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A Tale of Two Cats, by Paul Craig Roberts

29-7-2024 < UNZ 26 1772 words

As readers know, this is not a feel good site. It is not a BS site or a gossip site. This is a site for people who want to know what is really happening and why it is happening. It is for people who value family, the Constitution and a morally, politically, and economically functional society in which truth, not official narratives, prevails. It is for people who want to live in a morally responsible nation based on shared interests, rather than in a Sodom and Gomorrah Tower of Babel.

Truth has always been hard to establish, but since the 1990s it has become much more difficult. One reason is that those who seek truth are discredited by those whose agendas are not served by truth and branded as “conspiracy theorists,” “enemies of society,” “insurrectionists,” “white supremacists,” “Trump deplorables,” and so on.

In the DEI personnel policies of government, corporate, university, and media, many Americans just see silliness. They laugh. They do not comprehend that these policies have the intended result of revolutionizing US society. Corporate DEI policy has put the employment and promotion of white heterosexual males on hold while “preferred minorities and genders” are moved ahead. The US military has a hold on promotions for white heterosexual men. We are experiencing the termination of a merit-based system and its replacement with a system based on race, gender and sexual preference.

The consequence has been to remove the male from his role as bread earner and protector of the family and country. It is often the case now that wives earn as much or more than husbands, which erodes the traditional basis of the family. As family is the basis of society, society is obviously changing.

One example suffices. The US military has always, until now, been a white male dominated organization. It has been the young men of the defeated and pillaged Confederacy who have comprised the backbone of the US military. In the most real sense, the South has been the basis of the US military.

What is the South’s reward? It is to have all southern names removed from US military bases, Robert E. Lee’s named removed from West Point barracks, Southern war monuments taken down, and the obliteration of white heterosexual men from the leading positions in the US military.

Here are the commanders of the US military:

The Secretary of Defense is black.

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staff is black.

The chief of Naval Operations is a Woman.

The Under Secretary of Defense for Policy is a woman.

The Secretary of the Navy is a Cuban born Hispanic.

The American people don’t yet comprehend the threat that they have created for themselves as a result of their inattention. Their insouciance permitted the Civil Rights Act to be stood on its head, which prepared the path for white heterosexual males to be excluded from leadership positions. The Democrats show their alignment with the new leadership model by choosing an African-Asian woman as their presidential candidate. The uprooting of “white racist society” moves forward.

We need diversion from the depression we experience from the ongoing and apparently unstoppable uprooting of our society, and so I give you a story of two cats. In my opinion, cats are superior to humans. God made a major mistake in giving dominion over the world to Satan-impregnated humans instead of to cats.


A friend recently sent me a book, My Beloved Monster, by Caleb Carr. It is about a cat, certainly no monster, rescued by Carr that rescued him from depression and self-pity over his ailments. The cat, Masha, is a Siberian Forest Cat, not a large cat but, like many cats, a guardian of her territory. This brought Masha into conflict with a black bear which reminded me of my own little darling, Devil.

In the earlier years of this website, readers were interested in my cats. Many wrote to me with stories of their own. I had taken in a young female stray, a victim I think of the housing foreclosures of 2007-08 when people forced to leave their residences abandoned their pets. In March of 2008 she presented me with seven kittens, all of which had bob tails. They were unusual and everyone wanted them. I kept the two runts. The male, Boy, grew into 25 pounds, and the female thought she was a leopard. She is absolutely fearless and a determined defender of her territory. I have yet to figure out how cats decide on the extent of their territory, but the female earned one of her two names, Devil, by her defense of her territory. Her other name is My Little Darling.

In my Blue Ridge Mountain home I took them out in harness with long leads. Devil tended to go after Copperheads, and although she was faster than they, I didn’t want to risk her being bitten. Thus the leads that gave me some control. One autumn I had them out. Devil was after a lizard. I noticed that Boy was on high alert. Looking for the cause, there was a 400 pound bear walking toward us.

Normally black bears are not aggressive toward humans unless you are stupid enough to get between a mother bear and her cubs or to feed a bear and run out of food before the bear runs out of hunger. It was autumn and I wondered if cats might be included in the bear’s hibernation diet. I pulled Devil off the lizard chase and we headed for the front door.


Devil didn’t see the bear until we reached the front steps. Then ears flat, hackles up, the most incredible snarls and growls off she went for the bear. She pulled the lead out, and with tension on the lead she turned around and started pulling out of the harness. I had to run forward to remove the tension at which time she renewed her advance on the bear. The bear stood on his rear legs. I remember thinking he was bigger than a pro-football tackle. When I grabbed Devil we were within 12 feet of the bear.

I headed for the front door where Boy was waiting for the door to open, put Devil down in order to open the door and off Devil went across the front porch to continue her attack on the bear. Fortunately at the end of the porch was a rock waterfall and pool and I caught her as she hesitated in figuring out how to avoid the water.

I got her inside, Boy sought safety under the bed. Devil sat by the front door for 30 minutes growling and snarling.

As I concluded, she thought she was a leopard.

Carr’s Masha, apparently, saw herself the same way. One evening she didn’t return home. Carr, who could barely walk, went looking for her in a rainstorm. Eventually he found her up in a tree. She wouldn’t come down. Carr went and got a ladder and managed despite his incapacity to get her out of the tree. On return to the house he discovered her wounds. At the veterinarian hospital the next morning, the vet said, judging from the wounds, that Masha had had an encounter with a bear before her lacerations of the bear’s face convinced the bear to retire from the confrontation and leave the scene. Masha’s claws had bear hair, skin, and blood.

Masha recovered and the love affair between Carr and Masha continued for 17 years.

Devil is 16. I lost Boy in 2018 before he reached 11. Many readers sent sympathy. The vets in the two practices who tried to save Boy from cancer both told me that the required vaccines Big Pharma has lobbied through corrupt state legislatures were the cause of the cancer. I immediately ceased vaccinating.

In my life, not all lived in urban hellholes like New York City and Washington DC, I never encountered a rabid animal. I grew up on my grandparents’ farm. I had a home in the Blue Ridge mountains for 20 years. Cottonmouth moccasins along the creek were the danger, not rabid animals. When I was a kid, dogs at six months of age got one rabies shot for life. Cats got no shots of any kind.

An indoor car needs no shots, but Big Pharma has it that vets are prohibited from treating an unvaccinated cat or dog. Even for outdoor cats, the chance of encountering a rabid animal is far less than the danger to the cat of the vaccines.

Everyone I know tells me that if they vaccinate their cats they die when they are ten years old. If they don’t vaccinate them they live twice as long.

The problem with America is that nothing counts but money. We pay for it with our own lives and with the lives of our animal friends.

Prior to Masha’s appearance Carr lost several cats to predators. I have often wondered, as dogs can be bred so small that a person can carry them in a pocket and horses can be bred so small not even a child can ride them, why can’t cats be bred larger?

If our 10, 12, 15 pound cats were four times larger at 40, 48, and 60 pounds, they would be able to hold their own with predators. Such sizes are beyond the ability of eagles and great horned owls. Cats that size would tear up a coyote and most dogs. Those of us who live on the edge of wilderness and forests wouldn’t have to have a loaded gun at every door and stay constantly attuned every time our cats were outside.

Perhaps more Americans will need a rescue cat as they realize that their insouciance has allowed Democrats to steal their country.
