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California pushing radical “LGBTQ+” propaganda on state employees, reveals mental health professional

12-7-2024 < Natural News 40 757 words

California pushing radical “LGBTQ+ ” propaganda on state employees, reveals mental health professional

More than 250,000 people work for the state of California, meaning "We the People of the Golden State." And from now on, all of them are required to undergo "diversity, equity and inclusion" (DEI) propaganda courses showcasing LGBTQ+ perversion in order to remain employed.

Elizabeth Jones, an employee for the California Department of State Hospitals (DSH), wrote an article for LifeSiteNews that explains what the forced indoctrination classes entail.

DSH employs about 13,000 people whose job it is to provide mental health services to around 6,500 patients at five state-run hospitals: Atascadero, Coalinga, Metropolitan (in Los Angeles County), Napa and Patton.

Jones spent about two hours clicking through a mandatory course within DSH called "DSH LGBTQ+ Training 2024" that instructs employees about what so-called "LGBTQ affirming care is, how to deliver it and why it matters."

The beginning of the course features a psychologist and social worker at Napa State Hospital breaking down the difference between "sexual orientation" and "gender identity."

"I was informed that 'sexual orientations' include 'heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual, asexual and pansexual,'" Jones writes. "Pansexual, according to my notes, 'means that the person's sexual behavior and attraction is rooted in connection with the other person, rather than the gender the other person chooses to adopt' – denying our bodily reality."

"'Gender identities,' on the other hand, describe 'the labels we put on ourselves regardless of our sexual orientation' and include woman, man, 'trans-man, trans-woman, cisgender, transgender, gender non-binary, gender fluid and gender queer,'" added Jones.

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(Related: Far leftists in the state of California want parents who try to protect their children from LGBTQ+ perversion to be separated by force from their own families as punishment.)

LGBTQ+ is evil through and through

From there, the course delves into the so-called "gender unicorn" as presented by a social worker named David. The purpose of the unicorn is to illustrate even more made-up differences between concepts like "gender identity," "gender expression," "sex assigned at birth," and "sexual and romantic orientation."

For far leftists, everything is seen through the lens of sexual activity. All forms of love from familial to brotherly to the charity spoken of in the Bible that applies generally have been reduced by the Cult of LGBTQ+ into perverse sexual deviancy. As such, DSH created an entire course that effectively destroys all innocence and true love by brainwashing California mental health employees and the patients they see into perverting it all into some form of sexual deviancy and abuse.

The course features an additional layer of forced brainwashing in the form of quizzes that force employees to answer hypothetical questions and scenarios in the "correct" way as defined by the Cult of LGBTQ+ .

"The patient's legal name is Genisse Plant and records indicate that the patient was once in a sexual relationship with someone by the name of Patrick Gonzalez," one quiz question begins. "What do we truly know about this person?"

The "correct answer" according to the Cult of LGBTQ+ is as follows: "We do not have enough information about Genisse's gender identity or sexual orientation."

The rest of the course includes an array of additional brainwashing concepts such as "social and systemic oppression of the LGBTQ+ community" and the "unrelenting stress" that LGBTQ+ s feel whenever someone does not fully embrace and promote their mental illness.

In the comments, someone quoted the following from the great Russian writer and dissident Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who warned long in advance of all this that: "The greatest mistake that Western societies make is in thinking that communism will never come to their shores."

If We the People let them, far leftists will continue brainwashing the nation's children into LGBTQ+ perversion, destroying their innocence and creating a dysfunctional society full of broken people. Learn more at

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