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Barack and Big Mike Officially Endorse Kamala, by Andrew Anglin

27-7-2024 < UNZ 34 694 words

Previously: It’s Over: George Clooney Endorses Kamala


Called it.

All these boomers who constantly claim Obama is some secret backroom kingmaker have been BTFO. I always said that was stupid and there was no evidence for it. There was actually a lot of evidence against it, because there was no reason that if Obama was secretly giving orders to Joe Biden, the Biden administration would be run this way.

Maybe Obama is still considered some kind of “power player” in Washington. But he’s apparently not very powerful, because he first said Biden should stay in the race, then when Biden dropped out, he said Kamala should be replaced. In both instances, he was overridden by George Clooney.


Former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris’ presidential bid in a video released Friday.

“Michelle and I couldn’t be prouder to endorse you and to do everything we can to get you through this election and into the Oval Office,” the former president told Harris on a phone call joined by his wife, according to the video.

Well, apparently you could be prouder, or you would have done it immediately instead of attacking her and claiming you were going to replace her.

Harris thanked the Obamas for their support and expressed gratitude for their decadeslong friendship.

“Oh my goodness. Michelle, Barack, this means so much to me. I’m looking forward to doing this with the two of you, Doug and I both. And getting out there, being on the road,” the vice president said.

“But most of all, I just want to tell you the words you have spoken and the friendship that you have given over all these years mean more than I can express, so thank you both. It means so much. And we’re gonna have some fun with this too, aren’t we?” she added.

Yeah, she’s probably still plotting to destroy him over his initial refusal to endorse her.

But hey – whatever.

This doesn’t matter.

Trump has already been crowned, and when he takes over, that’s when you’re going to start seeing the serious shit.

I just think it’s maybe important to point out that all those boomers who have spent the last 4 years claiming Obama was secretly running the White House have now been proved completely wrong in the most embarrassing way imaginable.

People need to stop taking the blathering of retards talking nonsense so seriously.
