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Nearly every FBI and CIA staged catastrophe has ONE THING in common – there’s never any recorded SECURITY FOOTAGE showing the murderer(s) preparing

21-7-2024 < Natural News 36 895 words

Nearly every FBI and CIA staged catastrophe has ONE THING in common – there’s never any recorded SECURITY FOOTAGE showing the murderer(s) preparing

Just like with 9/11, Sandy Hook, the Batman Theatre shooting, the Oklahoma City bombing, the Park School shooting and now the Trump assassination attempt, somehow the security footage, that should be available to the public and press for proof of what happened, is either “disabled” or destroyed by the insidious Deep State. Surprise, surprise. Ask yourself and everyone you know, why is there ZERO SECURITY FOOTAGE ANYWHERE that would have recorded this liberal stooge and patsy walking around with his 10-foot ladder and long gun bag? Just like every other planned and staged fed event, there is magically (convenient for the Deep State) no security footage that captured the murderer walking around the rally campus, at all. Nobody talks about it. Nobody brings up the subject. No one will ever see one single second of this guy prepping for murder. Why?

Then the excuses come for the mishap. The official story never adds up. Not even close. This aftermath cover-up of this assassination attempt of the real President was so poorly planned (must not have been planned at all), that even the Secret Service Director herself, Kimberly Cheatle, sounds like an invalid trying to explain away how she was paid off to look the other way.

According to SS Director Cheatle, there's a simple explanation for ALL OF THIS and the secret service director has been clear: these top-of-the-food-chain snipers have not had slanted roof training yet. They are very scared of slanted surfaces and have never shot off anything but flat ground. What lousy excuse is next? Has the secret service been asking roofers who have good aim to come train the FBI and SWAT teams?

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Maybe some skilled roofers can help train the Deep State’s secret service snipers and teach them the amazing skill of how to stand on something slanted at 10 degrees, or even at a highly dangerous 15 degrees, because, if they were to slip and fall, they could break an arm or even worse, a leg. Forget about protecting the only guy that can save the entire nation from communist takeover by the slugs in DC now, who are all sitting in private rooms wondering how the hell they screwed this whole thing up.

Trump is a billionaire, so why doesn’t he hire his own secret service protection from private, trustworthy contractors, instead of using deep state DEI-run sellouts?

First off, Trump should have seen this coming a mile away. The swamp monsters tried their best to destroy him from day one. They tried to impeach him twice. They’ve tried him for treason, fraud, tax evasion, harboring classified documents, bad book-keeping, and now they tried to shoot him in the head at a rally. Why does Trump continue to try to use Deep State swamp employees to do his bidding? Trump is a multi-billionaire, so you would think he would vet out his own secret service protection and just pay them himself, instead of whining that the communists in DC won’t fund his protection, as they send them all to protect Resident Biden’s main handler, his wife.

So again, even though the Pennsylvania Trump rally was at the Butler Farm Show grounds, any President or former President would have security camera set up and recording 24/7 before, during and after a major event. Simple common sense and protocol. So where is that footage? Why isn’t one single American patriot asking about it? Let’s see this patsy walking around with the ladder, and who talks to him, who helps him?

Top it all off with the Butler County Sheriffs' office now confirming that NOT EVEN ONE single officer that had duty at the rally was wearing a chest camera, and none of the officers who took pictures of the shooter shot a video, not before or during. How convenient.

Maybe the secret service inside the building that Crooks stood upon let him go up to the roof from inside the building, through some maintenance hatch or something. Maybe that’s WHY the FBI will not let anyone, including press, on those grounds now, and maybe that is why there is no security footage being released to the press. Think about that for a few minutes.

Of course, right after the shooting, the O'Biden Regime hopped on the press network to demand all Americans immediately turn in all their automatic weapons (assault rifles) so when/if the communists can steal the election in November again, they won't have to fight off so many patriots (that they are terrified of, and with merit).

Bookmark to your favorite websites for truth news about the Deep State planning to steal another election for the communists in DC.

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