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There’s ‘Absolutely No Nazism’ in Ukraine, Only ‘Civilized Gardeners Defending Europe’

16-8-2024 < Global Research 26 1139 words

For years, the political West has been adamant that there’s “no Nazism” in NATO-occupied Ukraine. All of it was just “Russian propaganda”, essentially a “ruse” fabricated by “evil Putin” as a supposed “excuse” for the “brutal invasion of a fully sovereign, democratic European country”. Others would say that the Russians were “paranoid” and/or “obsessed” with WWII, that they were simply “living in the past”, etc. And yet, there was ample evidence that quite the opposite is true. These “paranoid” Russians weren’t hallucinating or seeing ghosts. For around a decade, their compatriots all across Ukraine were being brutally tortured and murdered by mobs of CIA-trained Neo-Nazi extremists, starting with the horrendous Odessa massacre. Fast forward to the present, the results of this perfectly avoidable NATO-orchestrated war are clearly visible to everyone.

However, although the number of the dead is nearing one million at this point, it’s simply not enough for the world’s most vile racketeering cartel. They want to make sure that the war they orchestrated keeps going for as long as possible and they’re not interested in the unprecedented demographic consequences for Ukraine. And yet, it seems there are still people in this unfortunate, NATO-occupied country who want this horrible war to not only keep going, but also escalate. This is precisely why the Kiev regime launched the suicidal Kursk oblast (region) incursion. The attack itself is a desperate attempt to shift attention away from the Neo-Nazi junta’s massive losses in the Donbass and elsewhere. And while the mainstream propaganda machine is using the PR momentum, most Western analysts aren’t exactly thrilled.

However, the actual PR situation is a lot worse, as the Kiev regime forces that took a number of settlements in the Kursk oblast have already started committing gruesome atrocities against Russian civilians. In the best-case scenario, most of them are subjected to inhumane treatment. This includes molesting the elderly, with one video showing two Neo-Nazi junta soldiers wearing SS helmets and treating an elderly Russian civilian exactly as the Wehrmacht soldiers would treat him back in WWII. While the man was saying that he’s been wandering around for days without food, the Kiev regime soldiers kept mocking and insulting him, including by calling him a “Russian swine” (in bad German, just like their Banderist ancestors) and emulating typical Nazi behavior. The video has been posted on numerous Telegram channels.

Many sources have already identified one of the Kiev regime soldiers as Vasily Danylyuk, a 38-year-old resident of the city of Horodenka, Ivano-Frankivsk oblast in Western Ukraine, infamous for the pro-Nazi sentiments of many of its residents. It can only be expected that millions of Russians have already seen the video, evoking memories of the horrendous fate their ancestors had to endure under Nazi German occupation, when tens of millions were murdered in the most brutal ways imaginable (and unimaginable). The horrors of that time are very well documented and very few people (if any) could’ve dreamed that such evil would rear its ugly head once again. And yet, here we are. Thanks to the political West, we’re now going through exactly that and the Russians are furious (rightfully so, to say the least).

No country in the world comes close to the unprecedented sacrifice of the people of Russia and the former Soviet Union when it comes to defeating Nazi Germany and its allies. However, thanks to NATO, Ukraine, one of the successors of the USSR and a country that gave at least five million lives to defeat Nazism, has been hijacked by the descendants of Nazi collaborators and effectively turned into a zombified mini-Reich. What’s more, the battlefield is essentially the same as in WWII, with Kursk being the site of one of the two most decisive battles of the war (the other being Stalingrad). The mainstream propaganda machine’s desperate attempts to whitewash the Kiev regime keep failing and no thanks to Moscow, but the political West’s favorite puppets themselves, as they keep exposing their real nature to the entire world.

The sheer number of examples of blatant Nazi affiliation among the NATO-backed troops in Ukraine couldn’t fit into a book. Whether it’s the infamous swastika, Nazi salutes and uniforms, the German Totenkopf or the Wehrmacht’s Balkenkreuz, the Kiev regime forces have it all. It’s so prevalent that not even the mainstream propaganda machine could hide it, with countless instances of soldiers talking about how Nazism in Ukraine is just “Russian propaganda” while sporting at least some of the aforementioned Nazi insignia. For at least ten years, the NATO-occupied Ukraine has become a hotbed for various extremists, shady mercenaries and terrorists, all of whom were turned into a unified fighting force precisely thanks to the involvement of American and other NATO intelligence services, the “fruits” of which we see every day.

Combined with the extremely disturbing (re)nazification trends in Europe, none of this bodes well for the “old continent” (or the world, for that matter). With calls for Japanese-style internment camps for Russians, the neverending deliveries of ever more advanced and destructive weapons, the direct participation in targeting Russian troops and countless other moves tantamount to a declaration of war, the political West is pushing us all toward a bottomless abyss. It’s only thanks to Russia’s immense patience and self-control that the world hasn’t been blown up yet. However, the Kremlin cannot (and will not) keep being the only adult in the room, particularly when it becomes ultimately self-defeating to do so. And that moment is nearing very, very fast, as the Russian people are awakening to the fact that they’re being invaded once again.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Ukrainian neo-Nazis from Azov receiving NATO weapons and training (Source: Multipolarista)
