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I Don’t Have an Analysis Regarding the Most Likely Outcome of the 2024 Election, by Andrew Anglin

19-8-2024 < UNZ 16 2202 words
Choose your fighter.

Choose your fighter.

Earlier today, I was bragging about how good I am at political and geopolitical analysis, and no one has ever even tried to name someone who is better than me at this. Literally: no one has even tried.

I wasn’t really bragging, exactly. Well, maybe a little bit. But I’m not really particularly ego-driven. I was making the point that people should understand: this is the single best place to get good analysis on world events. (Note: It’s also the best place for distasteful vulgarity, including nigger jokes.) It is useful to know that you can trust this analysis.

Part of why I’m so good is that I’m one of the very few people who talks about the Jews. If you don’t talk about the Jews, and don’t look at America as a Jewish-occupied country, you can’t really do analysis. This is why the Chinese have university courses studying America as a nation controlled by Jews. They want to understand what is actually going on in the world. Most of the other people who talk about Jews are not great. Frankly, you have to be a little bit insane to decide to take on the most powerful people in the world based sheerly on moral principle and commitment to truth. Unless you’re a paid shill inserting nonsense into your narrative on purpose, it completely destroys your life.

Maybe the commentator with the second best analysis is Glenn Greenwald. I don’t think his is as good as mine, but he comes closer than most. Of course, he’s allowed to talk about Jews, because he is Jewish (and also a completely flaming homo, which gives him a boost to his shield stats).

Because I’m so good at analysis, I can tell when there isn’t a clear analysis to be made. I’m going to tell you when I don’t have an analysis, and that is currently the case regarding what the most probable outcome of the 2024 election is at this current juncture.

The analysis obviously changes when new information is added. Before October 7th, I had just taken it for granted that Biden was going to “win” another fake election. That’s what everything pointed to. After October 7th, that became much less likely, as it seemed clear that Israel would prefer Trump for their war against Iran. I then declared that Biden could not win, after he failed to shut down the campus protests and was constantly whining about Israel and faking a ceasefire, while Trump was out there calling for infinity dead babies and war with Iran. However, I noted that if they replaced him, it could be a different story. Now they’ve replaced him with a candidate who is getting ultra aggressive about the Iran thing. Yesterday, Kamala people were calling Trump a cuck, saying he’s not hard enough on Iran.

It hopefully goes without saying that in a real election, Trump would win regardless. Kamala is a horrible candidate and the country went way down south under Biden. People hated pretty much everything he did. Some people were into the coronavirus tyranny, then the Ukraine war was popular for a while, but I can’t think of anything else people did not hate. Trump’s ear scratch played really well, everyone was excited about including gays and face-tattoo abortion hookers at the convention. Trump has sort of gone off the rails now, but in a real election, Trump could be a Nazi extremist or a full-Jew gay-lover abortionist hellbent on putting Israel above all else. It wouldn’t matter; in a real election, he would win no matter what.

But this is not a real election, so the analysis is much different, and I don’t currently have a good insight into which way this is going to go. It might become clearer later, but I think we’re going to be on the edge of our seats until 3 days after the election when they finally announce the results.

I Can Tell You What the Campaign is Going to Look Like

I have a script for the 2024 campaign: Kamala is going to adopt a bunch of Trump’s positions. She’s already doing border security. Trump is going to flail around with no clear message. He’s brought Lewandowski back from Tel Aviv to try and refocus the campaign, and that basically means increasing the name-calling because the moderate tone only worked against Biden and isn’t working against Harris.

Largely, it’s going to be both of them talking about how hard they are going to do Iran. Trump making a sarcastic joke about how he’s going to be “friendly” with Iran, after basically promising war a with them with all of this “they will be stopped” talk, is pretty surreal, but Gaza is the weak point for the Democrats. Iran is not necessarily a weak point (it’s neutral at worst), but Gaza definitely is. At least, it’s the weak point that Kamala can’t just totally disavow like she is in the process of doing with all of Biden’s other agendas. She’s already starting with throwing the open borders thing under the bus, she’s going to talk about fighting crime, cleaning up the homeless camps, fighting the drug epidemic. She might even say something about the country getting too “woke” (that might not happen, but it also might – regardless, she is definitely not going to be campaigning on Biden’s child tranny agenda or saying stuff like “pregnant fathers-to-be”). She’s just going to take Trump’s whole thing. But she has to keep it up with the Israel thing, which means saying “what about Hamas?” over and over, whenever she is asked. She’s now saying anyone who asks about Gaza wants Trump to win. She’ll call them Russians or whatever.

The vote count will not affect the election outcome; if you believe that it will, you are basically a drooling retard. However, it’s possible that public opinion might play a narrow role in the outcome of the election, because the Jews want someone who is going to be able to keep the people on track for a war that will likely be much bigger than the Ukraine war.

Kamala is going to try to separate Iran from Gaza and frame Iran like they framed the Ukraine: it’s about gay sex and women’s rights, it’s a liberal cause that the US is fighting for in Iran. The army of Ukraine war bots on Twitter are promoting war in South America to stop communism, so they can presumably spin some kind of Ukraine-type narrative for Iran about evil patriarchy and so on.

Trump is going to keep pushing that the war with Iran will be a war with Christian values, and doing patriotism rah-rah. He seems to be stumbling on how to formulate a patriotic narrative about why he wants all these wars for Israel, and has become a sort of cartoonish Jew shill, just up there literally saying “we exist to serve the Jews.”

Probably, even some of the hardcore MAGA cultists are starting to think this is a bit strange. He has to say this stuff, but he could surely figure out a better spin.

Lewandowski (again, a man who worked on Bibi Netanyahu’s last election) is a shrewd man. If he is able to formulate a really good narrative about how it is patriotic to fight a war with Iran, something beyond “they say death to America,” then that could be seen as very powerful. He needs a post-9/11 type of jingoism. Unless some large terrorist attack to blame on Iran conveniently happens, that’s going to be hard to swing, but he is going to fire his current team and try to put together people who can figure this out.

Last week, Trump forwarded a goofy hoax about Iran hacking his emails. Some of the media was claiming that Iran “appeared to take credit,” which was a total lie. This is him trying to say “Iran is attacking me, your leader! How dare they!” This was possibly Lewandowski’s idea.

Regardless of what narrative he works out, Trump would be better at getting fit, young, conservative white men to fight the war, if it comes to needing a big army. It’s not clear that it will need a big army. I think it will, but a lot of think tank people are claiming it won’t. Regardless, that’s a big plus for him, because when the Ukraine supporters tried to get redditors to go fight in the Ukraine, very few went and those that did either fled or died very quickly.

That said, even though Trump is doing gays and abortion and whatever other sickening things, he is also still despised by many of the domestic Jews, who appear to actually believe he is literally Hitler. That’s a big handicap.

One other thing to consider is how the timeline will factor into this. We are 47 days from the election, so I really doubt the Iran war will kick off before then. Probably, Israel will have escalated with Hezbollah, and there will be Iranian involvement, and then they will start saying they are going to bomb Iran “with or without the United States.” But if Iran retaliates for the Hamas leader’s assassination in Tehran, it’s possible Israel could just put Lebanon on hold, attack Iran, then demand the US come in to save them. I don’t really know how this will affect things, but it would pressure the candidates into becoming more aggressive.

The bottom line is that I don’t think the Jews have decided yet. I’m sure they have all the fake ballots for Kamala ready to go, but if Israel picks Trump and decides to go all-in on that, they almost certainly have enough influence over the US media to force the Democrats to back down with threats of independent audits of the votes. The media is also claiming that Iran is hacking against Trump, because they prefer Kamala.

It’s Just a Race to be the Most Jewish

The Israel Jews don’t care if the war on Iran is a Ukraine style thing, where leftists support it for gay rights and feminism, or a post-9/11 Afghanistan-Iraq style thing, where jingoism drives people to believe that they are defending America by fighting wars for Israel. But those are the two basic possibilities, and the Jews are going to be doing heavy analysis of which way the winds are blowing.

I think it’s a lot of fun to analyze anything, but I should remind everyone: it doesn’t really matter that much who wins. I think Trump would be less anti-white, he might do a little bit (probably not very much) to clean up the border. Though he’s also saying he wants to increase “legal” immigration, which is mostly worse than illegal immigration. Maybe he’d clean up some stuff. Maybe he could even cool off some of this economic disaster.

So, while these are both horrible and really anti-American candidates, I don’t have a problem going along with the idea that Trump would be slightly less bad. Things could start to really go sideways in America if the war in the Middle East goes sideways, but again, both candidates are devoted to that, so that isn’t a factor when considering which is the better overlord.

I will note that Trump is just as extreme on censorship as the Democrats, actually calling for people who don’t support Israel to be physically removed from the country.
