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When Sheeple are Devoured by Red and Blue Dragons

19-7-2024 < Activist Post 24 1110 words

By Dr. Mathew Maavak

On July 13 2024, former US president Donald J. Trump apparently survived an assassination attempt. Many rightwing commentators and mainstream church leaders attributed Trump’s “miraculous” brush with death to divine intervention. The message was out: “God wanted to save America by saving his divinely-chosen vessel Donald Trump.” These voices were joined by a legion of assorted grifters who could discern no boundaries between the heavenly and MAGA realms.

The only observable truth in this entire episode was the shocking lapse of vigilance, and the dereliction of standard protocols, on the part of the US Secret Service, the FBI, and the local police force. Beyond that are lies, half-truths and pathetic attempts to paper over a narrative that would nicely dovetail into a neat left-right Hegelian divide.

With regards to Truth, there is only one source that I personally find to be immutable and time-tested. It is the Bible. And what does the Bible have to say about Hegelian divides?

Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil. (Proverbs 4:25-27)

We know the bottomless degeneracy that the political left (the blue party or dragon) represents, but tinkering with the idea that some degree of national deliverance can be found in the political right (the red dragon) is a fallacy that leads to ruination.

Nonetheless, I do acknowledge God’s subtle hand at work during and after the fateful event but not in the way as it is narrated. It has nothing to do with Trump’s fortuitous glance or the trajectory of the bullets. As far as I am concerned, God is not through with separating the wheat from the chaff in these End Times siftings. Only after the winnowings are complete will His Kingdom be manifest.

Many residual chaff had slipped through during a recent mass sifting called Covid-19. They had set themselves up as the arbiters of truth and the go-to source for the “real news”. Others yet are plain narcissists who need to attract attention — and a source of living — for their hateful bile. Occasionally, Jesus Christ and the Bible are thrown into their narratives to bolster their  public image. Since the shooting however, their visceral reactions and mindless uber-patriotism have exposed them for what they had always been: deep state plants who were tasked to stoke the Hegelian racket and profit immensely in the process.

The sheeple have always been devoured by the red and blue dragons. They always were and always will be until Kingdom come.

A Personal Response

My mind was made up within an hour of watching various clips of the shooting but I held back from publishing my opinions as I was reminded of the actions of my late professor at the University of Leeds, United Kingdom, during the immediate aftermath of Princess Diana’s murder death. He fired off a series of emails, warning all staff and academics at Leeds not to respond to any queries from the media. He was vindicated the next day as British tabloids attacked academics from other universities who fell for the bait and who were promptly denounced as “heartless” and out of touch with the “people’s sentiments”.

Do not be carried away by mob sentiments and religiously avoid viscerally-charged environments. Herd hysteria was the deciding factor in a fateful crucifixion 2,000 years ago.

As a precaution, I also needed to wait until the alleged shooter’s identity and motives were established — at least to the extent permitted by the US uniparty hydra. I believe all the relevant details in this unlikely saga are being deliberately withheld until the deep state has satisfactorily processed all the discrepancies and lapses noted in the open source domain.

At the time of writing, many sceptics have indeed dissected many inconsistencies and omissions in the evolving shooting narrative. All except one, and it is a crucial one. Ask me on November 1 on what it may be. (I wouldn’t be surprised if someone flags this glaring omission by the time this commentary is published.  Who knows? The critical analysis acumen of the “Awakened” minority has surged dramatically since Covid-19.)

Six days have passed since the fateful event and we are no closer to establishing what motivated or facilitated a scrawny, effeminate young man to heft a ladder and an AR-15 for over a mile or more in the midst of heavy security presence. Secret Service agents are usually stationed days before a president, ex-president or presidential candidate makes an appearance at a pre-planned event. Manholes are routinely welded near areas where a visiting US president is scheduled to visit. And this happens anywhere on earth!

We are told that the alleged assassin, after dodging a stream of local law enforcement personnel and Secret Service agents, had perched himself comfortably atop a roof. We are also told that he was observed by rally attendees who frantically alerted all security personnel nearby on the clear and present danger in their midst. Yet nothing was done! The alleged assassin, Thomas Matthew Crooks, was also not known for his sublime coding skills and yet we are told that it took two whole days to decrypt his phone with an Israeli hacking tool. Now, if you believe that, you will believe in anything. Cheap $40 surveillance drones could not fly on that day due to climate change. And radios to alert Trump’s immediate Secret Service detail were Made in China.

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Dr Mathew Maavak specialises in systems science, global risks, strategic foresight, geopolitics and governance. He has published numerous Op-Eds on a variety of eclectic subjects for over 20 years – by ‘connecting the dots’ in a disjointed world. Subscribe to his Substack

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