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Kissing the Dragon: Wisdom or Misguidance? Part 1

23-7-2024 < Counter Currents 29 2016 words

Image source: Flickr

1,841 words

Part 1 of 2

I haven’t commented on this website for a long while, and have only managed to read some occasional essays and comments over the past two years or so due to major life changes and heavier loads of work. Now, in my summer vacation as a college instructor, I can finally squeeze in some time to write something about China.

Besides being an ardent East-Asian supporter of White Nationalism and a big fan of the invaluable Counter-Currents, I have lived in China for more than a decade and consider myself an old China hand — i.e., an expert on Chinese affairs. I speak Chinese, English, and Japanese fluently and use my proficiency in Chinese to voraciously read all their sources of information, both official and in its more popular forms, and both online and offline, to observe them firsthand. I also actively interact with Chinese from all walks of life and from across the social spectrum, down to the vagrants in the street and up to the level of local politicians. I have lived there for years, unlike tourists who stay there for a couple of weeks at most.

Admiration of China has been going on in White Nationalist circles for a while, at the sites of Andrew Anglin and Ron Unz, among others. Mr. Fred Reed has recently written two essays on China which were published at Counter-Currents on June 3 and July 17. Like some of the others, Mr. Reed’s articles do have some factual basis, as he rhapsodizes over the formidable and admirable advantages that the country possesses. On the other hand, such essays also contain no small amount of emotionally-driven exaggerations, oversimplifications, and half-truths that are the result of limited vision, a lack of in-depth knowledge about China, or the (completely justified) hatred of the anti-white rulers of today’s West. These cause some people to embrace the broad-brushed theory of “enemy’s enemy is my friend.”

There’s also a tendency to lump China and the Ukraine-Russia conflict together in an implicit attempt to lend legitimacy and tenability to a conciliatory and appeasing stance on China by confusing the China Question with the mistrust many White Nationalists feel toward mainstream Western politics and the Biden government. However, in his misperception and misjudgment, Mr. Reed has indeed failed to grasp the evil and sinister nature as well as the enormity of the China Peril and sacrificed the cause of justice for the white man. This is disappointing, misleading, and dangerous.

You can buy Greg Hood’s Waking Up From the American Dream here.

Mr. Reed elaborated and extolled China’s prosperity, technological advancements, major strengths, and vast human pool of future technicians and engineers, among other things. These things are largely true and objective for their own sake (with some exaggerations). But they are an incomplete story, as those facts are one-sided and superficial, which render their referential value limited.

It is one-sided is because the author mostly likely did not venture into any of the small towns or countryside in China, and only traveled to the so-called “first-line” fancy big cities (Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and a few others). He thus failed to grasp the complete picture of that country. Secondly, the author only witnessed — or chose to look at — the bright side of China, as lavishly harped upon in his articles, but again failed to perceive the vast, sprawling, systemic, deep-seated, irresoluble, and simmering problems and crises in China. For example, it has one of the world’s worst levels of corruption, it has an ongoing severe economic recession, there is an immense social and wealth gap accompanied by surging resentment from the grassroots, an intense and fierce power struggle within the upper power echelons, as well as subtle but definitely unmistakable and growing trends among the youth to become increasingly inward-looking and listless. As a result, they are self-absorbed and sometimes even rebellious toward the government. All of this combines to present seriously volatile and destabilizing factors that have the potential to lead to China’s implosion and collapse.

To say Mr. Reed’s writings on China are superficial is because while the author witnessed China’s impressive infrastructural and technological achievements, as well as the humungous human pool in technology and engineering that form China’s power base, he failed to understand that all that science, technological knowhow, and expertise originated from the West — mainly America and Western Europe, as well as Japan to a lesser degree. China has stolen this knowledge by means of spying, hacking, and bribing in the most ruthless and relentlessly disingenuous ways the world has ever experienced. China has virtually no scientific innovation of its own, as all the sources of its much-trumpeted progress have been other people’s intellectual wealth, from the late nineteenth century to the present. The Chinese learned, copied, moderated, and in some cases improved on it, admittedly, and then claimed all the credit for themselves by concealing or distorting the truth in order to boost public morale and promote its own image internationally. This is besides the fact that many of China’s infrastructure and industrial projects, despite their shining veneers, contain structural defects and usually do not last long.

Because of this critical and fundamental deficiency in scientific and technological innovation, the West should muster the collective wisdom and willpower to deprive China of any additional significant information in this regard by cutting it off from the cream of the Western intelligentsia, ending its spying and theft, and putting a stop to the stream of Chinese students who go to the West to study (i.e., steal) as well as all forms of bilateral exchanges, whether human or material. (Elon Musk, I’m speaking to you! You’re a good guy, but don’t be stupid or naïve! China will rob you of all your high technology if you refuse to listen and fall into the trap of believing the unctuous talk and empty promises of the Chinese and persist with your headstrong investments there.) This essentially means that if the West stops being the ignorant blood donor for China, the country will most definitely cease to be a dazzling wonderland in the eyes of some Westerners and stop being a dire threat. It is my prediction that the liberal-democrat bigwigs in the Biden regime and their ilk will take only small and highly limited steps in this direction, despite their impositions of sanctions on this and that, followed mostly by talks of little substance. Even those sanctions which were implemented were incredibly weak and full of loopholes that China can easily exploit. Hopefully a second Trump presidency can do more, but will likely still fall short of being enough to put the final nail in China’s coffin. Only a truly White Nationalist-led America would have the sagacity and resolve to complete the job through a total, categorical, unmitigated, and uncompromising disengagement with China.

Now comes the most critical and crucial part: The whole nation of China — including the majority of the Han Chinese and a sizable number of the Han-assimilated ethnic minorities — hates and envies the West and its white people down to their marrow. They are hell-bent on destroying, subjugating, replacing, conquering, or enslaving the white race. Once they reckon that they are capable of doing it, they will not hesitate for a second to put a knife to the collective throat of whites and launch wars of genocidal destruction upon the Western nations. This is not hyperbole, but a plain truth, and any person who can read Chinese only needs to take a quick look at the large numbers of vlogs and comments on Chinese Douyin (TikTok) and other Chinese domestic social media sites to see that they are all infested with hyper-nationalistic, jingoistic, and chauvinistic content spewing the most toxic kinds of anti-Western and anti-white messages. Meanwhile, the all-powerful and all-controlling Chinese government turns a blind eye to their blustering and hate-mongering, if not actually actively encouraging them.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s Against Imperialism here.

If you think that China and the Chinese are the enemies of the West’s anti-white elites, or that only the Chinese regime is against the West, you are completely wrong. It is the entire Chinese people who are determined to target whites with an implacable animosity. This is not simply due to the fact that they are brainwashed by their regime, which they undoubtedly are, but more because of their ultra- ethnocentric and hubristic “Central Kingdom” (the literal meaning of “China” in Chinese) complex, which has been written in their blood for a thousand years. This is characterized by a combined sense of arrogance and inferiority, as manifested by their alternating envy and hatred for the white race. Their wicked intentions regarding the white race knows no bounds and can only be countered by permanently rendering China weak through defeat, division, and reeducation, and by means of containing and starving it of all West’s “nutrients,” as discussed above.

Thus, as it should already be clear to all who can see, the idea of China-worship is silly and pointless, as it is both distracting and self-defeating. An avowed and hardened enemy who is determined to exterminate or enslave you, for all its ethnonationalism, collectivist efficiency, grit, resilience, and ruthlessness, is not worth worshipping, but is certainly worth studying and emulating. We should not worship China, for the common-sense reason that you don’t worship someone who wants to destroy you, just as we do not worship Israel and Jews for their political and financial supremacy. Nor do we worship the current American regime for its power and wealth. Let me repeat: China should be studied and emulated in certain aspects, but it should not be worshipped blindly and must be contained — resolutely and effectively.

To contain and defang China, it is ideal to avoid a direct military conflict with it. Rather we should put in place a constant mental and physical preparedness opposing it. Besides cutting off its access to Western knowledge, it is key for the West to leverage and utilize allied powers as well. This is the role that countries such as Japan and Taiwan can play, as they can be effective buffers geopolitically. My consistent opinion on this is that unless critically necessary, the US should stop short of direct military intervention while actively and unequivocally aiding Japan and Taiwan. This can be done by rearming Japan and selling advanced weaponry to Taiwan, as both of them share the same basic humanistic values as whites and are peace-loving and non-threatening to the white race, as long as they are left alone and not permitted to immigrate to the West en masse.

The Japanese and Taiwanese are a quite different and better sort than the Chinese and Koreans in my long study of East Asian racial subgroups. Koreans are jealous, petty-minded, narcissistic, rude, and rowdy, but it is the Chinese who harbor inextinguishably insidious and spiteful intentions toward whites and will aggressively seek to harm and displace them. Through combining the strategies of isolating China and assisting Japan and Taiwan to counter it, the dragon can be subdued without shedding white blood.

While some may say I don’t know America, I would say they don’t know China.
