown unless she halts research immediately.

Was I seeing a countdown? Unlike Auggie, I wasn’t going to back down.

Then, I discovered that a man I have been casually texting for a about 8 months had 333 in his phone number and it was part of the title of his blog. Once, I even sent him a message at 3:33 p.m. and only realized it a year later. And then, I discovered that 333 was literally tattooed on him! WOW!

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