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Trump’s Great Betrayal on Immigration

19-8-2024 < Counter Currents 27 1174 words

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As a White Nationalist, I am pretty much a one-issue voter, and that issue is immigration, since there is a clear difference between Trump and the Democrats on this issue—at least there was until recently.

Yes, as Hunter Wallace has pointed out, freedom of speech is important. But the Republicans recently demonstrated that they are fine with ending free speech if Jewish donors demand it. I will never get to vote on a referendum about Jewish influence, since both parties are fully controlled by Jewish donors. I’d care more about the Second Amendment if gun collectors showed any willingness to use their toys against tyranny. Abortion is monstrous, but currently it helps rather than harms white demographics, so it is not a political issue for me.

All I want from Donald Trump is for him to halt immigration (most of it non-white) and to deport tens of millions of people who came here illegally (most of whom are also non-white). In other words, I want Trump to help us stop the Great Replacement. Trump doesn’t need to be a White Nationalist to do this. He can do it simply because it is the law.

But, in their hearts, most white Americans oppose “illegal” immigration because of race. In his own heart, Trump feels the same way. This is why he asked about increasing immigration from Norway. This is why he questioned why we take people from “shithole” countries at all. What’s the difference between Norwegians and Shitholians? Obviously, Norwegians are white.

Normies—and Trump is very much a normie—cling to the fig leaf of legalism because they are deathly afraid of being called “racist” by journalists and other scum. But “illegal” immigration largely means non-white immigration, so they get called “racist” anyway. It is time to put away childish euphemisms and just talk frankly about race.

If Trump credibly promises to halt immigration and deport millions of illegals, he will sew up the bulk of the White Nationalist vote. Some childish people will sit it out because they will only vote in a referendum about Jewish influence, but there aren’t enough of them to make a difference.

No, Trump won’t give us White Nationalism. Only White Nationalists want that. But Trump will give White Nationalists time to persuade more people of the truth and goodness of our vision. This is why I supported Trump in 2016. This is why I supported him again in 2020. This is the only reason, frankly, to support Trump in 2024.

Or at least it was, until Trump’s great betrayal on Thursday, August 15th. At a press conference outside of the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey, Trump said:

. . . [W]e’re going to close the border and get the crooked ones out, the bad ones out. And we’re gonna let a lot of people come in. Because we need more people. Especially with AI coming and all of the different things. And the farmers need, everybody needs. But we’re going to make sure they’re not murderers, killers, drug dealers, and the kind of people we have, largely, coming in right now.

This is a disaster. Basically, Trump is now for the Great Replacement, as long as it is “selective” and “legal.” Trump supports the Great Replacement for white-collar jobs, hence his mention of A.I. This means more South and East Asian tech workers, further contributing to the growth of hostile and treasonous Asian elites, as if we don’t have enough hostile and treasonous elites already. Trump supports the Great Replacement for blue-collar jobs, hence the mention of farmers.

Yes, Trump is also promising the get the “bad” and “crooked” ones out. But he’s specifically talking about “murderers, killers, drug dealers.” He doesn’t even mention welfare parasites. Nor does he mention people whose only crime is to come here illegally. Obviously, this will not lead to “mass deportations.”

In fact, Trump’s scheme makes an amnesty virtually inevitable, for why deport millions of people whose only crime is to come here illegally if one will just let them back in legally? If they are already here because employers “need” them, then wouldn’t it be better for the employers to simply amnesty them so they can continue working? Wouldn’t that be easier for our bureaucrats as well? If your only concern was legality, then their legal status can by changed simply by . . . legalizing them.

In what sense do tech oligarchs and farmers “need” immigrants? They don’t need them at all. They simply prefer them because it helps them drive down wages. Whose wages? The wages of people who are already here, predominantly the wages of Americans. It is that simple. This is hardly an “America First” policy, thus every American should reject such proposals vehemently.

Fortunately, Trump’s remarks have been widely criticized, and not just by White Nationalists and other denizens of the “far Right.” Normie Republicans as well are up in arms. Some are even saying they are off the Trump train. It turns out there are single-issue immigration voters among Republicans as well. Even Trump apologists who are pushing back against the naysayers are not actually defending Trump’s latest immigration betrayal. But the Trump personality cult is so strong that I have no doubt that millions would become complete open borders advocates if Trump flip-flopped to that position.

This whole affair reinforces my darkest fears about Trump. From a White Nationalist point of view, the only thing worse than a dysfunctional multicultural dystopia is a functional one. I honestly prefer America be flooded with criminals and welfare parasites rather than hard-working, law-abiding immigrants, especially high-IQ strivers from Asia. Why? Because the more obnoxious and parasitic the immigrants, the easier it will be to create a consensus to send them back and seal the borders for good.

The Left’s agenda has been branded “gay race communism,” which is a perfect description for the colored woman’s platform. I recommend that we brand Trump’s agenda “multiracial space capitalism,” since it is clearly being shaped by technology oligarchs like Elon Musk. I like everything about the space capitalist agenda except the multiracial part. My greatest fear is that it would work, condemning the white race to a slow death by miscegenation and outright race-replacement, albeit with a better quality of non-whites. Thus, if forced to choose, I would prefer the triumph of gay race communism, since its inevitable failure would give whites a better chance of taking back our homelands than the success of what Trump is now peddling.

Fortunately, there may be enough one-issue immigration voters to tank Trump’s election if he does not walk back this folly. Trump needs an intervention. But is there anyone who can talk sense to this bumbling egomaniac?
