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The God-Emperor Reborn!

19-7-2024 < Counter Currents 32 1274 words

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President Donald Trump is the avatar of white America — its embodiment — and any attack on him is an attack on the historic American nation. The only way that this ends without an explosion of political violence and a second civil war is if Trump survives the campaign and goes on to win the upcoming election against the most corrupt system in the history of modernity.

Although the recent movie Civil War was apolitical in its message, it did nonetheless depict hypothetical internecine strife between fictional secessionist forces and an embattled American President and gave voice to real anxiety in the zeitgeist.

The notion that America is descending into chaos and is more divided now than ever before is a tangible reality. It is borne out by statistics, graphs, and opinion polls, but perhaps more importantly it is something that everyone can feel when they read the news, talk to their neighbors, or even breathe the air. When it is not being loud and strident, political division is one of the unspoken assumptions of our time.

In the fictional Warhammer 40,000 universe, the Emperor of Mankind was betrayed by his Primarch-son, Horus. The concomitant galaxy-spanning civil war, known as the Horus Heresy, culminated in a titanic battle between the two on Horus’ flagship, the Vengeful Spirit, orbiting above Holy Terra itself. Although Horus was defeated in this titanic battle, the Emperor was mortally wounded. To keep him alive, he was then interred upon the Golden Throne, a great machine with an arcane life-support system, where he sits in perpetuity as the guardian of Mankind. His wounding was part of his apotheosis; thereafter he was worshipped as a god.[1]

Trump was wounded much like the Emperor of Mankind. Trump will be God-Emperor once again if we make it so, and it is crucial that we do.

Whether people want to admit to it or not, America is the linchpin of the West. If America falls to globalism and is demographically swamped by the hordes of the Third World, the West as a whole will be lost forever. America is the ultimate prize for those who hate the Western world; and Trump has been its most ardent defender in recent memory. For all his flaws and past mistakes, he remains the most feared National Populist in the world. Hence we have seen the most comprehensive campaign of vilification and hatred ever employed against a political figure in history, one that has culminated in this past weekend’s assassination attempt. Spencer J. Quinn is quite right that America is being “held together by nothing more than Donald Trump’s life.”

I would go further in saying that Western civilization is at stake, and by extension, the whole world.[2] Greg Johnson expressed a similar sentiment: “We should weigh our every word, our every deed, as if the fate of the world is entirely on our shoulders. It focuses the mind wonderfully.”[3]

In his study of political violence in the Weimar Republic, Dirk Shumann states that

the exercise of physical coercion that essentially takes place collectively, can be aimed at both objects as well as individuals or groups, and whose actors, seek — by selecting a specific target — to simultaneously strike a blow against the political system as a whole or against a political concept regarded as hostile.[4]

You can buy Greg Johnson’s The Year America Died here.

Political violence and assassination attempts are not new phenomena as there are countless examples throughout history and across the world. Today, they are the expected tactics employed by the tyrannical regimes of the Third World, and yet, in the cradle of civilization and indeed in the very heart of liberal democracy itself, it has reared its ugly, tentacled head.

It makes perfect sense that his enemies would attempt to disrupt a political rally in 2024. One of the keys to Trump’s electoral success in the campaign of 2015-2016 was his use of stadium-sized venues to speak, and it was obvious that he was masterful in the use of social media at that time to bypass the establishmentarian prestige media and address the people directly. Twitter, in conjunction with mass rallies, was the secret to his campaigning success.

His willingness to address the most forbidden subjects in American political culture precipitated his success. Greg Johnson points out that Trump broke several taboos, including the “Republican gentlemen’s agreement to never broach populist measures like immigration restriction and protectionism.” Secondly, he helped “reorient political debate” away from the perfunctory Republican-versus-Democrat dichotomy and toward “nationalism and populism versus globalism and elitism.” Moreover, he “triggered the Left to drop the mask of sanity.”[5]

He broke those taboos and articulated assumptions that were hitherto silent. The majority’s wishes were finally answered. For that faux pas, Trump was vilified in the most sustained campaign of hatred in the history of the United States.

Trump had to be made of adamantium to weather the firestorm of vitriol, lawfare, and the power of the managerial state that was transfixed in its hatred of him. Like the evil eye of the camera lens that objectively captures a soldier’s death, the deep state has been fixated on bringing Trump down by almost any means necessary.[6] The assassination attempt on him indicates the regime’s willingness to take that last step: to use political violence and murder to eliminate him.

The regime is playing with fire, and has been for a long time. This latest incident, however, is a marked escalation in their campaign of full-spectrum violence against Trump and the American people. From bird-dogging, wrap-up smears, unending lawfare, Black Lives Matter and antifa rioting, and anti-police violence, this is the regime acting in desperation in order to eliminate the one man who they have not been able to break. At this point, whatever happens the Biden/Obama presidency will fall and the God-Emperor will take his rightful place once again.


[1] Adam Troke et al., Warhammer 40,000 (Nottingham: Games Workshop, 2012), ix, 168.

[2] This is an adaptation and paraphrase of Martin Heidegger’s response to Ernst Jünger regarding the essence of nihilism in Martin Heidegger, The Question of Being, trans. William Kluback and Jean T. Wilde (New York: Twayne Publishers Inc., 1958), 39.

[3] Greg Johnson, “The 2018 Midterm Elections: A Near-Death Experience?” in The Year America Died (San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2021), 45.

[4] Dirk Schumann, Political Violence in the Weimar Republic, 1918-1933: Fight for the Streets and Fear of Civil War, trans. Thomas Dunlap (New York: Berghahn Books, 2009), xvii.

[5] See also Greg Johnson, “Why White Nationalists Like Andrew Yang,” in The Year America Died, 48-49.

[6] For a discussion of the camera lens as an “insensitive and invulnerable eye,” please see Ernst Jünger, On Pain, trans. David C. Durst (New York: Telos Press Pub., 2008), 39-40.
