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Terrence Howard Debunked on Joe Rogan Show #2

31-7-2024 < Activist Post 31 1121 words

By Neenah Payne

Joe Rogan interviewed actor Terrence Howard on 5/18/24 in Episode #2152 for three hours to discuss his math and science theories. Rogan’s second interview with Howard below on 7/1/24 included mathematician/scientist Eric Weinstein to discuss Howard’s theories and lasted four hours.

In his  free 162-page online book One Times One Equals Two, Howard explains that he believes the “x” in multiplication means “to multiply” – and thus to increase in value. So, he concludes that 1×1=1 in the multiplication table is wrong because there is no increase in value. So, he maintains that  the multiplication table should begin with “1×1=2” and that all of our math, science, and economy are wrong because of this mistake.

See Terrence Howard on Joe Rogan Show and Can Terrence Howard’s Science Be Right If His Math Is Wrong? Rolling Stone showcased Howard in its 9/14/15 article Terrence Howard’s Dangerous Mind. As Howard put it in a Rolling Stone profile on him“This is the last century that our children will ever have been taught that one times one is one. They won’t have to grow up in ignorance. Twenty years from now, they’ll know that one times one equals two. We’re about to show a new truth. The true universal math.” Howard claims since “They lied to us for 2,000 years”, our math and economy are wrong.

Starting around 24 minutes, Weinstein explains that multiplication is a form of addition. Why Terrence Howard Is Wrong: 1×1=1 explains that multiplication (despite the name) does not mean to increase. It is simply a way of counting instances. For example 6 x 3 = 18 means that 6 instances of 3 or 3 instances of 6 add up to 18. So, 1 x 1 = 1 means that one instance of 1 is 1. In his second appearance on Joe Rogan, Howard said his long-held assertion that 1×1=2 which he presented when he spoke at Oxford University in 2017 is “just a metaphor for challenging the status quo”.

So, is Howard now renouncing his core thesis?

Eric Weinstein Diplomatically Debunked Howard’s Ideas

Weinstein graciously and gently let the air out of Howard’s tires without leaving him totally flat. So, Howard could maintain some dignity while being proven totally wrong. Rogan was right to air Howard’s views and to have them challenged. Howard is spewing utter nonsense in a very entertaining way. He’s an actor – not a scientist or mathematician. This show should end all discussion of Howard’s ideas.

Joe Rogan Experience #2171 – Eric Weinstein & Terrence Howard 7/1/24

Eric Weinstein holds a PhD in mathematical physics from Harvard University and is a member of the Galileo Project research team.  Terrence Howard is an actor of stage and screen, musician, and researcher in the fields of logic and engineering.

COVID Pseudo Science Undermined Trust In Scientists

Weinstein explains in the informative video below that Rogan shouldn’t have had Howard on even once. He says, however, that while Howard’s mathematics, chemistry, and physics are wrong, his drones and view of the Periodic Table may be interesting.

Weinstein explains that the COVID pseudoscience of Dr. Anthony Fauci, former head of NIAID and a lead member of the Whitehouse Coronavirus Taskforce, led to a distrust of science. He explains that, instead, it should have led to a distrust of government bureaucrats.

“WILDLY Unhinged” Eric Weinstein On Terrence Howard’s Science 7/11/24

Actor Howard recently raised eyebrows when he appeared on Joe Rogan’s podcast, claiming he can kill gravity and doesn’t believe in the number zero among other outlandish theories. Piers Morgan speaks to mathematician and physicist Eric Weinstein – who was invited by Rogan to challenge Terrence’s theories – before the pair are joined by cosmologist Professor Brian Keating and YouTuber Tom Bilyeu.

Complicity of Corporate Media in COVID Pseudo Science

Can Terrence Howard’s Science Be Right If His Math Is Wrong? reminds us of the importance of scientific accuracy. It points out that while we can laugh at Howard, the COVID policies were based on similar buffoonery but were no laughing matter because they continue to have such deadly consequences for millions of people and undermined our economy. The policies also violated our God-given rights protected by The First Amendment including freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and freedom of religion.

COVID policies led to a widespread distrust not just of government bureaucrats, but also of the corporate media that failed to call them out and that censured outstanding scientists and doctors. See When Free Speech Dies, The Killing Begins and Downfall of The Legacy Media

More Terrence Howard on Joe Rogan Insanity 7/9/24

Terrence Howard’s appearance on Joe Rogan caused quite a stir. Most people could tell immediately that he’s a total lunatic spewing hot gibberish, but a shocking number of people were duped into thinking he’s a genius. Joe wanted to get to the bottom of it all, so he decided to bring Terry back with someone more educated to do some fact checking.

Disappointingly, he chose Eric Weinstein to do this, a pseudo-intellectual fraud who was only there to flex his intellect while simultaneously pretending Terry is on to something in order to scoop up some Terry fans for himself. While not exactly what needed to happen, it did result in some hilarious moments, so let’s poke through for some highlights.

Neenah Payne writes for Activist Post

Top image: YouTube

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