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The Political Hijacking of Ancient Symbols – The Swastika (Nazism) and the Satkona (Zionism)

5-7-2024 < Global Research 40 2079 words

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In this article, I examine the historical origins of two well known political symbols: the symbol utilised on the flag of Israel; and the swastika symbol we usually associate with Nazism. 

The Ancient Swastika (Svasktika)

The swastika, usually associated Nazism, actually originates from the ancient auspicious Sanskrit symbol and word ‘svasktika’, which means “It is,” “Well Being,” “Good Existence” and “Good Luck.”

It is notable that the 6-Pointed Star of David (associated with Judaism and utilized by political Zionism in modern times) also originates from a very ancient Vedic symbol, the ‘satkona’.

Before these symbols were seemingly ‘hijacked’ by modern political forces, the symbols were commonly and widely used for thousands of years throughout human history. Ancient Vedic motifs, such as the swastika and the satkona, can be seen on ancient architecture on all continents worldwide, from ancient standing stones and tombs in Ireland, the Caucasian civilizations of ancient Europe, ancient temples in Iraq and India, and amongst native tribal communities in North America. The video below evidences the existence of the ancient swastika in numerous countries worldwide. 

Incredibly the picture of a swastika, and other Vedic motifs, shown below, is from an ancient temple in what is today Zionist Israel. The temple is called the Second Temple. The appearance of the swastika as an ancient symbol in cultures worldwide is an indication that ancient civilisations worldwide were all once part of a ‘connected’ ancient ‘worldwide’ civilisation. I examine this subject in the book Godless Fake Science.

The Ancient Satkona

The six-pointed star symbol with a hexgram within, often associated with Zionist Israel, is actually an ancient Vedic symbol known as ‘satkona’ in Sanskrit language.  The sat-kona is constructed by joining two perfect triangles. The symbol is found not only on ancient architecture in India, but on ancient architecture throughout the world, see Endnote . Below is picture of the satkona on an ancient Vedic temple pillar in Kerala; and in a Vedic temple in Katmandu.

Given that the ‘political tenets of Zionist Isreal’ and ‘the literatures of ancient Vedic Vaisnavism’ (which pre-dates Christianity) appear to be poles apart – one may validly ask whether the satkona symbol has , in essence, been ‘politically hijacked’?

The satkona is the oldest spiritual symbol known to the world. In the oldest known Vedic literature, Sri Brahma-samhita, the Sat-kona is mentioned in a description of the supreme abode of Goloka, the abode of Krsna, God personified in ancient Vedic literature[2].

The use of the satkona is evidenced in ancient Vedic cultures dating back over 5,000 years ago. The satkona has been used throughout the ages in India, Nepal, China, Tibet, Sri Lanka, and other countries in Asia by proponents of Vedic Vaisnavism, Jainism, and also in Buddhism. In the west and the middle-east the Carthaginians, the Greeks, Romans, Christians [Catholic, Orthodox and Coptic], Muslims and Medieval Alchemists also used the satkona. Below is an image of a satkona in an ancient temple in Iraq – an area that is in modern times pre-dominantly Muslim.

Ancient temple in Iraq

Phoenician coin (500 BC)

Nepalese coin

Anglo-saxon sword hilt (200 BC)

Ancient Arabian jar

Ancient Fatmid weight (Egypt)

Freemason lodge Edinburgh

The satkona is evidenced in many cultures dating back long before the appearance of Jesus Christ. This includes in Sumeria, Iraq,  Crete , Mongolia, Japan (in some of the oldest shrines of Shinto), Sri Lanka, Egypt, as well as in the lands currently known as Israel[1].

According to the referenced research of Bhakti Gaurava Narasingha, “for the Jews themselves the use of Satkona… the Star of David only takes shape for the first time between the 12th and 14th centuries… From ancient times to the Middle Ages, the Jews possessed no particular national or religious symbol… It was only later that the term Star of David gradually became dominant in ‘Ashkenazi’ Jewish communities… as a popular Jewish symbol, sat-kona did not find its place permanently in Judaism until European Jews adopted it in 1648 CE.” 

World War 2

We have been led to believe by mainstream history that Nazism and Zionism were opposing forces, however, in my book Censored History of WW2 and Communism I also examine interesting connections and involving the Balfour Declaration, the creation of Nazism in Germany, the Zionist movement that established the state of Israel, and the transfer of Jews from Germany to Israel. 

Furthermore, it may be controversial to say, yet in defense of the people of Germany during WW2, it appears to me that there are many censored historical books and testimonies that provide a history of WW2 very different from that which we were all taught in school. These censored histories indicate that:

  • the German people, and the European people that did so, were absolutely correct in defending themselves from the expansion of genocidal communism – it is evident that communism resulted in the deaths of tens of millions of people; 

  • and that there is a deeper story involving the creation of Nazism, and the planned orchestration of WW2 by ‘behind the scenes’ financial and political ‘ulteriors’. A war that created mass death and destruction on both ‘sides’ whilst benefitting those financial and political ‘ulteriors’.  

The symbol of freemasonry also appears to be a hijacking of the Vedic shatkona. The intersecting lines of the two triangles are simply removed. The fact that non-Vedic sources have hijacked ancient Vedic symbols, should not be a reason for rejecting the satkona, or the swastika. The demonic forces hijacking these symbols invert the energy. However, when used consciously by God-conscious people they emanate their original auspicious energy as they have done for thousands of years.

The Very Ancient Vedic World

One wonders how could the ancient ‘svasktika’ and ‘satkona’ exist in cultures worldwide (in locations far apart) thousands of years ago? Does mainstream history not tell us that mankind only became capable of worldwide travel in relatively recent times? Based on my research it is clear to me that the mainstream historical timeline of human history is incorrect.

Furthermore, I note that many languages throughout the world, for example, the ancient Irish ‘Gaelic’ language, contain words that are clearly derived from ancient Sanskrit (the language the Vedas were written in). Sanskrit is purported by various Vedic scholars to be the world’s oldest language.

“Thus in any part of the world we, mortals, can trace our origin and genealogical table or tree…. The word Norway is derived from the Sanskrit narak, or hell. Soviet comes from sveta (white). Russia from rushis or rsis (sages), who meditated there. Siberia from the Sanskrit word for inhospitable camping. Scandinavia from Skanda, the commander of the denizens of heaven…. The word Viking and the English “king” is derived from the Sanskrit singh (lion)… In many places in Europe murti’s (images) of Krishna, Shiva and other divine manifestations were found.” – Authors, Gauranga Premananda dasa and Avadhuta Raya

In addition, my research indicates that the pyramids in Egypt are much older than mainstream history tells us. The pyramids were built on the model of the smasana-cit altars for the Vedic cremation rituals.

It also appears that ancient pyramids that similar in design can be found worldwide, including in China, Australia, Mexico, and the USA (in Illnois). Below is a fascinating picture of mountains in Russia and Bosnia. Some people assert that these are actually ‘very’ ancient pyramids, that have been subject to erosion and vegetation growth, and therefore now look like mountains.

Pyramid-like mountain in Russia

Pyramid of the sun in Bosnia

Could these structures of advanced engineering worldwide be proof standing that ancient mankind was not primitive, but highly advanced? and that civilisations capable of world-wide communication and travel existed in the very ancient past? This narrative is in contrast to the history we have been taught in school.

Could it be that the flood, as described in the Bible, was an event that caused such destruction it disconnected us from our very ancient past? Some Vedic scholars assert that a great flood occurred around 11,000 BC to the end of the Ice Age. I note that the flood story, and that of Noah, which, in the western world, we usually associate with the Judeo-Christian bible, is here referred as being in the ancient Vedic histories. 

“According to the puranas, the history books of the Vedas, and the smaller puranas, the Upa puranas, there were floods around 11,000 BC to the end of the Ice Age. Vaisvata Manu (Noah) and his family were, thanks to their boat, practically the only survivors.” – Authors, Gauranga Premananda dasa and Avadhuta Raya

Was Darwin correct? Is the theory of Darwinian evolution correct?

Incredibly, the Vedic histories, written in ancient Sanskrit, indicate that the modern-day theory of evolution is incorrect; and that human civilisations have existed not just for thousands of years, but for –  wait for it – ‘millions of years’. I refer to evidence supporting this assertion in the book Godless Fake Science. This includes reference to much archaeological evidence documented by Micheal Cremo that appears to have been ignored by the institutional orthodoxy of archaeology. It appears these evidences simply did not fit the ‘approved’ evolutionary narrative/timeline. 

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Mark Keenan, is a former scientist at the UK Government Dept. of Energy and Climate Change, and at the United Nations Environment Division. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is author of the following books available on

Website: Reality Distinguished From Illusion

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[1] Source:

[2] Source:

All images in this article are from the author unless otherwise stated
