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AG Wilson: “My Campaign” paid for $21K NYC Trip. Receipts Show Victims’ Fund paid 10x more than Campaign.

19-8-2024 < Activist Post 19 548 words

By Lee Granade

In a rare response to his “X” critics, Wilson claimed that no taxpayer money was used in his May 2024 NYC trip when he traveled to support former President Trump. Wilson commented on why it was important for him to be in NYC, criticizing the vexatious, politically motivated lawfare, further declaring that the rule of law matters – and so does the truth.

Photo on left shows Wilson in the right rear behind Trump. On right is an “X” screenshot showing where Wilson assured “Buffalosoldier” that no taxpayer money was spent for his travel.

Wilson’s public information officer, Claire Brady, also released a statement that reiterated Wilson’s claims on how his NYC trip was funded.

Receipts Suggest Dishonesty by the AG.

Wilson has a history of YUGE spending, even spending more on his birthday party than his last primary challenger used in her entire campaign.

We looked at Wilson’s campaign expenditures as well as the Comptroller General’s records of May 2024 spending for out of state travel (air transportation and lodging), by the AG Office. On the Comptroller’s page, it seemed safe to infer that all of the charges indicated by a “Bank of America – P Card” payee are for Alan Wilson since other charges have the payee indicated by first name and sometimes the first initial of their last name. (And if you follow Wilson on social media, it is obvious he enjoys trips).

On SC’s Public Ethics Reporting website where candidates report expenditures, donations, etc. on a quarterly reporting schedule, it appears that only one night of a hotel stay near NYC’s Central Park costing $673.64 was funded by campaign donors; this comprised approximately 3% of his $21,555 trip.

Campaign Fund of Alan Wilson

The rest of the trip, approximately 97%, appears to have been paid by monies allocated to the Office of the Attorney General by taxpayers to, ostensibly, prosecute crimes in South Carolina.

Using Funds Earmarked for Victims…

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