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Kamala Harris loves transgender child mutilation and other degenerate LGBT perversion

31-7-2024 < Natural News 29 661 words

Kamala Harris loves transgender child mutilation and other degenerate LGBT perversion

Last summer, Vice President Kamala Harris hosted an LGBTQ+ Pride Month reception at her official Washington, D.C., residence, this marking the second time that a sitting vice president has ever done such a thing – the first one was held in 2022, also by Kamala at her personal D.C. residence.

Kamala appeared in the following photo, taken on June 28, 2023, alongside a "trans woman," also known as a biological male, named "Sasha Colby" who moonlights as a drag queen. Drag queens were featured front and center at Kamala's 2022 pride shindig, as well as again at this year's 2024 pride celebration.

On all three pride occasions, Kamala made sure to prominently feature drag queens in order to keep them at the forefront and in the spotlight as part of her agenda. Kamala also loves bringing drag queens to public schools where innocent children are exposed to their perversions.

Kamala openly supports two new laws signed by California Gov. Gavin Newsom that allow teachers and administrators to deceive or keep secret from parents their children's "trans" or "gay" identities, all the while giving instructors free rein to indoctrinate children into the Cult of LGBTQ+ in the classroom.

The second Newsom law Kamala supports allows parents from other states where such abominations are prohibited to come to California to undergo "transition" procedures there instead, even if a child's other parent opposes the mutilations.

(Fact check: Joe Biden did appoint Kamala Harris to be America's open borders czar.)

Kamala Harris has never prosecuted a single case of sexual abuse by pedophiles

Those familiar with Kamala's political career know that she used to be District Attorney of San Francisco as well as Attorney General of California. In neither position did Kamala ever even once prosecute a case of child sexual abuse by pedophiles.

Not only did Kamala let pedophiles off the hook, she also went a step further to protect them by hiding their records showing sex crimes against children. In other words, Kamala loves pedophiles and could be one herself.

Kamala has further ties to a political action committee (PAC) called the DRAG PAC that has as its mission to "educate, invigorate and motivate the LGBTQ voter base."

"DRAG PAC is a collective of DRAG entertainers and seasoned queer professionals who have banded together to educate, invigorate and motivate the LGBTQ voter base," the highly corrupt ActBlue donations website explains.

The DRAG PAC is expected to donate large sums of cash to the Kamala campaign since Kamala is one of the LGBTQ+ community's loudest supporters. Kamala also wants the federal government to eliminate all biological links to sex and gender by recognizing transgenderism, also known as gender dysphoria, as normal rather than a sign of serious mental illness.

"Take careful note of the type of person that Kamala is," one commenter wrote.

Another quoted Romans 1:28-32 as a description of Kamala's voter base:

"And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them."

"Can anyone find a righteous man (or woman) in D.C.?" asked another. "This sickness has permeated everything."

More related news about the LGBTQ+ takeover of the world, visit

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