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The Worsening Corruption and Deceit of “Justice” in the Eastern Bloc in USSA

11-7-2024 < Activist Post 29 1372 words

By Scott Lazarowitz

When I say “Eastern Bloc” I am referring mainly to the northeastern U.S. states of New York, New Jersey, and the New England states especially New Hampshire and Massachusetts, here in good ol’ USSA.

In the Eastern Bloc USSA the “justice” system is now filled with corrupt liars, who seem to enjoy falsely convicting and imprisoning totally innocent people.

As Jacob Hornberger of the Future of Freedom Foundation writes in this article, New Hampshire libertarian activist Ian Freeman has been sentenced to 8 years in federal prison for “conspiracy” to money laundering when there was no evidence of any conspiracy and in which the judge had already acquitted him of money laundering. And he was also convicted of tax evasion.

The prosecution was led by the New Hampshire U.S. attorney and an IRS “Special Agent” from the IRS’s Boston office. These bureaucrats fraudulently referred to Freeman in their press release as a “fraudster,” even though he was never convicted of or even charged with fraud!

As Hornberger explains in this previous article, the IRS “Special Agent” entrapped Freeman by way of purchasing bitcoins from one of Freeman’s bitcoin kiosks in Keene, for the stated purpose of engaging in drug dealing which the agent just made up in order to entrap Freeman. When the agent told Freeman the intention was for drug dealing, Freeman told the agent to get lost. But they charged him anyway. Freeman’s bitcoin business was also not registered with the government, another no-no.

I had previously wondered whether the feds were going after Freeman and several others on behalf of the wishes of Gov. Chris Sununu, such as because of their protests at the homes of Sununu and the New Hampshire attorney general.

Now, I was just speculating and I could be wrong. Sununu might very well have had nothing to do with these false prosecutions.

But I think that we have here a case of bureaucrats targeting an entrepreneur because, well, bureaucrats are a part of the unproductive, parasitic class and it is envy that motivates them to target entrepreneurs and business people. The entrepreneurs are inventive producers of society whose products and services actually meet the needs of others.

One example years ago was when then-New York U.S. attorney Rudy Giuliani went after Michael Milken with racketeering and fraud charges, even though Milken had not committed any fraud or racketeering.

In my view, Giuliani was motivated by contempt for entrepreneurs and capitalists, and envy. We saw Giuliani’s zeal in his going after Milken’s family members as well, which pressured Milken to plead guilty to securities and tax violations (but not racketeering or fraud). The real criminals and racketeers here were Giuliani and his fellow corrupt prosecutors.

And a few years ago Internet freedom activist Aaron Swartz was accused of illegally downloading academic articles from JSTOR and charged by the droolingly overzealous Boston U.S. attorney with “wire fraud” and violating the “Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.” Read Glenn Greenwald on that case.

But really, besides the State’s hatred and envy of entrepreneurs who make money the old-fashioned way (by earning it, as John Houseman would say), the criminal feds just don’t like an activist who believes in Internet freedom and free speech, and engages in civil disobedience. Swartz was not only a freedom activist but an entrepreneur as well.

The agents of the State do not like the First Amendment, especially when it protects those who criticize or act disobediently against the State itself. The State believes strongly in the suppression of information, especially when such information exposes the State’s own idiocy, corruption and criminality. e.g. the State vs. Julian Assange.

But there is more corruption in the Eastern Bloc of USSA besides that Ian Freeman case in New Hampshire.

You’ve probably heard of the Karen Read trial, or “mistrial” that wasn’t.

After a 9-week Norfolk County, Massachusetts trial of Karen Read, accused of murdering her Boston cop boyfriend John O’Keefe by hitting him with her car, the jury after 5 days of deliberations handed the judge a note supposedly saying they were deadlocked and therefore it was a hung jury. So, the judge declared a mistrial. The D.A. immediately stated they will retry Karen Read.

However, a few days later we are now hearing that 4 jurors have come forward and stated that they voted 12-0 Not Guilty of the main charge of murder, as well as not guilty on one of the two lesser charges. They were only deadlocked on one of the lesser charges.

But the jury instructions were confusing. The jury verdict forms were also confusing, with a “Guilty” checkbox but not a “Not Guilty” checkbox. That’s “exactly how it always is in Massachusetts,” said the judge, who finally changed the wording on the verdict forms after arguing with the defense attorney.

A “rigged trial”? Nah, that would never happen here in good ol’ USSA.

And the moment the hack “judge” read the note from the jury foreman and declared a mistrial, that was confusing as well according to the jurors who have now come forward stating that the foreman’s note contradicted what they believed their decisions were in deliberations.

It’s as though the judge and the prosecutors were deliberately making things confusing. The blogger Turtle Boy describes possible shenanigans in the court’s having dismissed three “obvious not guilty” jurors.

The actual evidence and witness testimony clearly showed that the alleged murder victim John O’Keefe’s body couldn’t have been hit by a car and had cuts and scratches consistent of a dog attack, and the family (on whose Canton property O’Keefe was found) “rehomed” their German shepherd after the incident. And I believe the body or his head also had injuries consistent of being beaten including a bruised hand or knuckle that could be a defensive wound. (The Turtle Boy blogger has a bunch of posts on the “Canton Cover-Up” with a lot of information.)

The then-owner of that Canton, Massachusetts home where O’Keefe’s dead body was found outside, is also a Boston cop, whose brother is a Canton cop and they’re all buddies with the state police trooper who led the “investigation,” and some of whom were present at the home that night in January 2022 supposedly along with Karen Read and O’Keefe and allegedly all of them roaring drunk that night. The judge allegedly has ties to the D.A. And Karen Read’s defense has been alleging that the aforementioned have been trying to frame her in the killing of John O’Keefe.

So all that is ongoing here in the Eastern Bloc of USSA, although corrupt hack judges, corrupt hack district attorneys, and corrupt cops are probably now rampant throughout all of USSA.

Well, the USSR collapsed, so we can only have hope for USSA, Eastern Bloc and all. And when that happens, finally we can have legitimate Law and Order with our restored freedom, by no longer having agencies of fascism and tyranny, including the IRS, FBI, CIA, NSA, and all the rest of them, with the de-monopolized judicial system and privatized community policing and security.

Scott Lazarowitz is a libertarian writer and commentator. Please visit his blog.

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