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Experts Agree: RFK Jr. Won the CNN Presidential Debate

29-6-2024 < Activist Post 35 1084 words

By CJ Byner

America’s two biggest losers shut Kennedy out of debate about golf handicaps and early bird specials!!!

With all the mis and dis information online it can be hard to distinguish the truth between fact and fiction. That’s where CJ Byner comes in to Check da Facts

Even a super dose of illegal Chinese viagra couldn’t keep “Sleepy” Joe Biden from going limp during the first 2024 election debate against the former President and wrongly convicted Donald J. Trump.

My TV insider who bore witness to the debacle debate was Checking da Facts live in the secret CNN filming location. He claims even tyrant Trump asked old man Biden if he was feeling okay during the first commercial break.

“Everybody on set was worried,” hushes my spy. “They thought that Biden was going to drop dead and they’d have to stop the movie …. er …. debate mid-scene. In fact, the onsite doctor, who was brought in specifically to monitor Biden’s health, believed the President may have been having a series of strokes or was “slidin’ a biden” in his Jockeys.”

My television tattler continues that despite the doc’s plea to end the entire fiasco, Dem party brass and CNN producers refused, leading him to believe showing 81-year-old Biden as a frail, confused old man was scripted from the get go.

Our insider spouts that Trump, who won the debate in the first five minutes, magnanimously offered to postpone the entire thing at the first commercial break (brought to you by Pfizer—ed).

“I wasn’t planning to vote for Trump, but after witnessing his compassion for the elderly, I’m swayed,” declared the registered Democrat.

Tears of a Clown

It didn’t take long for the Democratic party faithful to throw old Joe under the bus either. Somehow the entire media gang discovered something they had no idea of over the past 4 years, that Biden was old (and it only took an hour—ed). A tearful Van Jones, John King, and even Joe Scarborough professed their undying love for Biden, thanked him for his service, and then shanked him on live TV.

And it’s not just the media that are disposing of Biden quicker than an illegal migrant casually jogging through the open border. “Anyone who follows the White House should not be surprised at Biden’s performance or lack of,” an anonymous political science prof from a D.C. area university tells GWU! “Biden has dementia. The fact that all the liberal commentators were shocked just shows you how rigged the system is.”

There’s a Newsom in Town

Dr. Jill Biden had barely finished dragging old Joe off stage for a debrief and diaper change at the Waffle House, when Gavin Newsom appeared in CNN’s “Spin Room.” Of course, no so-called journalist dared ask the LaLa Land Pretty Boy what prompted his visit to Atlanta, claiming he was only there to support aka steal Biden’s role as the lead in the reboot of the New World Order.

GWU! has been speculating for months that Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer or even Michelle “Big Mike” Obama will steal the spot on the ticket in November, despite Biden’s campaign team saying today that Joe will not drop out. Cruel campaign handlers even went so far as to drag Biden’s bones out to North Carolina for a rally.

There’s Only One Clear Choice

Meanwhile, independent candidate RFK Jr. (the only sane person running for president—ed) held his own televised debate where he challenged Biden and Trump in real time and won. With over 6 million watching over X and more on his election website, RFK Jr. criticized the childish bickering over ‘who was the worst president’ and who had the ‘better golf handicap’ by two out-of-touch elites propped up by the corrupt media.

The broadcast was hosted by no nonsense ‘Gimme a break’ reporter John Stossel from Los Angeles after Kennedy was shut out of the main debate due to the Republican and Democrats colluding with the crooked media.

“It’s a sad story for democracy,” he said, accusing the two major political parties of failing to meet voters’ needs.

“I don’t think that President Biden — he does not seem to be the person who’s making decisions in the White House,” Kennedy said to the delight of his like-minded audience. “I think our government is being run by anonymous men in lanyards and it’s scary.”

Looks like RFK Jr. is our man to Check da Facts!

Source: GetWokeUp!

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