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Data Centers vs. Utah’s Disappearing Great Salt Lake: Framing Farmers and ‘Climate’?

26-7-2024 < Activist Post 34 438 words

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International, with Kate Kheel

Disclaimer: I am not an expert on the hydrological cycle, but it appears that mainstream news reports about Utah’s Great Salt Lake disappearing, focusing on farmers and climate, maybe missing the bigger picture.

Great Salt Lake is the largest saline lake in North America. The lake and its wetlands form a keystone ecosystem that supports biodiversity and human economy throughout the Western Hemisphere.Source

Framing Others

In Massachusetts and beyond, the Karen Reed murder trial is a made-for-reality-television- story that has divided a town and captivated the public’s attention CNN reported, “Her defense has accused off-duty police inside that Canton home of killing O’Keefe and framing Read.” The prosecution’s case [] has been hampered by a series of missteps and unusual investigative practices. Rita Lombardi, a local Read supporter outside the court, told CNN [] “This woman was framed, and there is overwhelming evidence, overwhelming scientific evidence that she was framed for murder by the very people we trust to protect us.”  Central to the trial is the question of how the police department conducted its investigation, and whether Karen Reed has been framed. The case is on-going.

This article is not as titillating of a story as the Karen Reed trial – but asks a few questions.

Regarding the disappearing Great Salt Lake in Utah, what if the farmers and ‘climate’ are being framed, by the very people we trust to protect us? Are we unwittingly relying on ‘unusual investigation practices’?

My colleague Kate Kheel recently sent me an email. “On the way to Baltimore today, I listened to NPR’s coverage of The Great Salt Lake that is projected to be completely dry within 5 years. The reasons given included global warming and agriculture.

But surprisingly (not), the huge NSA data center erected in 2014 for surveillance purposes, and Facebook’s META were not mentioned. That got me to researching.”

Do we have an incomplete picture of what is driving what we call climate change?

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