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Alex Jones Could Beat Justin Trudeau in Next Election: Poll

11-5-2024 < Activist Post 69 844 words

By Eliza Fisher

According to a new poll Alex Jones is now more popular in Canada than Justin Trudeau and could rule the great white north if an election were held today!

The poll puts the noted American ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ and Infowars host 33 points ahead of the despised Liberal Prime Minister who has been in power for 9 years.

Christos Oopsos, head of Oopsos-Reid Polling in Montreal says that the results of the poll are curious. “Alex Jones is not running for any Canadian political office nor could he as an American citizen.”

Alex Jones Do Something

“We did the poll on a bit of a lark,” admits Oopsos. “Recent federal election polling consistently shows that Trudeau is well behind front runner Pierre Polievere.”

The information should come as no surprise to GWU! readers. Trudeau has steadily been moving Canada into a decline since taking office in November 2015. From the tanking economy while amassing a massive debt to out of control immigration, lack of affordable housing, spouting the BLT+ agenda, and, of course, his dictatorial Covid pandemic mandates, which included the Emergencies Act Trudeau has proven again and again to be a wacko.

Liberal View of the Facts

Oopsos says the idea came up among his staff late one evening before they bunked down for a good night’s sleep at the office. “I can’t afford to pay my staff a living wage with the economy the way it is. I mean forget about them covering their rent or even (he laughs) a house! So I let them sleep in the office. We call it corporate welfare in the era of Justinflation.”

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Oopsos continues that one of his junior researchers who had just come back from his second part-time job as an Uber driver and said he was done with, “this communist shit hole.”

The employee then showed Oopsos some of the insane social media posts coming out of the Liberal camp linking Alex Jones with Conservative opposition leader Pierre Poilievre.

“It was crazy because Alex Jones has only ever mentioned Pierre a handful of times and actually pronounced ‘Poilievre’ differently on numerous broadcasts.”

Keeping Up with the Joneses

The Liberals have publicly called on populist Poilievre, who is poised to win the election in 2025 to publicly denounce Jones and other so called alt-right groups such as the joke meme group Diagalon.

Poilievre has declined to play the denouncing game, saying in a statement that he doesn’t follow Jones or listen to what he has to say. Many of the Conservative leaders policies generally align with Jones views, such as an opposition to socialism, digital ID, CBDCs, and the WEF.

Oopsos says that the Liberals choice to highlight the talk show host, who has been right about so many things that there is a cottage industry around T-shirts that simply state: Alex Jones Was Right is ‘bananas’.

The poll also found that given a choice between who they would save from a burning building, Trudeau or Jones, 9 out of 10 responded Jones. Several respondents added that after pulling Jones out they would not go back in for Trudeau, rather, throw gasoline, tampons and valueless Canadian currency on the fire.

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Oopsos says that the Streisand Effect of the Liberals using Alex Jones in an attempt to play politics could actually backfire if the Conservatives did the same.

“It would be interesting to see Pierre make a similar campaign around Klaus Schwab. The WEF side of a mountain dwelling supervillain has publicly bragged about ‘infiltrating’ the cabinet of Trudeau.

Eliza Fisher – view all posts

JJ McRoberts is the president and publisher of getwokeup,com. Get Woke Up! is an independent newstainment source with reporters embedded around the globe in the war on woke. From the current thing to clown world, Get Woke Up! serves up all the real news you need to know with a dash of that special GWU! sauce.


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