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5-7-2024 < SGT Report 38 269 words

from State Of The Nation:

When will the world community of nations outlaw weather weaponry? (Photos)

When will governments at every level ban the use of chemical geoengineering via poisonous chemtrails over the skies of their jurisdictions as the state of Tennessee just did?


Yes, hurricane season always brings its fair share of superstorms into existence, but what we have all witnessed over the past 30 years is NOT NORMAL.

In point of fact, with each passing year these patently fabricated frankestorms have not only been methodically intensified, but they have also been deliberately aimed at targeted coastlines and cities and states with highly purposeful design.

All any weather warfare investigator has to do is take a close look at the exact locations where these superstorms make landfall, especially over the past two decades, and they will quickly identify a highly disturbing pattern.  The mega-hurricanes in particular are being directed at dense population centers, and frequently in the most rebellious conservative states such as Florida and Texas.

In the deeper past, most of these storms, most of which were average strength hurricanes, would make landfall in sparsely populated rural coastal counties inflicting relatively less damage because of considerably less development.  Not so today.

The tracking of these superstorms always give away the hidden agenda behind this very stealthy NWO geoterrorism.  Just watch closely at how they suddenly shift course and radically intensify the hurricane-tornadoes just before they hit land.

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