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CDC releases report claiming vaccines have saved 1.1 million lives; experts call it “laughable”

20-8-2024 < Natural News 36 686 words

CDC releases report claiming vaccines have saved 1.1 million lives; experts call it “laughable”

The many dozens of "safe and effective" vaccines that children in the United States typically receive after birth have saved hundreds of millions of them from illness and death, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in a new report that experts are calling "laughable."

The CDC's latest Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) claims that routine childhood vaccinations for things like measles, diphtheria, tetanus, and hepatitis B have prevented more than half a billion cases of illness, 32 million hospitalizations, and precisely 1,129,000 deaths over the past roughly 30 years.

The federal public health agency is also claiming responsibility for allegedly saving U.S. taxpayers $540 billion in direct costs, as well as $2.7 trillion in indirect social costs, with its longtime childhood vaccination program.

The corporate media is parroting the CDC's claims as a "testament to the success" of childhood vaccination in America. Experts like Toby Rogers, PhD, a fellow at the Brownstone Institute for Social and Economic Research, however, say otherwise.

"The methods are shoddy, the data are untethered from reality and the conclusions are a preposterous fiction," Roberts told The Defender, a project of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Children's Health Defense (CHD). "This study is an advertisement on behalf of the pharmaceutical industry and it should be treated as such."

(Related: Remember when the CDC admitted that COVID injections maybe only help prevent one death for every one million people who get jabbed?)

CDC paper is bogus propaganda

The paper was constructed by Fangjun Zhou, PhD, and other researchers from the CDC's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Disease. They looked at data on approximately 117 million children born between 1994 and 2023, reproducing the methodology from a 2014 paper that Zhou and colleagues published on estimated health and economic benefits of vaccination for a single year, 2009.

One of the new study's major problems is the fact that it included data for all vaccinated children rather than just participants in the CDC's Vaccines for Children Program, which provides "free" vaccines to about half of all American children.

They conducted a very simplistic and scientifically shoddy series of calculations that intended to show that getting jabbed is much better for children and society than not getting jabbed.

"If there are two more conflicted journals to represent the benefits of the childhood vaccination program, you could not find them," commented Mark Blaxill, co-author of "The Age of Autism: Mercury, Medicine, and a Man-Made Epidemic," about the bogus nature of the paper.

"The profession of pediatrics is the delivery channel for the childhood immunization program, that's why it exists. And the MMWR is put out by the CDC, which is recommending the program. So this is propaganda, and it is put out by those parties most interested in defending the outcome."

Interestingly, the CDC analysis did not include flu shots, Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) injections, human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines, and RSV monoclonal antibodies, all of which were more recently added to the CDC's childhood injection schedule.

"The mortality rates they used of 15-20% were reported prior to the development of the vaccine in the 1920s," said Brian Hooker, PhD, chief scientific officer at CHD, about how the CDC study skewed the mortality rates for diphtheria.

"However, this was prior to the development of antibiotics. Corynebacterium diphtheriae (the bacteria that causes diphtheria) is treatable with penicillin or erythromycin."

Rogers added that none of the vaccines available through the CDC's Vaccines for Children Program are as effective as the CDC claims, which means the data is even more skewed.

"We know that the mumps portion of MMR does not work," Rogers said. "The pertussis portion of DTaP does not stop infection nor transmission of pertussis. That's true for lots of vaccines on the schedule."

The CDC cannot be trusted to ever tell the truth. Learn more at

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