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America Has Dodged a Bullet (for Now)

15-7-2024 < Counter Currents 40 1370 words

Corey Comperatore, who was killed by one of the would-be assassin’s bullets on Saturday, with one of his daughters. Corey is one of the millions of Trump-supporting white Americans whom the Left demonizes, when they don’t simply ignore them. (Image source: Facebook)

1,204 words

Donald Trump wasn’t the only one who dodged a bullet on July 13, 2024. America herself had a brush with death.

What do you think would have happened if the idol of those 70 million Americans who own most of America’s 300 million guns had been killed on live television? I think there would have been retribution, leading to tit-for-tat violence, which could easily have spun into civil war.

Who would have been the targets? That’s easy: The death lists are already compiled online — from the most prestigious newspapers and magazines all the way down to antifa-infested ratholes — where countless liberals and Leftists have been openly laying the groundwork for this assassination by painting Trump as a fascist threat to democracy. Indeed, the Democratic Party’s main strategy for reelecting the vegetable Biden is the specter of the fascist Trump. They bet everything on Donald Trump’s demonization as well as that of the 70 million white Americans who support him.

Did they think that all this gaslighting was just a game? The obvious result is to incite violence against Trump and his supporters. So I’m going with the theory that violence was the intent all along. They’re not getting away with the “They know not what they do” defense.

This violence, moreover, is being openly celebrated by Leftists on social media. They are not mourning Corey Comperatore, the small-town firefighter who was killed in front of his wife and daughter. They are mocking Comperatore and mourning the fact that the assassin missed. They’re monsters. We can’t live with these people.

For all their “literal shaking” about the MAGA threat, none of these haters seem remotely worried about Trump supporters. They would never behave this way if they seriously believed that someday the blood in the streets might be their own.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s The White Nationalist Manifesto here

But hubris courts nemesis. Or, as today’s kids like to put it: “Fuck around and find out.” The Left has been fucking around since 2015. I am just grateful that, this time, they didn’t find out. Because there’s still a chance to deescalate this situation and reach a peaceful resolution.

For decades, White Nationalists have been warning Americans about the curse of diversity. Different peoples cannot share the same territory and political system without conflicts of culture, values, and interests. Like being stuck in a bad marriage, such conflicts produce mistrust, tension, alienation, inefficiency, long-simmering resentment, hatred, and violence. Sometimes they spin out of control, leading to wholesale civil war, ethnic cleansing, and even genocide. The greater the diversity, the greater the conflict, the greater the chance of apocalyptic bloodshed.

But the people in power didn’t listen. Within my lifetime, America has gone from a normatively white nation to a multicultural one. The white population has declined from close to 90% down to something like 60%. The non-white population has dramatically increased, as has the number of non-white ethnic groups. America is already too diverse to survive, much less thrive.

If the cancer of diversity continues to grow and metastasize, what will America look like in 2o or 3o years? You don’t need to speculate. You don’t need to take a trip in a time machine. You can simply visit any number of large American cities where whites are now the minority. They are nightmares of alienation, corruption, ugliness, and violence.

This is why millions of whites have fled the cities. But the borders and wombs of the Third World are wide-open. Moreover, the United States government and anti-white non-governmental organizations are pointedly dumping non-white migrants into predominantly white areas. Soon there will be no place to run to. (There will never be an American Orania under the present regime. And if we replace the regime, we won’t need to retreat into an Orania.)

Although America is more diverse than ever, politically speaking we are divided into two large camps: Team Blue and Team Red.

Team Blue is multicultural America, a coalition of self-hating white liberals and Leftists, feminists, sexual minorities, and Jews and other non-whites. Their flag is the intersectional rainbow flag, which is not just symbolic of their coalition. It is also symbolic of the world they wish to create. For none of those stripes can come together to produce white children.

Team Red is the American people: tens of millions of Americans, overwhelmingly white. Their flag is the stars and stripes. They generally vote Republican, albeit with decreasing enthusiasm. Donald Trump is their candidate. But more than that, he is their symbol, their avatar.

This is why Trump is so intensely hated by Team Blue. Trump is not hated for what he has done. He did very little. Trump is not hated for what he promises to do, which was politically mainstream a few decades ago and probably won’t be implemented, anyway. No, Trump is hated for what he symbolizes: white America.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s The Year America Died here.

Representative, multiparty democracy depends on the willingness of different parties to trade offices and to bury partisan differences to work together for the greater good of society. But that’s no longer possible in America. Team Red and Team Blue are not just different political groupings within the same nation. They are becoming different nations, neither of which feels safe being ruled by the other.

White Nationalists have long known that Team Blue is not engaged in politics as usual. They are not interested in civil debate. They want to censor disagreement as “hate.” They are not interested in trading power in a democratic system. They think we are too dangerous to be trusted with power. Hence their desire to replace us with a more tractable non-white electorate. Team Blue doesn’t want to live and let live. They want to live and let die. In short, this isn’t politics. This is war. Worse than that, it is increasingly open genocide by anti-white race replacement. The sooner we recognize what is happening, the sooner we can fight back.

White Nationalists have been warning Americans for decades about the Left as well. But, again, we have been largely ignored. We have been ignored because we speak harsh truths that most people wish to evade. We have been ignored because we offer facts and logic, whereas most people respond to images and emotions. We have been ignored because we talk about the long run, whereas most people are fixated on the present and immediate future. Most people don’t listen to reason and avoid suffering. First they suffer, then they learn.

But this assassination attempt has the eyes of the world focused on it. It makes our message very concrete and very real. America’s system is anti-white. Trump is hated because he stands for white America. They hate him, because they hate us. They want to kill him, because they want to kill us. The bullet Trump dodged was fired at us. If they are celebrating the death of Corey Comperatore, they will celebrate all our deaths as well. We can’t live with these people. They are literally trying to kill us. We have irreconcilable differences. We need a national divorce.
